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  • Profile photo of Bullmarket
    Profile photo of Ryan McLeanRyan McLean
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 547

    @ John – I wouldn’t stress about those links. They all add to this post so no one is going to prosecute you for putting helpful tips up on the site. As long as you are adding to the forum and not be a spammer then links are always helpful.

    Thanks for this post. To tell you the truth I just skimmed though it as it is pretty damn long…but some of the research and information your provided was helpful to me and will be helpful to a lot of other people in this forum…so thanks.

    Ryan McLean
    Positive Cash Flow Properties Are Just a Click Away

    Ryan McLean | On Property
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    Profile photo of Bullmarket

    Hi Ryan


    One forum I posted on did not allow any links and so I simply did not post comments

    So I take a polite approach to using links and ask permission first. If it is okay as per your comment I will use links when relevant. 

    Sometimes I find forum conversation is twoing and frowing of personal opinions. Can be lively, entertaining and great spectator sport..Which is great fun.  At other times I have observed some research and data in comments and I thought wow what an interesting point of view or what great data.

    I do not take a moderate approach, or the approach that the market is stagnant, or a bullish approach that the market is going up and booming or a bearish approach, watch out the bust is coming . 

    I prefer to take a broad approach and form an opinion after  consulting and conducting research.


    Profile photo of Bullmarket


    I have an idea about selecting a LGA or suburb and analysing it?

    check out the Real Estate Investar report below

    Australia's Cheapest Suburbs – Top 50 Suburbs

    What could be interesting is to select a location from the list and conduct a location analysis
    Are you interested?

    These locations could be future hot spots?
    Are you interested to find out if they stack up?

    Profile photo of elliotjlelliotjl
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 12

    This Post is Excellent thanks jontapp. I'd love to see this turned into a sticky. Great info

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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