All Topics / Value Adding / Rough estimates for cost painting and floor polishing?

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  • Profile photo of Bronte


    I am after some *vague* ideas of costs before I go off and find out how much the work below will cost me…..just want to be prepared for the quotes I will get shortly!

    I know to get actual quotes from trademen is going to be the only way to fully answer my questions, but am still in the early stages of planning and want to get a broad (extremely broad!) idea of the budget.

    I am strickly talking about paying others to do the work – and am not able to do any of this myself.

    For a small to average sized house of 3 brm, lounge, bath, kitchen and laundry – all on the smallish side – not much in the way of corridors or entry ways……sorry cannot give size in square metres – but suffice to say, house is 'petite'

    Would anyone like to give a very rough estimate – to the nearest $1000 on what it might cost to:

    1. Paint internally – with walls and plaster in reasonable order?

    2. Paint externally – long overdue for external paint – south side quite peeled, yet weather boards in sound order?

    3. Re-polish living and bedroom floors – 1950s house with existing original polished floors that we would like to give a brilliant finish to?

    Still waiting for building inspection to be carried out…but worst case scenario – if it needs restumping and rewiring;

    4. What would be the cost of restumping a smallish weatherboard house with good under floor access – to the nearest $1000?

    5. What would be the cost of rewiring a smallish house that may still have its original wiring – not sure of roof access – might be partly limited due to slanted roof style? Again, to the nearest $1000

    Would really like to hear your very rough estimates – before I go some and get shocked by the official quotes.

    Is there a general rule of renovator's thumb that says the likes of painting, rewiring, etc should cost x per sqm anything like that?

    Apologies for all the questions!


    Profile photo of gmnicho

    first things first, do the painting yourself, anyone can do it, shout  your mates to a bbq with free beer and food and it'll cost tou $500-750 ………..if you have a decent go you'll be able to do a pro job yourself at 1/4 of the price…………..polishing boards? well depends on the area to be done & your location, unfortunately tradeies in city locations have to pay city priced mortgages/rents & tend to charge more….but leave that to the pro's, might save $ doing it urself, but the quality you'll get from a good tradie will be well worth his fee……………restumping? again depends on the area of the house and its location, is it on brick piers? get to know some tradies, there's not much they won't do for free beer…………….. rewiring? absolutely no idea……………… all honestly without knowing the size of the house or what type of job you wanna do i don't think anyone can answer these questions accurately and honestly but if i were to take a rough guess, i'd say $30-50k would get the house to its 1950's glory, using good product and good tradies…………….the only good tip i can give you is to get at least 3 to 5 quotes for each job and go with the best your gut tells you to…..remember that sometimes you get what you  pay for, the cheapest option may not always be the best!   good luck!

    Profile photo of gmnicho

    i've just read what i wrote, $30-50 is probably way to much, if you're only doing cosmetic work then you could probably say $25-35, but this all depends on location for what the tradies charge…………….

    Profile photo of Bronte

    Hey thanks gmnicho…I appreciate your response!

    Even at your very lowest estimate of 25k – you think it would be that much to paint internally, paint externally and repolish floors….so at least 8k for EACH of the three jobs? That is before looking at possible re-stumping or re-wiring??

    I knew getting things done professionally would cost a bit – but maybe not this much…….

    Sure, I am not helping frame the question properly by not having the actual size of the property – but imagine the smallest of the older style commission houses of the 60s.

    And yes, I want to pay others to do the work….have no intention of doing it on my own or asking friends.



    Profile photo of maree_bradrossmaree_bradross
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 401

    We had a 3 bedroom w/board cottage restumped for $6k cash 3 years ago – had it finished in 3 days. We want to paint externally this cottage – tenants are quite keen to do the labour in lieu of rent – so would be interested in a cost comparison.

    We just had upstairs in a 2 bedroom townhouse polished (2 bedrooms, hall, bath and toilet $1500. We just got a quote to paint carport, windows, fascia boards on said townhouse – brick veneer $3k.

    Hope that is of some help?

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