All Topics / Help Needed! / residential cabin +cashflow but finance???

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  • Profile photo of tylon020

    Hi guys im looking at a residentail cabin which would be +cashflow but as it doesnt have a title securing finance will be an issue..
    any ideas/suggestions??

    thanking you in advance

    Profile photo of god_of_moneygod_of_money
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 970

    why do you want to buy residential cabin?
    it would be difficult to sell in the future

    Profile photo of tylon020

    yeh true i did consider that but the rental return is so good and the vacancy rate is good – im just looking at it because it'll be putting money in my pocket.

    Profile photo of Ryan McLeanRyan McLean
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 547

    Don’t let anyone tell you not to do it if it fits into your investment strategy.
    Be careful because there could be a lot of hidden costs. If it is in a park then you might have quarterly fees and you might actually not be legally allowed to rent it out to a long term tenant. But if you have looked at all these hidden costs and it still works out for you then it could be a viable option.

    Financing will be hard. If you already own a property you could max out the equity on that property and then just use the cash to buy the property. Or you may be able to do some vendor finance on the property (it is worth making an offer for vendor finance). But yes, otherwise you may have trouble finding a lender. You might have to go with an untraditional lender and pay a higher interest rate.

    Good luck with everything

    Ryan McLean
    Positive Cash Flow Properties Are Just A Click Away

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    Profile photo of Nathan BirchNathan Birch
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 189

    Why would you finance it?

    I would purchase a small one cash say $15,000 and refi once set up. Would be best option.

    If you cannot purchase outright, look at other options of obtaining short term finance.

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