Hi All, I apologize in advance if this is not the place to put this, please admins move this thread to where it belongs.
I'm selling my copy of Rick Otton's Massive Passive Property Pack. It teaches how to do wraps, lease options and sandwich leases. The package includes the full thing: all the printed materials, the scripts, the contract templates and the DVDs. It's all you need to get started and it is well explained.
I bought it 2 years ago for 3500$ but then it turned out that I was more of a stock exchange guy than a creative real estate investor. So, I don't have much use of it now and that's why I'm selling it.
So, if you are interested or have any questions, send me a PM with an offer. I live in Sunnybank Hills and would prefer to hand it over rather than posting it.
The "Massive Passive Pack" does NOT teach you how to do wraps – that's a totally different product. This product does teach lease options and sandwich leases though.
Thanks for clarifying (and refreshing the thread ). While it is true that it concentrates on lease options and sandwich leases, there is a section on wraps in there. Also, the recommended layers do know how to draw up an agreement for a wrap.
As to pricing, well consider how much is it worth to you to have this knowledge at hand. Right now Rick is asking 4500$. I got it for 3500$ back then. You can have it for less. Just make me an offer and we can talk.
Hey Emil, Is your massive-passive pack still available? I'm in Melbourne, but I'm sure we can work something out. Email me if you like: ange.mark1@hotmail.com