All Topics / Finance / CBA Fixed Rates for last 12-months

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  • Profile photo of vucko84

    Hi All,

    As the topic says; is there anywhere I can find the CBA home loan fixed rates for the last 12-months?

    Just interested in the movement/trending…


    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Ring the local branch and ask them as i doubt they publish fixed rate movements on their website.

    Altenatively your mortgage broker can probably tell you the changes from his own records.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Michael.Lee

    Gidday Vucko84,

    If you can give me a specific Fixed term (i.e. 3 years), I can get that for you.

    Profile photo of vucko84

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your help!

    Fixed 5-years and 3-years; both if possible since beginning of April, 2008 to present.


    Profile photo of Michael.Lee

    Gidday Vucko,

    Sorry, I need you to pick 3 or 5 years and a 12 month window. Remember, this is a freebie.

    Profile photo of vucko84

    No worries Michael,

    5-years for last 12-months.


    Profile photo of vucko84

    Hi Michael – any luck?

    Profile photo of Michael.Lee

    Gidday Vucko84,

    Sorry, I have been off work due to personal matters – I'll compile the data across the weekend and post it for you early next week (hopefully Monday!)

    Profile photo of Michael.Lee

    Hello Vucko,

    Rates are the retail rack rates and do not include significant savings from:

    1. MAV/Wealth discounts – 0.15% p.a. off Fixed Rates and;
    2. ORP Mortgage Rebates – 0.20% p.a. Y2 onwards

    So the effective rates are quite a bit lower if you structured and sourced with these in mind.

    In view of the my delay, I've compiled and charted 1 thru  5 year fixed and threw in some bonus months as a way of saying sorry for the delay.

    I didn't bother with trending as the data sample is too small and anything other than a moving average will demonstrate a downward trend which is probably a little misleading.

    Anyhow, you can download the pdf with charting and tables from here:

    Let me know how you go.

    Profile photo of vucko84

    That's perfect – thanks a lot!

    Profile photo of PosEnterprises

    Anyone know what the fixed rates for are 2yrears at RHG rang them can't get through!

    Profile photo of Michael.Lee

    Gidday PosEnterprises,

    RHG isn't one we track too closely for obvious reasons.

    Last update for 2 year fixed was suitably horrifying at 8.05% as at June this year which is slightly less ridiculous today than it was back then, but not by much.

    It may or may not have moved since and if you are thinking about fixing for 2 with RHG, you might also want to way up the cost of breaking.

    Profile photo of PosEnterprises

    Thanks Mike well I won't be doing that then. 

    Profile photo of vucko84

    I know these can change daily but is there a website where you can check/monitor the wholesale (interest) market swap rates?

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