All Topics / Creative Investing / Own Your Own ATM Machine.

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  • Profile photo of Terryw
    suarez wrote:
    Hey everyone
    Even m thinking of buying an ATM. A friend of mine recently invested his money in ATM with the help of some company named national cash… have u guys heard of it………if yes plz let me know… 
    plz reply

    One of my friends is losing money right now on ATMs. Doesn't sound like a good investment to me.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of suarezsuarez
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    Terryw wrote:
    suarez wrote:
    Hey everyone
    Even m thinking of buying an ATM. A friend of mine recently invested his money in ATM with the help of some company named national cash… have u guys heard of it………if yes plz let me know… 
    plz reply

    One of my friends is losing money right now on ATMs. Doesn't sound like a good investment to me.

    Hey thanks for your advice, but currently i see ATM's as a relaxed way of making money. I'm gonna talk to these national cash guys, coz of my friends recommendation. How about even you talking to them. i will get a clearer picture and a proper advice  from you…….

    Profile photo of ajacksajacks
    Join Date: 2012
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    I would have thought that we're moving further and further away from being a cash based society…


    The only way to make money from these that I can see is to say in the case of a pub, disallow credit card or eftpos transactions over the bar (Some busy pubs in Melbourne have this) and politely direct people toward the atm in the hall, which they also make a nice cut from….


    Profile photo of DubstepDubstep
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 395

    I should get an ATM, so Mrs Dubs can organise her purse better.

           Dubs place

    Profile photo of Terryw

    One of my mates just lost a lot of money from investing in ATMs. I am not sure how exactly but the company he had contract with went into liquidation.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of BennyteeBennytee
    Join Date: 2006
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    It’s a classic case of if it sounds to good to be true……..

    Profile photo of SMSF101SMSF101
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 49

    lol! if Rose again have a problem on sadness this is a sure cure……



    Profile photo of 4Sighted4Sighted
    Join Date: 2011
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    Hi Roseagain,

    On a serious note. I saw an ad and thought it inviting, so, I contacted the company. The guy who rang me back was very persuasive, but unable to answer my questions satisfactorily.

    He said that the company (MYATM) would provide the machines, (I see them all over the place, "Aussie ATM") and site them for me. I had no say as to where they would be sited. Minimum purchase was two machines at approx $15k each. They would arrange to stock the machine and empty it as well (using a security company e.g. Brinks, etc) a monthly statement would be provided and they would handle all the management admin etc etc. The return was guaranteed and to back it up a guaranteed return of (I cannot now remember the exact amount) would be placed into my bank account EVEN if the machine did not earn the money. They said that they calculate the number of times the machine would be used and you will get paid a fee everytime it is used. Blah blah blah.

    I asked him what would happen when the govt decides to eliminate the 'ATM Fee'? As we know the Fee was introduced across the board, but now, many banks are eliminating the fee. He could not answer.

    I truly believe the ATM fee is on its way out. As I still thought it a good Idea and because I did not want to part with $30k plus, I bought some shares in the company and lost every penny I invested. sortov gives you an indication.

    Hope this helped with your decisions.

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
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    Hey there,

    Remember that when thinking about your investment, you need to consider both the entry (purchase) and exit (sale).

    It seems you have some answers about the entry (ie. purchase price), but what about the exit? Is there a guaranteed sale back to the organisation selling to you? What kind of after-market / second hand market is there? What discounts are normal?

    I'm also worried about the diminishing number of people using 'pay for use' ATMs. Here's an article I came across this week which pricked my interest, and which I recommend you read. The core message is that people aren't as willing to spend the few bucks for convenience. 

    Food for thought…

    – Steve

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of M.InvestigatorM.Investigator
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    $14,000 for one ATM machine and if you have to get 5 at a time that means an investment of $70K for 20% return of investment. If you are really considering investing in ATM machines you must have   good locations.  I never heard of this business prospect but I am glad there is such.

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    If ATMs were a profitable venture, I cannot imagine the banks would be allowing the commoners to cut their lunch.  They'd have the monopoly on ATMs. 

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    Profile photo of FreddieAFreddieA
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    ajacks wrote:

    I would have thought that we're moving further and further away from being a cash based society…


    The only way to make money from these that I can see is to say in the case of a pub, disallow credit card or eftpos transactions over the bar (Some busy pubs in Melbourne have this) and politely direct people toward the atm in the hall, which they also make a nice cut from….


    100% right.

    A friend of mine owns a bar in Carlton and recently purchased a second hand ATM for $3000.

    He pays some bloke $160 p/m for maintenance and pockets $2.50 per transaction.

    He does over 600 transactions per month netting him $1500 approx per month.

    Profile photo of lielabslielabs
    Join Date: 2012
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    Banks wouldnt but it was opened up in 2009 . I was looking into this ïnvestment as well. The return is guaranteed by the atm service provider company who cover it for damage faults etc. 

    This is what I was told  : All placement, insurance, maintenance, software upgrades and payment processing are done on your behalf by atm company, an experienced ATM deployer, at their expense. There are zero running costs for the life of the agreements (8-10 years). The machines are installed Australia wide, but are concentrated in Vic, NSW and Qld and the atm deployer pride themselves on finding the very best locations for ATMs. This is a no fuss investment .

    With the agreement there is a minimum monthly payment per ATM. While you cannot earn less than this figure, if your machines are high performers, you will share in the upside. You are paid your minimum monthly return or $.30 per transaction, whichever is higher.   

    So you get paid regardless of transactions a minimum of 20% . They way to get court out here is if the deployer goes bust or the government decide to abolish atm fees . What are the chances of that and can you trust what you are being told ? Pretty hard to know for sure if it is all trustworthy it would seem like a good investment with a 10 year written return Guarantee and a buyback at the end of the term of 10% of the original purchase price by the deployer .  Then you need to look at who is the deployer that will manage the servicing and your payments on the atms . 

    There are some risks with this and it all rides with your ATM deployers profitability and the longevity of fee for convenience atms and government policy in relation to atm fees..  

    Profile photo of molothmoloth
    Join Date: 2012
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    The 20% return is bogus as this is a depreciating asset. Normally with a bank deposit the principal is returned to you after the term is expired. So lets do the sums:

    ATM Purchase Price:   $15,000

    Annual Return 20%:  $3,000

    Income for 10 Years:  $30,000

    ATM Sale Price 10%:  $1,500

    Total Income   $31,500

    Now we take our principal back

    Real 10 Year Return:  ( $31,500 – $15,000) = $16,500

    Cash Per Year (Divide 10 Years)   $1,650

    Return p.a  ($1,650 / $15,000) = 11%

    You are hoping the ATM company doesn't go belly up for 10 years for a 11% return.

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    Looks like you can get yourself a low-cost ATM machine at the House of Target at the moment…

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of TaylorChangTaylorChang
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 234

    Thank you JacM

    I will give it a try,  20 % off is a not bad deal !

    TaylorChang | Finance Broker
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