All Topics / General Property / thoughts on beenleigh?

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  • Profile photo of karen.

    hello :)

    my investments are in central qld because thats where i live, plus my portfolio is only a measley 2 props :D

    but my sister is wanting to buy her first house and she is looking at beenleigh because of limited funds.  her pricerange is up to $330k, but she already has $50k already saved up.  the reason she is looking at beenleigh is cos itd be easy for her to get to work/uni but at the same time, its cheap.  

    she asked for my opinion but i know absolutely nothing about SEQ markets.  does anyone have any insight i can pass onto her about beenleigh or other suburbs comparable in pricerange?  shes wanting the low $300s.

    thankyou :)

    Profile photo of BrisbaneAndyBrisbaneAndy
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 45

    Hi Karen,

    I used to live in Edens Landing which is a suburb just beside Beenleigh and can give you a little bit of insight (but I warn you I'm a bit of a snob!).  The suburb is half way between Brisbane and the Gold Coast which agents talk up but residents say it just means you're too far from either to be convenient. ;-)  Another common joke is Beenleigh is right where the highway goes from 100km/hr to 110km/hr and there's a reason!  It can be a rough place but it is certainly full of working class families and things aren't as packed as inner-city suburbs.  There are some nicer estates and areas for sure (although I can't think of the bloody street names at the moment) and generally it is better to go west from Beenleigh (Bethania and Edens Landing) and not east (Eagleby) to get away from some of the bad elements.

    As far as investments and price ranges go I'm sorry but I've been out of it a bit too long to give any advice although I know API magazine constantly talks it up as a diamond in the rough.

    Sorry I couldn't give any firm details for you and for the downward tone but I'll be honest and say I'm biased (got harrassed and beaten up a few too many times).  Hopefully there are some current owners and residents who can give you some of the good points.

    Best of luck to your sister,


    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Financed 101 properties in Beenleigh and Eagleby over the last 12 years or so and can remember when you could buy a nice house in Beenleigh for 65K. Oh those were the good old days.

    If she has any address in mind and she wants a Residex report on the particular property be happy to rustle up one for her.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of karen.

    thanks Richard.  i had actually already passed on your details to her saying that we had intended to use your services for our next purchase …. that was of course until i found out we were expecting another baby so we put a hold on everything until the baby is out and we know our money doesnt need to be saved for medical expenses :)

    she had spoken to one mortgage broker to see if their finances would allow a purchase of up to $350k, and he had advised them to take up a loan with the NAB.  and when she told him she needed to be out of her rental prop by March 20th he said its ok it only takes 4 weeks to buy a house.  i basically demanded then that she talk to you.  i told her she needs to allow 8 weeks to allow a week for negs/contract signing, 3 weeks finance and stuff (chrissy holidays and pub holidays!), 2 weeks settlement, then 2 weeks moving/cleaning.

    So she said she will ring you tomorrow morning for advice with buying in Brisbane and also financing.  they really need some help because they are both young and havent done any research or anything on their own due to time restraints. 

    Her name is Jen and she said she will call after 8am tomorrow :)

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Ok Karen appreciate the referal.

    Certainly will point her in the right direction.

    Hope all goes well with your own new arrival.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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