All Topics / Help Needed! / Seminars in Sydney

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  • Profile photo of emm1971

       Just starting out in looking in to purchasing an IP and want to get a bit more educated before I rush in…have read one book…Steve McKnights 0-130 properties in 3 years which was great and has really motivated me to achieve my goals, but would also like to attend seminars  that dont try and sell property at the end as my first seminar did recently..not knocking it though as I got some very useful tips and Im glad I went and its great if you want to buy new property, however I like the 'diamond in the rough' idea and the idea of renovations and want to investigate that further…is there any in Sydney coming up soon..?.


    Profile photo of budgybudgy
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Hi E, has their 3Day Megaconference coming 7,8,9 May in Melbourne. I don't know what's the content this year, but if you go by the past two years is the best investment conference you can ever imagine! It doesn't only treat property investing, but all range of themes related to investing and wealth creation. If you can go I am convinced you wouldn't be disappointed. I have no idea what's the speakers and content for this year, but I supposse if you need to know you can always call the office and they might be able to give you some idea.

    Profile photo of charliewebbcharliewebb
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    I attend weekly chat club meetings at Baulkham Hills in Sydney which are free for the first 4 meetings. It's a chat club where people can meet other would be property investors and those already on the journey. We fisrt of all learn the basics about investing and then when we are ready we take positive action. Every now and then guest speakers come along such as a mortgage broker, bank manager, accountant, property manager, buyers agent and the like. The people there learn how to buy 2nd hand property in Sydney, usually for under $250,000, fix them up and get them refinanced higher. The rents are about 6% to 7%. One person recently purchased a house for $175,000 and spent $35,000 on the renovation and had it valued for $259,000. The tenat is paying $300 a week.

    Profile photo of jaffafaljaffafal
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 17

    Hello All,

    E, if your willing to travel to Brisbane the Reno Kings are going to do a bus tour there on 14th of March which is specifically on renovation.
    Unfortunately I can’t even do the under coat properly when painting and have no fixing up skills.

    Best of luck

    Profile photo of shaneEshaneE
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Good question. I'm in the same situation – although have read all of Steve's books so far. I'd like to know more about the free Baulkhan Hills seminars. CharlieWebb – Any contact details for them??

    Profile photo of emm1971

    Thanks everyone for all the advice thats really helpful…I was thinking about the melbourne conference which Im sure would be very useful as would the Brisbane seminar.  Also very close to the Baulkham Hills area so the chat group sounds great too . CharlieWebb do you have anymore information regarding that group such as contact details etc.  That would be great thanks

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