I just had a new side fence installed and now need to either build a small fence or add a gate at the front of the property to close off the gap between the fence and the side of the house (I hope that makes sense!)
The fencer quoted me $250!!!
It could not be more than 4 feet wide.
Can I just buy a pre-made gate or something similar from Bunnings to install myself?
measure the height and width of the gate required and go to bunnings or similar. They have a range of un-assembled steel frames that can be assembled to almost any size. They are pre-hinged also. Cost $60 – $80. You will also need pickets or pailings to clad the frame, some screws suited for going into steel. And maybe a post to hang the gate off, concrete for the hole also.
When you account for your time to pick up and assemble the gate $250 might seem cheap.
measure the height and width of the gate required and go to bunnings or similar. They have a range of un-assembled steel frames that can be assembled to almost any size. They are pre-hinged also. Cost $60 – $80. You will also need pickets or pailings to clad the frame, some screws suited for going into steel. And maybe a post to hang the gate off, concrete for the hole also.
When you account for your time to pick up and assemble the gate $250 might seem cheap.
Current Bunnings cattledog shows the steel framed gate (adjustable size) is $105. As pointed out elsewhere $250 sounds cheap & a no effort solution.
It depends upon what you use eg 1 sheet of fibre cement 1200 x 2400 cut in half to face both sides will cost $25-$30, DAR hardwood will set you back $7/m and you will need 12 or so lengths @ 1.2 m, then you will have the choice paint or stain. You will probably have to get yourself a couple of posts for the gate to be hung off and to close up against, maybe a few expanding fixings (dynabolts).