All Topics / Value Adding / Subdivision enquiry – Western suburbs of Adelaide

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  • Profile photo of teds01


    Hoping someone can help. We are currenlty looking at renting out our current home that we have renovated and have owned for the past 7 years. We have a good sized backyard and a fairly wide driveway and from a quick measure of the yard out the back it should be close to minimum requirement for a subdivided block… however, I am not totally sure.

    Are there people who provide services to assess your proprerty to see if it can be subdivided and what would be best to build on the block to offer the best returns? If so, what would we expect to pay for this service?

    We are thinking that either getting DA approval or actually subdividing the property may be our next investment move, but we do not know where to start.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Profile photo of basbog


    Look up your council on this page and in the documents it will give you the requirements for subdivision.

    Have fun


    Profile photo of rover1986rover1986
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 5


    I am in the middle of subdividing atm down south. I bought a corner block with house 1 year ago and got DA 6 months ago. The approval was conditional, the main condition was to remove an existing 9×6 shed in the backyard.
    i spoke to a surveyor who is kind of overseeing/outlining the processt, although i have a small idea (work at a drafting office)
    Initial DA has cost around $2k.
    The other 3 conditions which Onkaparinga council require are currently being met, so all things going smoothly should ahve a title issued in a few weeks.

    Hope this helps, feel free to ask more questions if needed.


    Profile photo of teds01

    Thanks for the replies!

    Ross: What do you recommend as the steps to follow in finding out whether our property is subdividable?


    Profile photo of christianbchristianb
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 386

    Hi Teds01,

    You can do one of two things to find a definitive answer:

    1. Go to the town planning department of your local council and ask them.
    2. Have an architect or planner assess the proposal for you.

    The town planners are on staff to answer questions, however, they don't always give the straightest answer so if your proposal is "borderline" in their opinion, or if you feel they are not being 100% straight with you seek a private planner's opinion.

    Profile photo of teds01


    We are currently renting out the property and have moved interstate. So far it seems like we will be able to subdivide the block. I am considering using a large reputable builder to oversee the whole project. What sort of premium would we expect to pay for a 'turn key' finish?

    We are looking at possibly a two storey 3 to 4 bedroom 2 bathrrom home/townhouse.


    Profile photo of basbog


    If you want some help with getting it underway, PM me and I will contact you to see what needs to be done.


    Profile photo of mortymorty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    Hi Teds,

    I have done a number of these in the marion and west torrens councils. They can be a profitable way to go but you'll need to jump through a fair few hoops to get it over the line. You'll basically need min 800m2 (although i have done one which was smaller) with a good sized frontage, 18m min is best. What council are you? I've found marion to be pretty good to deal with although they have recently changed their policy to not favouring double storey for a hammerhead.  Let me know your council and i can give you some more specific advice if you'd like.


    Profile photo of teds01

    Hi Morty,

    The property is in the City of West Torrens. The zoning here allows for a min 270m2. Our block is 697m2 with approx 15m frontage. We plan to keep the existing house and go for a hammerhead division. We have approximately 4m wide driveway, so I believe that should be wide enough for access to the back. Supposedly we can go up to 3 stories high, but with a maximum side wall of 9m.

    We are hoping to build something with a small footprint with possibly 4 bedrooms two bathrooms, thinking that two stories would be doable.

    We are looking at the easiest way for us to get this happening as we do not have the time or experience to manage this process ourselves yet.

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