All Topics / General Property / realestate or broker course

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  • Profile photo of sam2011

    for a few weeks now i have been thinking about either doing a realestate course or a broker course, i dont want to enter the field for work, it is more to learn what they learn.  ive read some book and really enjoy the property market.  just curious whether it is actually worth doing them adn what i learn will be of benefit to me.  id be looking at doing it through elearning online.

    has anyone does one of the two and what did you find? 
    has it made a difference?

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I would be inclined to say do neither, unless you want to work in the industries.

    You would be better off just buying some books/internet and reading in the areas of interest.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of Tom Siegel
    Terryw wrote:
    I would be inclined to say do neither, unless you want to work in the industries.

    You would be better off just buying some books/internet and reading in the areas of interest.


    I took a real estate appraisal class to find out more about investing in real estate. I guess it worked I know a lot more about investing in real estate now than most people I know (even seasoned investors), but I accidentally became a commercial appraiser in the meantime. Oops. Don't get me wrong I like what I do and I have access to knowledge that even seasoned investors don't know, but it isn't the path to riches through real estate investment.

    You definitely need to learn as much as possible. But those courses are set up to make you into a real estate professional. Not an investor. That is more of a choice than a product of education.

    Tom Siegel

    Profile photo of sam2011

    so would you say the knowledge you received from the course has helped you with yout investments?

    Profile photo of Tom Siegel

    Sure. But I think it takes a lot longer to learn by reading then it does by doing. The most important thing that I have learned about investing through my work is what not to do. I learned this mostly by having to make sense of a huge mess of a deal that someone had put together. (I don't mean to plug my own thing, so forgive me, but I am putting together a list of 20+ situations that I have come across of things that would be best to avoid. I am hoping to possibly expand the list with case studies and turn it into a book. For now I am dilivering them through email for free. If you follow the link below and sign up, you will recieve them at some point soon).

    You know the absolutely best way to learn this thing is to interview investors. One by one and soak up everything that they say. Find people who seem to really know what they are doing prepare a huge list of questions, buy them lunch and listen to everything they say.

    Hope that helps.

    Tom Siegel
    Commercial Appraiser

    Profile photo of GlennStakerGlennStaker
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 23

    I've done the queensland real estate REIQ course… goes for 5 days and costs around 750 bucks. It's worth doing if you want to learn how agents operate and the process/documentation of buying/selling/property management……so if that's what you're after then go for it. I did the course and went into real estate sales on the Gold Coast. Being in RE sales helps with my property investing a great deal as you meet heaps of people in the industry and find out about properties before they come on the market.

    Any course is worth doing if it improves your overall knowledge.


    Profile photo of sam2011

    thanks guys, i think it will help with a few things, understanding the processes and so on so might look at doing it before the end of financial year

    Profile photo of Ryan McLeanRyan McLean
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 547

    I wouldn’t waste my time if I was you.

    That is like saying “I want to own a McDonalds so I am going to be a fry cook”. Being a property investor and being a mortgage broker/real estate agent are completely different things. Instead of doing a course just start looking to invest in property and start talking to real estate agents and mortgage brokers.

    Real Estate Agents Course – Will teach you how to sell real estate…Estate agents don’t usually know if something is a good investment or not…they are simply sales people.

    Mortgage Broker Course – Again they are simply sales people….only they sell you a loan not a property. Just take a mortgage broker out for lunch and ask him how things work and you will learn heaps.

    If you want to be a serious investor then start investing and do investment courses. Don’t waste time doing useless courses that will add no real value over time

    Ryan McLean
    Positive Cash Flow Properties Are Just A Click Away

    Ryan McLean | On Property
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    Profile photo of sam2011
    Profile photo of sydney08sydney08
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 8


    My husband and I bought a number of property investment courses worth AUD 16,000 – we went from knowing nothing to becoming very knowledgable in property. am currently looking through a renovations course as have done everything else and its amazing how real estate agents, brokers, banks, etc respect you when you know what you are talking about

    We are keen to exchange what we have for courses we havent done, so if you have something in relation to renovations, please contact me and we can work out something

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