All Topics / Finance / Depreciation Report

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  • Profile photo of PropertySeekerPropertySeeker
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 43

    Hi All,

    okies i think im gonna go with BDSA Quantity Surveyors to do my reports. however it says they do div 40 and div 43. What does that mean?


    Profile photo of Dan42Dan42
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 619

    Div 40 is regular depreciation – carpets, ovens, blinds etc.

    Div 43 is building depreciation.

    Profile photo of timothy_us8timothy_us8
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10

    Write "I want to be Audited" in bright red crayon on that line item. Im sure the auditor will be glad to explain how to depreciate a pair of socks to you :)

    Profile photo of blueheeler

    Has anyone heard of Loanmarket?

    I've had a bad experience with them and applied for a loan 1 month ago. Firstly i was told that i didn't qualify with Rams because i was employed for 10 months. Then, he said that i could apply with Bankwest. A few weeks had passed by and then he told me that we had to apply for the loan ourselves. I asked him if he could find a lender to suit our needs. He then said Rams was the only lender to suit our needs……………….please refer to his email and tell me what you think?

    I am glad to help out any way I can – but I cannot submit the loan for you as the product you require is not available to brokers, it is only available through the RAMS branches.


    You will need to ring RAMS (137267) and set up an appointment with them.


    As I said, unfortunately I cannot assist directly with the lodging of the loan but will be more then glad to help any other way I can.




    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi blueheeler

    I am assuming that you mean self employed for 10 months as if you actually meant employed i can think of a dozen lenders all else being equal that would have considered the application.

    I cant comment on Loanmarket but as a competitor you get will get as good information and advice as the person who owns the franchise. Like every organisation there is good and bad.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of blueheeler
    Qlds007 wrote:
    Hi blueheeler

    I am assuming that you mean self employed for 10 months as if you actually meant employed i can think of a dozen lenders all else being equal that would have considered the application.

    I cant comment on Loanmarket but as a competitor you get will get as good information and advice as the person who owns the franchise. Like every organisation there is good and bad.

    Sorry for the confusion, not self employed.

    There are 2 other people involved with the appliction.

    I'm just disappointed with the time frame that the mortgage broker got back to us. If he was unsure about the products available then he should have said.

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