All Topics / Overseas Deals / The land tender deal for a $1.00 half an acre block of land!
Due to the overwhelming response to our previous blocks of land (which have now all sold) we have decided to tender out our last remaining block of land out for $1.00.
Yes, that is correct we are offering a 2023sqmtr (1/2 acre ) block of land at Quambone in NSW for the sum of $1.00 This block has a clean and clear title free from encumbrances, mortgages, caveats or easements ready for easy transfer.The block also has power and phone available. rates for the block are also minimal which is also a bonus!What does the tender process involve?
Simply write to us and tell us why you would like to own this block of land for $1.00 and that’s it!
We will judge each tender on it merits and all tenders will be treated equally and with respect.
Don’t be shy or afraid to put your thoughts down and don’t let the opportunity slip away.
Some of your reasons could be;
It could be me
Financial security
The chance to own your very own slice of Australia
Sick of paying rent
Future investment
Something for your kids.
or even greed!Whatever your reason may be simply put it down on paper and let us know about it and be honest.
You can make it as long or as short as you wish.
Who knows we might only have one person submit a tender for the block, and the lucky person could be you!
The winning tender will be announced on Christmas eve (how’s that for a nice Christmas present!)Terms and Conditions:
$100.00 application fee
$135.00 aud for residents outside Australia ( as for the differing processing amounts charged by banks
$1.00 Winning tender fee must be paid before transfer can be completed
Personal details will not be shared with any 3rd party
Personal details will not be on-sold for commercial purposes.
Transfer fees and stamp duty are included
Multiple tender applications can be submitted however only application per tender will be accepted.
Tender applications close on the 20th of December 2009 Winning tender will be announced on the 24th of December
Please email for a tender application form.
Legal information has been sought directly from the office of Fair trading NSW.Yes I have seen this on units and houses …
So this is not a ballot it is based on your personal decision ??
Do you have a DFT registration number ??
As I know every person this site is totally honest and transparent … what make you to be such a good judge reading from a letter about people you don't know including me … very clever way to make money oh how many tickets are there ?? you must state that by law when you are advertising which you are doing right now.
Would you offer vendor finance for those unable to come up with the full $1? I have a client who could pay in installments at 7%pa interest over 25 years.
(sorry, couldn't help myself////////)
I have seent these sorts of sales on TV – it is a way of attracting people to the town and for the council to get more income from rates etc and for the establishment of jobs – there are usually conditions such as must build a house within 1 or 2 years, and must be owner occupied etc. Good idea
Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
Email MeLawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)
Is there a condition that says that i couldnt bid and buy it, hold it for 6 months and sell it for $10,000??
because i probably could look for the $1, plus any transfer fees.
I just couldnt afford to build a house on the land, or want to live there.Im just thinking, if someone goes into something like this blindly, not knowing whats involved, and what the terms are. ( like me) could be a nightmare!!!
Can you give me the email address for the application?
Welcome to the Forum which you joined 14 days ago, and welcome to your first posting.
Why don't you introduce yourself first, before just slapping something unsigned and anonymous on the "notice board", and howza bout you tell us a little bit about you, and take it from there. ? Otherwise it just looks to me like a suckers game of collecting forum members and investors names and contact details without even saying who you are.
thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
Email Me | Phone Meselling motels in NSW
TCLinvestments wrote:Is there a condition that says that i couldnt bid and buy it, hold it for 6 months and sell it for $10,000??
because i probably could look for the $1, plus any transfer fees.
I just couldnt afford to build a house on the land, or want to live there.Im just thinking, if someone goes into something like this blindly, not knowing whats involved, and what the terms are. ( like me) could be a nightmare!!!
Basically once the block is transfered into your name you would be free to do with it as you wished.
There are no time constraints or restrictions to build on the block, unlike in other area’s you don’t have to build within a 2 year time frame.
Rates are also quite reasonable at $289 per wrote:Yes I have seen this on units and houses …So this is not a ballot it is based on your personal decision ??
Do you have a DFT registration number ??
As I know every person this site is totally honest and transparent … what make you to be such a good judge reading from a letter about people you don't know including me … very clever way to make money oh how many tickets are there ?? you must state that by law when you are advertising which you are doing right now.
i am in the process of putting the whole tender process in the hands of a licenced real estate agent so the whole process will be “open and transparent”
We are not selling “tickets” the block is on offer by private treat or tender.susannemoore wrote:Can you give me the email address for the application?thecrest wrote:Welcome to the Forum which you joined 14 days ago, and welcome to your first posting.
Why don't you introduce yourself first, before just slapping something unsigned and anonymous on the "notice board", and howza bout you tell us a little bit about you, and take it from there. ? Otherwise it just looks to me like a suckers game of collecting forum members and investors names and contact details without even saying who you are.
sorry for the tardiness of reply, normally when somebody post’s a reply to comments you receive an email stating that a post had been answered, i have not received any as yet and just decided to check back today and found out there has been replies.. oops!
Basically i am married with a wife and 6 young children and come from a small country town, as it stands we have sold a number of properties and thought that we could give something back.
What's the name and location of your company or organisation or self ?
Legitimacy and transparency always go together.Cheers
thecrestthecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
Email Me | Phone Meselling motels in NSW
Terryw wrote:Would you offer vendor finance for those unable to come up with the full $1? I have a client who could pay in installments at 7%pa interest over 25 years.(sorry, couldn't help myself////////)
I have seent these sorts of sales on TV – it is a way of attracting people to the town and for the council to get more income from rates etc and for the establishment of jobs – there are usually conditions such as must build a house within 1 or 2 years, and must be owner occupied etc. Good idea
Hi Terryw,
Sure i can offer you vendor finance at a rate of 7% over 25 years on the full $1.00 ;-p
It is a great way to introduce new people into area’s that some very well may not have know existed, it does also help to breath life into the communities with new people coming into town bringing skills and knowledge.There are no time restrictions to build or to move to the block.
Where does the $100 application fee go? If that goes into your pocket, then all it will take is 300 applications for you to get $30,000 for your block. At the moment there is a house on the same size block for sale in Quambone for $30,000.
Seems like a clever way to sell a block of land that is not otherwise selling. Not sure I believe the whole "give something back" and breath (sic) life into the communities" gumph though.
Have you ever heard of a place called Mt Morgan in Queensland?
About 3 years ago it was basically dying there was no employment opportunities and you could pick houses up there for between $10-30,000.
The area was advertised on a current affair as “one of the cheapest places in Australia” and sure enough as night follows day, new life was brought back into the town, now the current house price in Mount Morgan is $200,000.00+The fee covers the cost of the transfer, legal fees, agents charges, postage and so on.
At the moment there have only been a handful of inquiries on the block.
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