All Topics / Help Needed! / Newbie : want to sell my property privately

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  • Profile photo of jimjames41

    I'm newbie on this forum. I'm not too sure If I am on the right section.

    I have a 1 bedroom unit in potts point and want to sell it privately. Anyone can advise if there is a good forum or online chatgroup to sell property privately.



    Profile photo of aaabbbcccaaabbbccc
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 71

    Not sure if you've tried  ?

    I hear it advertised on the radio all the time, haven't had a good look at it myself though.


    Profile photo of propertywatchpropertywatch
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Duncan

    Try the following websites;


    Profile photo of RedRoofRedRoof
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Duncan

    I'd suggest you contact local Buyers Agents to see if they have any buyers on their books who might be interested in your unit. They won't charge you anything, as the buyers pay them. You can find a list of accredited buyers agents at:

    Yvette Goulter
    Principal, RedRoof – Licensed Buyers Agent, Brisbane

    Profile photo of shubhshubh
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 22

    Do you want to save the commission of the agents or some thing else? You can place advt. on various real estate sites, newspaper classified etc. But, to get more value, hiring the services of agent would be better.  

    legal foreclosure

    Profile photo of PropertyMonopoly

    Hi, I put my property on Domain, they allow private individuals and it looked pretty damn good, they have a huge clientele following as opposed to anything else available.

    I also put a really big sign out the front, it looked just like a REA's. The property sold and the buyer came from the sign.

    This is the third place I've sold privately, in one instance a property was with an agent and went to auction.

    I would not let it go at auction and the agent said he would be unlikely to get a better price so he did not want to perservere any further.

    I ended up selling it myself 10 weeks later for $40,000 more then auction price and saved the $8,000 fee.

    However it's not for everyone and it's a bit of a crazy game. You really need to understand some of the tactics REA's use.

    Best of Luck

    Profile photo of jimjames41

    Hello all,
    Thanks heaps for your inputs.
    Redroof: That link is excellent, I have just sent out everyone in NSW. I think it's the good idea.

    Adams: i haven't tried
    Frank: I have put my advert on both webs you mentioned (thanks).
    Shubh: yes, I am trying to hold this money to buy next property. I do a lot of multi billion projects and this suppose to be a small $300 k project :) haha… I'm not sure why people are scared to sell by their own. If you have a property in prime location (like I'm in potts point) then why anyone will need a agent? Second, I do belive that agents are good if you have a house in subrubs or need some expert advise on enhancing the price. in those cases agets are really good to hire.

    I'll keep you posted, in mean time if you guys have other ideas let me know.

    What you think about this? it looks not right as doesn't advertise private sellers.

    Our Service

    Cost: $295 for the initial listing and $79 per month until the property is sold.

    Includes: Access to the 5 main Real estate Websites plus our own






    I got this nice URL after hunting on the internet:

    Profile photo of jimjames41

    Easyfinance – thanks for sharing your story. job well done $40k in your hip pocket!!

    hey, you said: You really need to understand some of the tactics REA's

    what do you mean? any pointer?

    i'm thinking to advertise with . that guy seems to be genuine and he also advertises it on other websites.
    He is fighting with for placing advert on their website as a part of his package to the customers.

    Is there any evaulation tool freely available on the net so that I can get an idea of how the selling price I am setting up is correct.
    I have already got a quote from 2 agents to sell the property but Ia m not sure if they are 100% correct.


    Profile photo of PropertyMonopoly

    Hi, you mentioned you already got a quote from 2 agents to sell the property but Ia m not sure if they are 100% correct.
    They won't be 100%  but you need to satisfy yourself that they are in the ball park.

    One tactic sometimes used by them  leaves you wondering which to choose, they have been known,  to over quote to win the job, can you imagine that.

    You could choose the one that gave the low quote because he might be honest or could he just be lazy or should you take the other?????

    Ask one of the agents to give you a print out of all property sales in your area in the last 6 months any good agent can. Then compare with what they have told you, evaluate yourself if you can't come up with a small range, maybe don't sell yourself because this is just one part of the selling process the first part.,

    As you know you could get a valuer at a cost .

    Best of Luck.

    Profile photo of Casper_1000Casper_1000
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 35
    easyfinance4u3779 wrote:
    One tactic sometimes used by them  leaves you wondering which to choose, they have been known,  to over quote to win the job, can you imagine that.

    If you believe the agent is giving you a false estimate to get you to sign up then insist that a condition is inserted into the contract that says they will not be paid a commission unless you get a minimum offer close to what the estimate is. If the agent is so confident then that shouldn’t be a problem. Right??

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