All Topics / Finance / LVR Land only

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  • Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Hi all,

    What's the current maximum LVR for land only (300-700m2) 5-8km from the CBD in Adelaide, Brisbane or Melbourne?

    Best regards ToWhomItMayInterest

    Profile photo of bfantastic

    All land loans are either 60% LVR or there are a few lenders offering out to 80%

    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    cheers mate

    Does anyone know what the maximum land only LVR from one of the four major banks is?

    I tried searching on their websites but no luck there.

    Yeah great 80%LVR, I am interested to know which banks do this?

    Profile photo of bfantastic

    It all depend on the purpose for the purchase of the land and how you or going to claim the service of the loan.

    If you are buying it to build and fully verify your income then most of the lenders are happy to lend you out 90% but over 80% will incur LMI and they place their own restrictions and the cost can change the deal.

    Please don't just go to the big banks, look at other lender like the building societies
    Credit unions and second tire lenders you will find them very competitive and will to deal.

    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Great advise bfantastic thanks

    As an Expat it's a little harder to obtain finance that's why I'm considering the 4 major banks.

    At htis stage I'm just contemplating ideas, if I'm able to buy land-only at a 80%LVR I can afford a block of land at let's say $200K. Put down the $40K deposit plus costs then hold the property while saving funds for construction at a later date.
    Would this work?

    Profile photo of bfantastic

    As an Expat I assume you mean you are Australian living overseas?
    Citibank will help you out and there are others
    I try to discourage people away from using the majors for what they have done to Australia's financial markets they are just greedy.

    Your plan for the land would most differently work with a verified 80% Loan, all you need to is show your last two years tax returns to prove serviceability no matter where you earn the money.  

    Profile photo of LinarLinar
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 567

    CBA only do 50% on vacant land.

    Profile photo of RaymondBDMRaymondBDM
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 32


    Rams will do 95% plus lmi against vacant land, but you need 5% genuine savings…and yes you can construct later

    low doc 80%
    are you an offshore borrower?

    let me know if you want further info..



    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    95% is available with a few institutions even if you are an expat and you dont need genuine savings.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Interesting!!!…thanks to all

    Expat – I'm an Aussie citizen living and working overseas.

    $100K + genuine savings should suffice.

    95%LVR is great!!!….but experts say I can't obtain LMI because of defaults on my credit file. – 80%LVR is my maximum

    Are there many institutions that will do 80%LVR for vacant land?

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    It depends to the extent of the defaults, to whom they are in favour when they were paid out and the amounts etc etc.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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