All Topics / Creative Investing / Steve McKnight Book Launch Sydney

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  • Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    Hi All.

    I just wanted to discuss with people what we learnt from the 90 min presentation at the Hilton.
    First of all, Hands up, anyone that has read the whole book??? :)

    Steve touched on a few things that has inpired me to do more research, things like his US Tax Liens, buying cheap US property, and commercial property.

    Also, his 250k Club.
    Im guessing many pple joined. I didnt, i couldnt do anything on impulse. Although i wish i did, seemed like a great offer. Wonder if i can still join.

    Any comments on the above, or what you thougth of it over all??

    Regards TCL

    Profile photo of M Y

    I finished his book earlier this year and thought that the presentation in Brisbane was excellent.  I joined his 500k club, well I filled out the form – but not sure if I made it into the first 50 peoples.  I assume they would let me know right?

    It took a while for me to fill out the form, but I guess I have to invest in my knowledge first, so I'm thinking of $1400 as an investment.

    Has anyone joined any of Steve's other club?

    Would love to hear from you.

    Was the support good, did you reach your targeted goals?


    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    I’m still working through the new chapters of Steve’s latest book. I was pleased to see it touching on subdivisions, but I still haven’t found a book which goes into as much detail as I need on the topic.

    I also joined the 250k club, seemed reasonable for the cost. Has anyone gone through the master class material? I am hoping it isnt just a reproduction of his books and other packs. I dont have several thousand for his results programme, so this seems like a better entry level to still gain the expertise. Perhaps those of us that have joined up will be able to network and inspire each other as they do on the results course.

    Profile photo of williampwilliamp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    I attended the Sydney launch with my wife and we joined the 250K club (well – as mentioned above we filled in the form).

    We have been talking about getting into investment property for many years and treated the seminar as an opportunity to make a committment towards taking action.

    I will finish the book this weekend.

    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    I am also going to start on the book. I need to finish it soon to get all the benefit from it.
    I am wondering the same thing, We pay money to join this club, and what we get essentially, is to network with each other, We might form JVs, we might inpire each other to make a move, of those of us who have been talking about it for years and years, It might open doors to our eyes to otherways of doing things. I realise that now. Even if we dont get to that magical 250k mark. (anyway how is that determined?? capital gain?? on paper or selling the properties, or in cash or what?) even if its half that, its not bad for 18 months.

    Anyway its going to give me the kick along that i need to get myself moving.

    Profile photo of M Y

    Good news everyone, I just got confirmation today that I'm in the 250K club.  I thought I heard Steve said it was the 500k club at the presentation?? Anyway I'll let you know how I go.  But good question TLC investment.  I wonder how they calculate the $250k mark.

    Well, I'll soon find out. 


    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    I have just confirmed my place. havent got the receipt for it yet tho.

    So, How do they determine if we have made 250k??? time is easy, ( i dont even know when anything starts), start point, everyone starts with naught. Then in 18 months, we all line up and say.

    In the last 18 month………

    • I have bought 4 properties. Total purchase price, 1.1mil. Total valuation 1.35+, i have achieve the 250k goal.
    • I have bought and sold property, and the total profit from all of my transactions is more than 250k
    • I have bought property, many of them and i now have a total cashflow of 250k per year.

    i dont know, there are a million different scenarios that you could interpret 250k.

    Anyone else??

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    I certainly won’t be selling property in the first 12 months just to make the 250k mark (and get hit with capital gains), would have to be based on valuation.

    It will be interesting to see just how much information we would share with one another, my current strategies are very much based on location and specific property types which would rarely come up, so would have to be rather guarded unfortunately.

    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    Right Mattnz, why would one sell to be hit with CGT?? If our strategy was to buy n hold.
    Valuations are so subjective though, U go to one realestate agent and ask for a valuation, then you  go to another, he gives you something totally different. because they want your business.

    Anywho, I am going to use this as a motivational tool, Give each other ideas and share our frustrations ( im having trouble with my CBA at the moment) and pool our knowledge. We will be wiser im sure after this excerise.
    We even got a incentive to acheiving the goal- What did Steve call it?? a retreat or something?

    Profile photo of dnh83

    Hi All,

    I've signed up, and i'm based in Brisbane.  I will be investing in SEQ to learn the ropes.  I've recently had confirmation that i'm in the club and also asked Steve how the final $250k figure is judged.  So to put your mind at ease, you wont need to sell the property, equity is fine and can contribute to your total.
    (Quote: " $250k in equity is fine (as is $250k in cash). It is pre-tax profit."

    My strategy will be Sub-Divisions, while also looking for the ever elusive 'Positive Cash Flow' properties.  This is going to be quite an interesting challenge as I work a solid 5 days a week.  There's a lot that can be done after hours, but getting into the Council for lodging and submissions will put the pressure on !!

    Just want to wish everyone who's signed up all the best – hopefully i'll see you there in August 2011.



    Profile photo of Marie123Marie123
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 176

    I didn't get into the club, they said it was full. :( I haven't read the book yet either and as a mother of 2 (toddlers) and one on the way, I dare say I will have my work cut out. I hope to find other mothers on here that I can hear some encouragement from, and some success stories to keep me going! :D


    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    dnh, positive cashflow really isnt that hard to find right now, but if your goal is $250k, positive cashflow is unlikely to get it for you (unless you could consider it based on the NPV).

    Profile photo of dnh83

    Thanks Mattnz – fully aware the returns on PC wont bring in the $250k required – hoping to find PC property that can also be sub-divided !!  

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253


    Plenty on here and plenty of great information too!


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    Hello everyone.

    Has anyone been able to register their book yet?? I can’t seem to do it. We were promised we would be able to register and access the resources from the 1st dec. But the weblink keeps saying thar I am too early and they don’t have it ready yet. Just wanted to see if others have registered.

    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    This is what Steve has emailed me on 7 dec 09

    $250k Prize

    In order to qualify for the two free tickets to the 3 day retreat in
    August 2011, you'll need to have made $250,000+ in profit by 30th June
    2011. The profit can be realised (i.e. cash) or unrealised (i.e.

    The critical point is that the profit needs to relate to:

    a) Deal(s) bought after 1st November 2009, or
    b) For property already owned, the majority of the work that gives
    rise to the profit must be done after 1st November 2009.

    If you have any questions about whether a deal you have on the go
    qualifies then please email me.

    How you calculate the profit will need to be submitted for review, and
    to make it official we'll ask you to sign a statutory declaration
    confirming your estimate of the profit.

    I guess the best way to do this is to get any existing properties valued now and then after 18month, or June 2011. That way you can measure how much the value has gone up in that time. I am going to be doing major renovations on my property next month ( for the purpose of rentability not soley for 250k) and will be doing the same thing, to see how much exactly i will gain.

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    Hi TCL,

    I have been a bit disappointed so far, was expecting there to be some form of community from paying to sign up for this, to discuss ideas with.

    It seems that nothing is happening though and the forum hasnt eventuated.

    Profile photo of TCLinvestments

    U are right. There is suppose to be a dedicated area for us to log into and share ideas and have like an exclusive group. What is happening?? and who can we contact in this regard.

    I want some of the templates in the book and they were suppose to be available to us after we registered our book. i cant even register.

    Profile photo of phillandjab

    Hi Guys
    First post I too am in need of some templates for some research I'm doing, and am having finding them, any assistance appreciated.

    Profile photo of phillandjab

    Woops left out difficulty

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