All Topics / General Property / Expensive Property Managment fees??

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  • Profile photo of Phorsha

    Hi All, this is in Perth, I won't name them but they seem expensive to me or is this the 'norm'??

    Advertising Fee  
    Internet: $55.00
    Newspaper: At cost
    Letting Fee 
    Six months: Two weeks rent + GST
    Twelve months: Three weeks rent + GST
    Management Fee 
    Unfurnished:   9.35 %
    Furnished: 11.00 %
    Property Condition Report  
    Unfurnished: $150.00 – $200.00 (Depending on property size)
    Furnished: $160.00 – $250.00 (Depending on property size)
    Inventory Report: $150.00 – $180.00 (Depending on property size)
    Routine Inspection Fee 
    Unfurnished: $55.00
    Furnished: $77.00
    Including photographs plus: $22.00
    Lease Renewal Fee 
    Furnished & Unfurnished: $44.00
    Final Bond Inspection Fee 
    Unfurnished: $88.00
    Furnished: $99.00
    Title Search 
    If owner unable to provide copy: At cost
    Tenant Check  
    National Tenancy Database: $4.00 per tenant
    Postage & Petties Fee 
    Per month WA: $5.50   (No charge for additional properties managed)
    Per month Interstate: $7.70   (No charge for additional properties managed)
    Per month Overseas: $11.00 (No charge for additional properties managed)
    Insurance Management $55.00
    Court/Meeting Attendance $71.50 – $143.00

    Profile photo of Property TraderProperty Trader
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 111

    Hi there,

    That seems extremely expensive … I would look elsewhere.

    Property Trader | Boston West Pty Ltd
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Private money lending opportunities available paying upto 12%, secured by bricks and mortar!

    Profile photo of Phorsha

    Turns out this is the cheapest fee schedule i can find….anyone got any recommendations for a Perth NOR property manager that charges more like what people get over east in melb etc? I am starting to think i should do this myself but have no idea where to start, seems a lot of paper work (initially anyways)…

    Profile photo of sonyasalsonyasal
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 421

    Hi i do not pay any extra for property inspections or reports, fees of between 6% and 8% for property management, one week letting fee and no fee for lease renewals. No additional costs for advertising the properties for lease.

    All properties are in nsw regional towns



    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    OMG LOOK SOME WHERE ELSE, nego with your Property Manager, ours is 8.5% 1 week letting fee and 1/2 that when renewing $5 p/p for , do your research, ask question lots of them, do they do their paper work on adl forms or on a hand held scanner adl system ????? is it made of GOLD lol.  $55 per hour if we go to court for you though the RTA, ring the RTA ask question, educated yourself re Property Management, they should have given you a Package with all the information when you signed up OH AND THAT IS FREE, THE RTA SEND THEM OUT TO THE REAL ESTATE.


    Profile photo of ClaireeClairee
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 38

    Hey Phorsha
    If it’s any comfort, i am aware that property managers in Perth/bunbury area are a lot more expensive than what we were used to paying here (in and around Brisbane). We were surprised too, and tried to find a better deal, but didn’t really get anywhere with it. It was a family member’s property, I did the bookkeeping for the property.

    Profile photo of KateMelbKateMelb
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 71
    Phorsha wrote:

    Turns out this is the cheapest fee schedule i can find….anyone got any recommendations for a Perth NOR property manager that charges more like what people get over east in melb etc? I am starting to think i should do this myself but have no idea where to start, seems a lot of paper work (initially anyways)…

    Phorsha, we were in your boat – just couldn't afford expensive PM fees anymore. So we started self-managing and created Rentwise to make it easy. As we're still in development stage, we're looking for self-managers to try Rentwise out for free, for as long as they like. If you (or anyone else reading this) is interested, please jump online and sign up. No payment or contracts involved. We're just after your comments and suggestions for how to make self-management as easy and cheap as possible.

    As for PMs, we only use them now to find tenants because of their access to the default databases. I guess if we ever needed to evict someone or go to the Tribunal, we could use a PM just for that but we're not prepared to pay expensive ongoing management fees in the meantime.

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