All Topics / Help Needed! / Two q’s: Moving overseas & depreciation calculation

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  • Profile photo of MJTVBMJTVB
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 3

    Hi all,

    Would be great to get some thoughts, views, and perhaps some got insights on two questions I got. I am currently contemplating buying an investment property.

    1) What happens to you tax deductions if you move overseas in 2  or 3 years and stay overseas for 2-4 years before coming back. It means of course that you don't have an income in Australia from which you can deduct costs, interest. Can you accumulate this for when you come back?

    2) Any hints or tips of how you can estimate the house and chattel depreciation amounts without engaging a property surveyor and spending $1,000(?) on a report. I am looking at a small house that is 4 years old and am I trying to understand what my depreciation opportunity is? 


    Profile photo of washingtonbrownwashingtonbrown
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 44

    HI MJT

    To get an estimate of the likely depreciation…

    Us the depreciation calculator on our website



    Profile photo of Dan42Dan42
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 619

    If your property is negatively geared, and you have no other income to offset this against, the losses from your RP accumulate, so they can be deducted in future years.

    For depreciation, I would advise to pay the money (it's tax deductible) and get a Quantity Surveyor's report.

    Profile photo of thinker

    You can accumulate losses whilst non-resident. Have a look for the book "The australian expat – the luckiest person on earth" which has a simple explanation. It also explains depreciation.

    Profile photo of thinker

    and a depreciation report should be <$500 :)

    Profile photo of Property ReturnsProperty Returns
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 8

    Should be <$500

    Liam Hannah
    Quantity Surveyor
    special $299 fully inspected

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