All Topics / Creative Investing / Carly Crutchfield (Developing)dvd’s notes & workbook
I have never heard Carley speak, maybe she's great, but I have concerns as to whether she is old enough to have sufficient experience to provide a really good service. Even if she has squeezed in quite a few, she can't have been through many cycles. Dean and Elise Parker have some educational materials on sale through this site and Troy Harris runs monthly meetings which are very cheap, i would suggest these people would have at least as much to offer and provide very good value for money.
Have to say after seeing Carly at the Property Investing conference it was pretty clear how she makes her money and how she does quite a lot of developments. As she does JV's with her students this would probably allow her to generate large profits as well as having a lot of projects on the go. I am not saying it is good or bad. Just sayin….
DWolfe |
Email MeHaving seen Carly at the Mega Conference I signed up for her boot-camp. I went last weekend and would have to say it is the best money I have ever spent. Not only did I get a quality education, with live deals done, great notes but also met a heap of other people who are now progressing into development. I could not recommend this enough, the energy and experience in her team are excellent.
I can’t believe that people paid only $890 or &1000 for this course!!! I paid 6K after seeing her at the three day property investing seminar in Melbourne in May this year. Anyway I went to the bootcamp and it was great….but sounds like I could have saved some $$$$$$$
Does anyone have a copy of the latest Carly Crutchfield Pro-Develop Program (with home study DVD/manual course) and tickets to the live 3 Day Boot Camp? I want the feasability software and Vendor Finance contracts included.
Please PM me or email me to discuss.
Carly will be on Channel 9 "the secret millionaire" show Monday 23rd Aug 9.30pm.Helping others gives new meaning to creating wealth.
jacqui_03 wrote:Hi,Does anyone have a copy of the latest Carly Crutchfield Pro-Develop Program (with home study DVD/manual course) and tickets to the live 3 Day Boot Camp? I want the feasability software and Vendor Finance contracts included.
Please PM me or email me to discuss.
Im just new to the scene and also looking for the same material. If anyone would like to sell their DVD's i would be interested to buy them. Also if you have the contracts for vendor and options that would be great. Please email on
I look forward to contributing more to the forums as i learn it
Hello All
I was wondering if anybody had a copy of Carly Crutchfield home study course (DVD set) that was collecting dust or you had finished with it. I appreciate that the cost cost (brand new) a significant amount but if you have finished with it and want a couple of hundred dollars for it I will buy it off you. It seems that there are mixed reviews about the home study course but like all things there are only so many times you can watch it.
If you wish to sell and to keep costs down I live in Sydney and can come and pick up off you and pay cash my email address is please email me if you want to sell
MarlieHi All
If anybody has Carly Crutchfields DVD set laying around the house collecting dust and they no longer watch or need it, I am interested in watching it however I can only justify paying a couple of hundred dollars for which I understand is well below that is paid for the course when its brand new, however like anything including my Peter Spann video set (yes video) they can only be watched so many times.
If you wish to sell you DVD course please email me on and we can discuss however I dont mean to offend but I really only want to pay a couple of hundred dollars.
So if the DVD set has been watched enough and is laying around the house and you could use some spare cash please email me. I'm located in Sydney and can arrange to pick up the dvd set
Marlielifesjourney wrote:FYI
Carly will be on Channel 9 "the secret millionaire" show Monday 23rd Aug 9.30pm.Helping others gives new meaning to creating wealth.
And what a good watch it was too. Puts things in perspective, and I thought Carly did a great job. Teared (is that a word?) up a bit myself too!
Hi guys,
I have heard from others who have bought the course from others rather than CCORP, that if you do buy the course from someone other than CCORP or an event where Carly speaks at you will not receive support from their office or be able to attend the 3 day bootcamp. You are pretty much just getting the DVDs and missing out on well over half the package and the experience!
I found it really important to have the whole experience as when I first started learning the course I had so many questions and I found the support team to be really helpful and pointed me in the right direction. I could of made a few big mistakes if it wasn’t for CCORPs guidance.
I also attended the 3 day bootcamp which I found really helpful as it really cemented my knowledge for me, I was able to ask Carly questions directly and meet about 200 other people doing the exact same thing as me. I found this so helpful as there have been a lot of my friends who just don’t understand my interest in property and property development. I still talk to a lot of the people from that event and am even doing deals with one of them.
So it could be a good idea to consider these things before you go and buy it “cheap” off someone else, you may not actually be getting value for money if you know what I mean. Good luck fellow property developers
Just thought I’d throw in my two cents, I have been to a few CCorp Bootcamps and find them excellent, Carlys development bootcamp was three days and went from 9am to 9pm. Although a lot was covered, the experience and chance to meet and network with other people interested in development and property investing was priceless. The price may seem high but i see it a a small investment for the outcome, (plus it was catered and the food was awesome!!) Carly is and easy person to talk to and her mentor Steve who usually attends is fantastic.
If anyone is interested in her DVD set with feaso calculator, I am happy to sell mine, but note that it will not get you the 3 days at bootcamp, If you sign up for the bootcamp you will get the DVDs any.
feel free to drop me a private message if interested in the DVDsHello everyone
I have the most recent Carly Crutchfield home study course on Property Development
The latest edition similar to this:
Paid $8850 for the entire course / 2 BOOTCAMP 3 days course with her which is valued at $2490 for each ticket.
The next bootcamp 3 day course with her is in Melbourne 5.6.7 th November 2010
I am offering to sell both or either
Please email me your offers at
I have used the information and found it useful taken all the notes etc and now time to pass it on.
Email me at with your offers on the home study kit , tickets etc
I'm going to her 1 day workshop in October in Brisbane city…will check it out first.
Check out my new blog: too would consider the purchase of Carly Crutchfields home study course – DVD's and Workbook (I dont care if the workbook has been written in and completed).
I do not wish to sign up for the 6k+ for many reasons located on this forum. I also would not be able to attend the bootcamp thus a big part of the cost of course I cannot use.
If you have this material or copies of this material and no longer need it, please PM me.
Hi all, I too would consider the purchase of Carly Crutchfields home study course – DVD's and Workbook . Please email me on
Many thanks
Hi All,
Carly’s Pro Develop Home Study Course is amazing. I loved it and learnt so much. I am continuing with my education with Ccorp and highly recommend it. If you go to one of her one day seminars, she sells it there, but with easy payment plans to ease the financial burden on you.
PM me if you want more info.Thanks.
Does anyone have a copy of the latest Carly Crutchfield Pro-Develop Program (with home study DVD/manual course) and tickets to the live 3 Day Boot Camp? I want the feasability software and Vendor Finance contracts included.
Hi There
I have Carly home study the latest version , workbooks, spreadsheets etc included that was 4k
and 2 tickets to boot camp for 4k
Let me know your offer
ZakiJust wondering how you found the bootcamp I just received my course on the weekend i have to agree it's great very well laid out and easy to understand.
Was there much opportunity for networking? Im going to next bootcamp in Sydney early next year im really looking forward to it Carly's fantastic and i think it's a great investment too.
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