All Topics / Creative Investing / Carly Crutchfield (Developing)dvd’s notes & workbook

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  • Profile photo of chasechase
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    hi guys,

    Me and my partner did the course but we didn't end up reading and using the bootcamp materials much so instead of laying dust, I'd rather these taken to another owner..If you would like them, please contact me.. at



    Profile photo of BenjBenj
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Hi, does anyone have a the original pack they want to sell?
    Please PM me.

    Profile photo of realdreamrealdream
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    I'm going to Carly Crutchfield tomorrow here in Perth WA.  Its a one day Seminar for free.  I hope to do some networking.

    Profile photo of startatrix


    I'm interested to buy ProDevelop course including DVDs, manual, contracts ect.

    Please contact me if you have one and you want to sell it. If you have any other Bootcamp material that would be a plus.

    Profile photo of startatrix
    zaki wrote:
    Hi There I have Carly home study the latest version , workbooks, spreadsheets etc included that was 4k and 2 tickets to boot camp for 4k Let me know your offer Thanks Zaki

    Do you still have the course material

    Profile photo of DeeDeeDeeDee
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Does anyone have the course materials along with the bootcamp, feasablity checklist and calculator and contracts for sale. If so, please let me know as interested by contacting me at



    Profile photo of New Investor 01New Investor 01
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Hi guys

    Likewise, I'm looking for a copy of the latest Carly Crutchfield Pro-Develop Program (with home study DVD/manual course) and maybe also tickets to the live 3 Day Boot Camp? I want the feasability software and Vendor Finance contracts included.

    If anyone is looking to sell theirs please PM me.

    One question though – to actually become a registered student to utilise the JV structure she offers, can this be purchased from C Corp at a later date, does anyone know?



    Profile photo of Daniel CameronDaniel Cameron
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 46

    Few bad stories also coming out about it in my blog.

Viewing 8 posts - 81 through 88 (of 88 total)

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