All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Bad pest inspection

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  • Profile photo of vladvlad
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 8


    Where do I stand legaly. I have just settled on a property which cleared a building and pest inspection and the painters have discovered large termite infestations in the hall only days after a thermal imaging pest inspection?

    Profile photo of v8ghiav8ghia
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 871

    Oooo not good. Get onto the original pest inspectors asap, and check out their fine print in the stuff they gave you. THat said, if painters have discovered it, you would think even a ordinary pest inspector would be able to! Depending on their response, you may then have to seek other legal avenues. May I suggest advising your solicitor now, and also make notes of dates, phonecalls, responses, and who you speak to just in case it drags on a bit. Some other forum members in this industry may hopefully read this and be able to assist too.
    All the best.

    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618

    When you say "only days after" what do you mean?  Was the pest inspection done pre exchange, or was it done during any cooling off period, or was it done during any period the contract gave you to get a satisfactory pest inspection?

    If it was done outside any cooling off or contractual period, your contract may have obliged you to settle anyway so in that case the pest report would not have been a factor and any damages might be extremely limited.

    I appreciate that this is very distressing to you, but without your giving relevant dates etc it is hard to give you any advice except go and see your solicitor.

    Profile photo of vladvlad
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 8

    The pest inspection was done in the contract time as the contract was conditional of a satisfactory pest inspection. The active termites were found 2 days after the house had settled.

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