All Topics / Help Needed! / Realestate agent question

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  • Profile photo of keiko

    Hi does anyone know if I use a mates RP Data will he see from his computer what properties I have been looking up or will he not have a clue?

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Depends if he has an allocated number of searches he can do each month before he reaches his maximim allowance and has to pay extra for them.

    If not why not come clean and ask him.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of keiko
    Qlds007 wrote:
    Depends if he has an allocated number of searches he can do each month before he reaches his maximim allowance and has to pay extra for them.

    If not why not come clean and ask him.

    Not quite the question I was aking, I would think he will have unlimited but I am wondering if he can see the esact properties I have looked at, so No 1 surfers road surfers paradise No 10 summer street Broadbeach etc, If I look at a property for sale normaly its a good buy so I wouldn't wan't him to start sniffing my deals.
    But if he can not see what I am looking at then I will pay him so that I can get access to his account when ever I need it.

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Why not get your own RP Data account?

    Profile photo of god_of_moneygod_of_money
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 970

    $$$$$ … free to become a parasite

    Profile photo of keiko

    Why pay over $4000 per year when I can pay less than $2000 per year, more money for investing in the next property

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Are you paying your friend to have access to their account? This was certainly not clear from your original post.

    Profile photo of keiko
    sonyasal wrote:
    Are you paying your friend to have access to their account? This was certainly not clear from your original post.

    Read my post again,

    IF I was using my mates RP Data.

    I am not paying him as of yet and I also do not have access to his account if this is what you are thinking but what I am trying to work out is if he gives me access to his account then will he see what properties I am searching on the site?
    because if he can see what properties I have searched then I do not want to offer him money for access to his account
    but if he can not see what properties I have been looking at then yes I will offer him money so that I can have access to his account.
    basicly Its easier for me to ask on this forum than for me to ask him the question.

    Profile photo of secureserver1secureserver1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 13

    Hi Keiko, if you are using your friends log-in details and they have a one user license then they will not be able to tell what properties you've been looking up.  If you use the market appraisal tool then there are only so many per month that they will have included in their package.  I'm not sure if any that go over the limited are itemised on their bill by property address or not.  If you're just doing general searching you will be fine.  Of course delete any reports you have saved before logging off.   

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