All Topics / Help Needed! / I cant do it therefore…………

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  • Profile photo of WomeninPropMelb

    Steve, I just read your post about your book and how members of this forum are bagging you. Well good on you I say! If you are good enough to put yourself out there, then you deserve kudos. You sound like a good bloke to me.
    Yes, it is all hard work. I am now running a regular meeting for property investors in Melbourne- Women in Property Melbourne and I get it all the time: I cant because this, or I cant because that. I am over it and will continue to run my meetings for those who want to get something out of it!
    More power to you Steve!
    Christine Stow

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    That's is why 97% or more of the population stay poor.
    They use their mind to produce a poor life
    where as the 3% think how can I do this
    even if the bank won't lend them the money ,
    they think how can I still invest in property
    or what else can I invest in that is a smaller baby step
    or who can I invest with.

    A person has to make a Quantum Leap to be at their full potential
    I went to a free seminar which was an introduction to the full blown seminar in March in Brisbane 2010

    Profile photo of WomeninPropMelb

    Wow! Duckster, that does look profound! I am on my property investing journey and cant wait to see Steve this Thursday night in Melbourne!

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