All Topics / General Property / API magazine – property market indicators

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  • Profile photo of JimmyJJimmyJ
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 49

    The API magazine forecasts the property market indicators every month, provided by Herron Todd White.

    The indicators cover things such as:
    Stage of property cycle
    Rental vacancy trend
    Volume of house sales, etc

    They are listed for each capital city.

    Curious to hear if the experienced investors pay much attention to there indicators, or use others?

    Profile photo of Scott No Mates

    I pay more attention to those published by the Australian Property Institute from their quarterly surveys. Survey results are based on responses from property mgrs, valuers, asset managers, developers etc.

    April survey shows each state & category are still on the way down with a long way to go before any sign of recovery. So buy, buy, buy (for at least another year or 2).

    Profile photo of sweeper2009sweeper2009
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 22


    that explains why major banks has increased their LVR to 80% to protect their own ass from the coming down turn. i think they also see it coming.

    Profile photo of Scott No Mates

    They are also on the survey. Plus they have their own research and the benefit of many, many asset managers & valuers.

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