All Topics / General Property / Any advice on purchasing a block of units??

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  • Profile photo of akirk

    Hi,  I'm looking at purchasing a block of units under a single title in regional NSW.  I plan is to strata title the block and renovate then sell them individually.

    Should there be an order of execution that I'm looking at – specifically – is there any way to guarantee no problem with the strata titling prior to purchasing?  What are th things that I should consider adding to the contract – subject to valuation for instance?

    This method is very new to me, so any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    How many in the block ?

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of akirk

    Actually, what I said isn't quite right – sorry!  There are 3 blocks, but on 2 titles.  One title has 2 separate buildings and 5 units (one with 3 and the one with 2), the other title has one building and 4 units.

    All single storey.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856
    akirk wrote:
    Should there be an order of execution that I'm looking at – specifically – is there any way to guarantee no problem with the strata titling prior to purchasing?

    Yes – (well almost). You will need to engage your consultants including a surveyor, town planner, solicitor, BCA consultant to undertake a full due diligence on the building, corral the full scope of works for all necessary BCA compliance (eg firedoors, fire/noise separation of units/stacks etc, glazing compliance, smoke alarms/thermals as required, FHR/hydrant systems….). There is no way of being able to guarantee that there won't be issues however your consultants should be able to pull the project together.

    akirk wrote:
    What are th things that I should consider adding to the contract – subject to valuation for instance?

    You'd best be served by taking out an option to buy (with little money down) but sufficient time to undertake due diligence and achieve the DA/CC for the work. You will not get new titles until the work has been completed to council's satisfaction and you have lodged you DA for strata.

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Bear in mind in a block that size you will be looking at Commercial financing so with it comes the costs and higher interest rates. Not the end of the world i guess for a short period but bear in mind it will impact you bottow line.

    Course also means you need to front up a bigger deposit.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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