All Topics / General Property / Request to PM

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  • Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Hi all,

    Just a small request to my property manager, not sure if anyone has the same problem as me?

    The PM is managing 2 of my IP, now because I work overseas I asked the PM to e-mail me the monthly rental statements (each month), as well as postal to my parents address in Oz.

    Monthly e-mailed rental statements will make it alot easier for me to keep track of income and expences while working overseas.

    My minor issue is the fact that I have to continually ask for them to be e-mailed, when I finally receive a rental statement it is a few months old. – it's not a big problem i know but for me it's frustrating that this agency isn't conducting the simple request.

    My question is does anyone have their rental statements e-mailed to them without long delays or having to continually request them?

    Best regards ToWhomItMayInterest

    Profile photo of LalibellaLalibella
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 116

    Your PM is a slacker. My statements are emailed at the same time each month and posted a few days  later.  Perhaps write them a letter asking for better service.

    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    yeah I thought so just wasn't sure if it was me being a whiner

    thanks, I will try the letter approach.

    Does anyone have a PM that they would recommend for the suburbs north of Adelaide CBD?

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Change your PM, there should be no difficulty in emailing the statement (most PM software has this capability).

    Profile photo of Linar

    I have a friend who speaks very highly of their PM in the Adelaide northern suburbs.  I will find out their name and let you know.



    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Hi Linar,

    Yeah, I would definitely like to make contact with your friend's PM. – that would be great!

    The current PM that I am using is by default because the original PM I decided to use is no longer employed by the REagency.

    Thanks to all,

    best regards ToWhomItMayInterest

    Profile photo of Linar

    Hi there

    This PM comes highly recommended.

    Suzanne Howe
    Focus Property Management 
    ph:  08 8395 5789 
    mobile:  0418  827 585

    Good luck


    Profile photo of Luke TaylorLuke Taylor
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 415

    Mate i think its not good enough.
    But is the rest of their service Ok ,or have you brought it to their attention and they not rectified it?

    I personally reckon alot of these PMs take on too many properties .I manage a few of my own and have an agent aswell ,but
    by the time you look after tenants and fix problems properly there isnt alot of time left over.
    I dont believe  it is physicaly possible to look after all the things reqd properly when yve got 150 to 200 props.
    Eg checking tenants after they report an issue to see what the actuall problem is.
    Then who caused it? the tenant or wear and tear?
    Then the checking of quotes and getting the best deals on repairs for landlords,
    then having them check the repairs were done properly.
    etc etc etc,
    you get my drift??!!!!

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
    Email Me

    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

    Profile photo of ToWhomItMayInterest

    Thanks heaps for the contact Linar.

    This week currently organising to have a property valuation done, I gave the PM the heads up to schedule access for the valuer. Now several days have past and the valuer has been trying to contact the PM leaving messages with no response…???…what the hell???

    lol…this is amusing that I have to ask several time to get any single requests done…it's not a big problem just a tad annoying.

    whether it's rental statements or access for professionals, etc I have to ask several times. I would do it myself but I am on the other side of the world so catch 22.

    Yeah World Changer, I agree how can PMs possibly manage 150+ properties. 


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