All Topics / Creative Investing / Carly Crutchfield (Developing)dvd’s notes & workbook

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  • Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Yeah I got emailed that too. I haven't had a chance to read through it. Seems a little bit on the different side, then again that's how she has made her money and her mark.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of DanielB

    Has anyone else got a copy of the study DVD's they are wanting to sell?

    Profile photo of trustee

    Hi, I attended the Carly Crutchfield boot camp in Feb 09.  I have the original dvd's, book and they are all untouched.  I didn't get much use out of them as financing is a problem for me at present.  If anyone is interested I will sell for $700.

    Profile photo of InvestorlatorInvestorlator
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Trustee

    I am definitely interested in buying the dvds for $700. Are they still available?


    Profile photo of trustee

    Hi Investorlator

    Yes I still have them.  I'm in Melbourne.  I forgot to mention P&H would be extra but at this price still a bargain.

    Can you give me some details and I will contact you and arrange details


    Profile photo of icic
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hi All

    I just listened to a presentation of hers. Very motivating.

    Does anyone else have any copies available. I'm also in Mebourne.


    Profile photo of trustee


    I may have another have another set available.  Contact me on the personal area with your email address and details.

    Same price

    Profile photo of JimmyJ

    I would pay $300, if anyone has a copy and wishes to get rid of it for this price?  (Sorry trustee, realise this is way below your price)

    I just can't justify paying any more than this as I am not sure that I would put it into practice any time in the near future!


    Profile photo of MrElmo

    HI JimmyJ,

    I would be happy to sell you mine please contact me privately
    Are you in Melbourne,where abouts?
    Alternatively I'm after Cherie BArber & Stephen Tolle's materials and dvd's if you have that then I'm happy to do a swap

    Profile photo of trustee

    No problem, if you don't thnk you will get the value then maybe there is no value.   Everyone has to make up their own mind.

    As Investorlator hasn't followed me up on this I will now throw it open to those people who have contacted me.  Could those people  please send me their email addresses so that I can make arrangements.


    Profile photo of DanielB
    Profile photo of trustee

    Hi DanielB

    Looks exactly the same except there is no Jamie McIntyre DVD /CD with it.

    Profile photo of JimmyJ

    Hi Mr Elmo,

    I sent you a PM a while back as you requested.  Did you receive it?


    Profile photo of MrElmo

    Hi just answered it hope you have got it

    Profile photo of Mrs PropertyMrs Property
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Has anyone completed this course and found it valuable?

    Can anyone recommend it?

    Profile photo of JimmyJ

    Hi Elmo,

    I have sent you a PM.

    Profile photo of llqld01


    I am looking to buy a full set of latest notes and dvds Pro Develop.

    If anyone has a set I can be contacted at


    Profile photo of chickswithbrickschickswithbricks
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum and I am also interested in the course material and DVDs CDs from Cherie Barber and Stephen Tolle. I bought myself an investment property a little while ago, but didn't do my property dilligence really well. I have now moved into this property and don't know if it is worth it to keep the home to extend it or pull it down. How do I find out whether it's worth it to keep it (which is really what i financially need to do – live in it and extend and then if the front needs pulling down, live in the extension)! Does that make sense to anyone?

    I just love property and would like to start with opening up my business renovating homes for profit. Can anyone give me some tips on why it's best to open up a business when doing renovating for profit and what the tax benefits are…would love to listen to some of their DVDs and CDs and look at their materials, especially financial feasability etc. Is anyone interested to sell their course material?

    Thanks, Manooby

    I really like the idea of having a mentor. do you know who I could get in contact with in Melbourne? 

    Profile photo of llqld01

    trustee, mr elmo, or anybody with a copy of carly’s seminar for sale i would like to purchase a copy

    Please send me an email at

    thank you

    Profile photo of Michael 1000Michael 1000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    HI All

    I am also interested in the purchase of the Carly Crutchfield DVD, notes and manuals. I would prefer the latest possible edition.

    I can be contacted at

    Thanks in anticipation


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