All Topics / Creative Investing / Carly Crutchfield (Developing)dvd’s notes & workbook

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  • Profile photo of MrElmo

    Hi everyone,

    If anyone wants to purchase Carly Crutchfield original dvd's and course material form her boot camp you can contact me.

    If you are wanting to do property options and developments her materials are worth learning from.

    It's for sale for $990 including postage. Normal price is $5990


    Mr Elmo

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    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    How old is it …

    Profile photo of MrElmo

    Hey,The material was bought from a lady who went to the bootcamp last year.

    I no longer have a use for it, as I'm about to do a subdivision just through the dvd's

    Profile photo of Ryan McLean

    How much did you buy the product for?

    Ryan McLean | On Property
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    Profile photo of Ryan McLean

    Maybe try and sell them on Ebay…there doesn’t seem to be a lot of interest on here for them at the moment.

    Ryan McLean | On Property
    Email Me

    Profile photo of crusty

    Are you genuine Elmo? Did you get ripped of? or are you trying to rip off other people I bought the Carly Crutchfield property Developpment DVD Course and manual at her semminar last year for for I think $890 or around there. It included a ticket to her 3 day boot camp on property development. Has any-one paid 6,000 dollars for this info most of which can be got for nothing or just by doing. This normaly $6,000 is a con all these spruikers use so you think youre getting a bargain. I watched 4 of the 14 DVD s got bored stupid , and Couldnt concentrate, didnt want to waste more time, found alot of it wasnt very relevant to what I was doing. So I went and talked to real estate agents builders,developers ,an accountant, the city council and town planner and bankers Found it was easier and more straight forward than the spruikers would have you beleive, they seem to scare you into thinking you cant do with out their help. It was only a small single house development. Just getting out and doing something small is the best way to learn. Step by step. Town planners will tell you most of what you need to know. DONT DIE WONDERING JUST DO IT

    Profile photo of MrElmo

    I don't believe that, who will sell materials and bootcamp tickets for $890 when they are worth $6K, I would like that persons contact details too.

    I saw Carly in Melbourne on stage a month ago and she was flogging her course for $6K and If you have a family member who's done the course and hence got the written material she will let you come to her bootcamp weekend for $2,450  so no I'm not ripping anyone or trying to rip anyone in selling secondhand material at $1K

    Good on you if you can go out and do developments just by talking to experts. Very dangerous strategy.

    I rather rely on educating my self first before throwing myself in the deep end.

    Profile photo of crusty

    Mr Elmo I bought the materials  of Carly Crutchfield,  as I said at her 2 day  semminar ,at the Holiday Inn at Hindley st in Adelaide on the 23+24 Aug 2008 but it was her  assistant that actually swipped the card.  I am not sure of the price as I have 2 transactions made at that time. Iam fairly sure it was the 680 dollar transaction under the name sandfort. anyway Iknow it was less then $1400.00.         Inside the package was a leaflet offering a FREE ticket to one of her 4,  3 day Boot camps  to book your ticket  call  02 93714799 and ask for Chris or Onil.              Perhaps this was just some special promo.  They must have  had some spare seats they need to fill to keep the numbers up.     If you want to send me a fax no. or an adress  I can send you the offer.                   I never through myself in the deep end, I have done 3 small developments just to get a feel for it but have decided it is not for me. Can do without the hassles, and my time is more important to me  than money It is good to have an interest in something but I dont want to do anything that is too time consuming.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Wouldn't normally have posted on this but was caught by the line "Good on you if you can go out and do developments just by talking to experts. Very dangerous strategy." Was very amused!

    How did people manage before Carly Crutchfield? How did they do any developments with out someone telling them through a DVD? Probably by talking to experts. That is what you pay the experts for. Very amusing. Look out world paying a town planner/architect is a dangerous strategy!

    Ahhh needed a smile today.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of RossD

    Hey Crusty, is that boot camp ticket valid still? I would be interested in using it if no one else would want it.

    Profile photo of MrElmo

    Just out of curiosity DWolfe, how many properties have you bought and how many developments have you done?

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Ohh I'm only a newbie at this! I've only bought 3 properties and only done one 3 unit development (takes me up to 5 properties) which resulted in a healthy profit around the 25% mark. I wont tell you dollars but it was enough that the next 2 developments should be underway shortly. Thanks for asking, what about you?


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of crusty
    RossD wrote:
    Hey Crusty, is that boot camp ticket valid still? I would be interested in using it if no one else would want it. Ross.

    Ross  I would  very much doubt the ticket is still valid , I suppose I could give them acall out of curiosity.  I think I had a code number to  verify  the ticket and I have lost it.

    Profile photo of MrElmo

    'Ive done very well thanks to the property boom. Bought 4 properties in my twenties and created 8 dwelling. Each property has a main family home and a self contained granny flat  both dwellings rented out to separate families.

    My philosophy is to seek and learn from experts like Carly Crutchfield who teach the whole package and live what they teach.  I then go to experts and tell them to make what I want possible. This what working smarter not harder means to me.


    Profile photo of RossD
    crusty wrote:
    RossD wrote:
    Hey Crusty, is that boot camp ticket valid still? I would be interested in using it if no one else would want it. Ross.

    Ross  I would  very much doubt the ticket is still valid , I suppose I could give them acall out of curiosity.  I think I had a code number to  verify  the ticket and I have lost it.

    Thanks anyway Crusty.

    Maybe someone else may have one for me? Anyone?


    Profile photo of JimmyJJimmyJ
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 49

    She has a one day seminar in Brisbane coming up this weekend. Free. I’m sure it will be mostly a sales pitch but hey, it’s fee other than a day of my time so hopefully i’ll come away having learnt something.

    The DVD’s typically sell on ebay for around $950.

    Profile photo of RemiRemi
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1
    MrElmo wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    If anyone wants to purchase Carly Crutchfield original dvd's and course material form her boot camp you can contact me.

    If you are wanting to do property options and developments her materials are worth learning from.

    It's for sale for $990 including postage. Normal price is $5990


    Mr Elmo

    Hi Elmo,

    Is the Carly Crutchfield course still available? If so email me at

    Profile photo of MrElmo

    Hi Remi,

    Sorry I've sold mine but I know someone who is wanting to sell theirs. I can put them in touch with you.



    Profile photo of JonJon
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 175

    i know someone who paid $4k for the material and thought it was extremely doing 3 project in less than a year of watching it..

    Profile photo of drainoskydrainosky
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 6

    on the subject of ccorp has anyone seen the prospectus and if so what do you all think?

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