All Topics / General Property / property under $200k

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  • Profile photo of sam2011

    i am fairly new to the game and have 2 properties in nsw, and i am looking at expanding my portfolio and possibly buying another 2 by the end of the year.  i am looking for lower priced property under $200k mark and just wanted to get everyones opinion on what areas i should look at and why?

    Profile photo of benc10benc10
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 13

    Im with you on this one, iv got 2 properties in qld and vic but am looking for properties in the lower end -$200k in nsw and as long as the property is in a good growth area with the building and pest inspections not showing any real structual problems because they will be older properties, I believe that there are some good buys out there because you can get good yields on these lower end prices.
    Try areas in larger rural regions wagga wagga, newcastle hunter, griffith.

    Profile photo of sam2011

    thanks will have a look at those, i have actually been looking at around gosford as well as they just released their city plan by 2030, its a very interesting proposal, should change the city quite a bit

    Profile photo of sonyasalsonyasal
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 421

    Hi Bencross, I actually live in griffith and don't think the rental yield is that crash hot, however, if someone is thinking of buying here I would be happy to give you some inside info on the specific street/s you are looking at. I am also happy to inspect properties to let you know what i think of them before you go to the trouble and expense of getting pest and building inspections.
    I own my own PPOR and have three soon to be four investment properties (none of my IPs are in griffith)



    Profile photo of angelodeleon808angelodeleon808
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 9

    You want a low cost area, you can have one in Asia and 1 in your place. The cost of living in Asia is pretty affordable and is peaceful.

    Profile photo of sam2011

    there are bargains in other countries but looking specifically at australia

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674
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