All Topics / General Property / Depreciation Schedule

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  • Profile photo of BlissyBlissy
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 17


    Can anybody recommend any good quantity surveyors to do a depreciation schedule on my IP in the Sydney area? and what's the average price to have the schedule done?

    Profile photo of Investors ZorbaInvestors Zorba
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 58

    Deprro have done ones for me in perth and melb. I think they are Aust wide about $400

    Profile photo of washingtonbrown

    Hi Blissy

    Why don't you use our free depreciation calculator:

    That way you can work out how much you can claim first!



    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hey Tyron,

    I just got emailed some info from my other half about you guys! What do you guys generally charge?


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of washingtonbrown

    Hi DWolfe

    It really depends on the location and type of property.

    There is a section on our website to give a few details and we’ll send you a proper quote.

    have a great day


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Thanks Ty,

    After I posted I got a quote through from my other half :) thanks!


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of 642pete642pete
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2

    My friends and i have done a few with this guy but cause im away from home this week i dont have all the info.  The contact number i

    have is 02 47225788 and was recommended by our tax accountant.  We paid $484 with gst for the Penrith region.  He was called

    on the tuesday and report was completed and mailed to me on Friday.


    Profile photo of www_ericwww_eric
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 25

    I live in Sydney area. just got quote $580…..a bit expensive. But very fast response.

    Profile photo of crustycrusty
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 127

    Blissy  I  have no hessitation in recommending    "depreciator"   1300 66 00 3  excellent service, excellent results, excellent savings , turned   -CF into +CF properties.      My price was only   $275.00 each    but I think I got a  good discount. I done mine on line and just sent them a copy of the building contracts. They did not charge for one because they said it is not worth doing a schedule.    It was  quick and easy.       It would cost more  I suppose to have an actual inspection.       They are  based in Sydney.  I will be using them again. 

    Profile photo of AnaAna
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 79

    We've used Scott from Depreciator and Piers from BMT – both fantastic at their jobs and highly recommended. You are better off finding a really good surveyor and speaking with them about coming to you. Most of them will travel around Australian or have people that work for them that they will send.

    Profile photo of KateMelb

    I use Washington Brown for the QS report and Rentwise to convert it into my tax return. Both are Australia-wide.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Thanks KateMelb. I've now used them too.


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of Plee

    try JR Quantity Surveyors, Sydney….. they did a thorough inspection on my property. ….rather pay to have it done properly….once in a life time investment for us and worth it. my accountant strongly recommend against having it done on line without inspecting the property .they tend to miss stuffss

    Profile photo of petronapetrona
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 35

    We have had our four depreciation schedules done by Australian Tax Depreciation Services (ATDS).  They are excellent.  They charge $495 which includes a site visit, which is preferable.  Very happy with them.  We've just bought another property and will be going with ATDS for that schedule also.
    They have offices in all states of Australia too. 
    Web link: ATDS

    Profile photo of KateMelb
    Blissy wrote:


    Can anybody recommend any good quantity surveyors to do a depreciation schedule on my IP in the Sydney area? and what's the average price to have the schedule done?

    Blissy, whoever you go with, make sure they conduct a thorough inspection of your IP. This will greatly assist you should the ATO ever challenge any depreciation claim.

    Here is some more info on depreciation reports:

    Profile photo of Simon_GSimon_G
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 56

    I've used Washington Brown a few times.  Nice and quick, $550.


    Profile photo of Plee

    re depreciation, would anyone know whether a they actually inspect thoroughly highrise blg e.g. world sq. I got a property there

    Profile photo of washingtonbrown

    Hi Plee

    That's a really good question.

    With regards to World Square – we act for Meriton Apartments – so we have all the plans, specs and costs etc.

    So you could feel more comfortable using us in this interest.


    Tyron Hyde

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