All Topics / Heads Up! / Perth Networking Group (WAIP) Meeting Wed February 17th All welcome!
Hello everyone and welcome to the first newsletter event for WAIP for 2010.
It will be great to see all our familiar attendees and we are especially excited to welcome a number of new faces who will be coming along for the first time.
Can you believe it is almost mid February already!
WAIP was established four years ago as primarily a networking group. Many people use property investing as a tool to create wealth and there is an abundance of knowledge available through books, seminars and coaching. But the one thing that can make a huge difference is the ability to network, to meet and talk with fellow investors.
Investing can sometimes be a lonely place and if you are doing it all on your own, it is easy to lose motivation or even give up, because it all gets too hard. Having the opportunity to talk and discuss your concerns or queries may reveal that others may be exeriencing the same challenges or frustrations and realising that you are not the only one facing the same issues can not oly be reassuring but also may also help provide a solution.We currently hold around 10 meetings a year, February to November and at each meeting one or two guest speakers are invited to share their particular area of knowledge or expertise.
A number of speakers come from within the WAIP communty and it is always inspiring to hear first hand of people’s experiences and strategies.WAIP is not invoved in selling or promoting property and all content is educational in nature.
We always invite feedback so that we can continue to improve and provide even more value. Please contact Chris or myself Jenny, if you have any queries or suggestions.
The venue for WAIP has changed
We are no longer able to use the facilities at MYHQ so the meetings will now be held at the following address:Enterprise 3,
Unit 9, De Laeter Way
BentleyThere is plenty of parking available.
If anyone requires a map I can forward one if you send me an email requesting it.Registration will be from 6.15 pm
The meeting will start at 6.45 for a 9 pm finishCost: $20 per person, pay at the door
And don’t forget to bring your BUSINESS CARDS for the door prize.
Please note that because of the change of venue, the proposed dates for future meetings may vary slightly so please check each month the day and the date for that particular meeting.
Two Fabulous Guest Speakers for February
Kicking off our first guest speaker is Aaron Spice from Blue Card! Industries.Many of you will know Aaron from his previous presentations.
Quite simply Aaron is THE person you need to speak to if you are thinking of buying a site for subdivision or development. Aaron has a wealth of knowledge about what will work on a site or not, those quirky little problems that if you don’t know about (and noone is going to tell you before hand) could cost you an arm and a leg.His presentation for us this month is “How to Find Profit Even In A Difficult Site”
Then we are delighted to have Phil Tana, (yes that’s Chris’s Dad) a well respected speaker, talk to us about how you can use other forms of investments such as franchising, stocks and shares, futures and commodities to provide you with cashflow to fund your property portfolio.
Phil will discuss those essential factors that determine success in any business.
As a former State manager, National Franchise Manager and National Operations Manager and owner of a National chain of chicken shops, Phil has extensive business experience to share and to help us look outside the square when looking for ways to find cashflow for property investing.
As Steve McKnight always says ” Success comes from doing things differently”
It promises to be a great night.
Chris and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night at our new venue. So reply now to secure your seat.
Until then, Happy Investing!
Jenny and Chris.
Hi Jenny,
I have a crappy shiftwork job, so I'll be lucky if I can make One of this years meetings, let alone all of them, But I am really interested in coming along and meeting other investors, although admittedly for my own selfish needs in getting some kind of support.
It's march now, and I would really like to know the dates for the March, April & even May meetings in the hope that I might be able to make atleast one.
I'm new to investing, and kinda starting behind the 8 ball, but I would love to gets some Ideas as to how to proceed.
About the best I could offer any other participant would be a brief and limited laymans understanding of Quantum theory, or a dedicated drinking partner, but if anyone is willing to help, that would be great!Regards
BoogzHi Boogz,
I’m just putting the next newsletter together now.
The dates for the next couple of meetings are
Wed 17th March
Wed 14th April
Wed May 12th
Wed June 16th
Hope you will be able to make it to one of the meetings. Nothing selfish about coming along to find out more about what its all about. many in the group are either in the same position or have been. We are all there to support each other and to learn along the way.
All the best,
Thanks Jenny,
Unless they change my Roster, I should be able to make April
Miss out on this months by one day, I finish my days off & start work at 0400 on the 17th
Hope to make the next one,
Thanks again
BoogzHello Jenny,
Just saw this thread and will have my bum in a seat next week
See you there kevin.
let me know if you need a mudmap for the campus down at Bentley.
@ Jebro – I am thinking of starting my own meeting in Sydney. Just wondering how you promote your meetings and how many people come to them?
Do you just use this forum? Or do you market it in other ways as well?
Ryan McLean | On Property
Email MeHi Jenny,can i please get added onto the mailing list, thank you
Hi Jenny and Chris, im keen to come along to your next meeting if poss. where and when is it?. Please add me to your mailing list
Hi Alice,
Some of those posts are very dated so you may wish to see if you can PM or email both people directly.
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