All Topics / Opinionated! / ASX closes at new five-year low

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  • Profile photo of doubledown trent
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I got my Crystal Ball from a packet of Kellogs corn flakes,  So far my crystal ball has out predicted the ones the experts have.

    Also,  If people listened to me over a year ago,  There super would be up 30%,  Not down 50% in the stock market.

    I also said property would fall at least 10% last year,  While the experts said it would not,  In fact many where screaming at you telling you to buy before the next big boom and you could not afford to get into the market anymore…. (now that's what I call fear mongering)

    ohh yeh, I almost forgot,  property fell 8% last year… and thats even with the government manipulation (first home buyers grant 21k)

    I have to ask the self-proclaimed expert, can you point me to the post where you said property would drop by 10%? I can see a lot of posts mentioning 50%…

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    WJ Hooker wrote:
                     Its a forum, we are here to give our optinions and try to help others. If we are correct then that's great, if we are wrong , then you can tell us about it, hbbehrendoff must be congradulated for making a brave call, he maybe wrong, but that's fine. At least he is giving reasons for his call, he may save people lots of money ?

    Or he could cost them a lot of money if he is wrong. The truth is, HB is making an educated guess, like everyone else. I know he has been right in the past, (he keeps mentioning his correct predictions ad nauseum), but he can't KNOW for sure and certain what will happen in the future.

    It's the absoluteness of his pontifications that annoys people. It's just his opinion, that's all.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    "I don't think the property markets will suddenly drop down 40%+ next year,  But overall if there's less then a 10% drop in 2009 then I will be very surprised.  A few years of -10% adds up very quickly."

    mmmhmmm ? Now lucky I can remember things I say in the past…

    I do remember one thing I was wrong about though,  I said gold would be probably trading at $1500 around aprilish…  It looks like im going to be wrong about that…  But then,  I did not know about all of the Government "stimulus" plans to falsely bolster up the economy for the short term…  Though gold has been hitting record high's all the same… I am changing my strategy slightly though… (Sidestepping from gold to silver, You can read my silver posts somewhere…) 

    As I have said before,  Its very difficult to predict the short term future because of unforeseen events takeing place,  But predicting long term trends is easy,  Which form the bulk of my predictions…

    Profile photo of SHales
    doubledown trent wrote:
    WJ Hooker wrote:
                     Its a forum, we are here to give our optinions and try to help others. If we are correct then that's great, if we are wrong , then you can tell us about it, hbbehrendoff must be congradulated for making a brave call, he maybe wrong, but that's fine. At least he is giving reasons for his call, he may save people lots of money ?

    Or he could cost them a lot of money if he is wrong. The truth is, HB is making an educated guess, like everyone else. I know he has been right in the past, (he keeps mentioning his correct predictions ad nauseum), but he can't KNOW for sure and certain what will happen in the future.

    It's the absoluteness of his pontifications that annoys people. It's just his opinion, that's all.

    Don't be so tetchy.  All any of us have to offer on this forum, re the future, is our opinion.  Some people are more confident than others about their information, and their ability to predict things accurately.  Are you jealous?  If someone is relying upon the opinion of an anonymous internet identity without carrying out their own investigations and research from more authoritative sources, then it is only a matter of time before they listen to the wrong person and loose money.  And sure, HB can be a little absolute in his opinions.  Do you remember the confidence, the arrogance and the blissful self assurity of early adulthood before you've made any real mistakes or copped any big hits, personally, financially, emotionally?  He'll mellow with age and experience.  Leave him be.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    And I don't believe I have EVER said I was an Expert at anything… 

    I'm just a Critical Thinking Researcher

    Oh… I'm pretty good at plastering though   Got any joins to set ? …Ill come set them for some Cash and a few Bruski's

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    hbbehrendorff wrote:

    "I don't think the property markets will suddenly drop down 40%+ next year,  But overall if there's less then a 10% drop in 2009 then I will be very surprised.  A few years of -10% adds up very quickly."

    mmmhmmm ? Now lucky I can remember things I say in the past…

    I do remember one thing I was wrong about though,  I said gold would be probably trading at $1500 around aprilish…  It looks like im going to be wrong about that…  But then,  I did not know about all of the Government "stimulus" plans to falsely bolster up the economy for the short term…  Though gold has been hitting record high's all the same… I am changing my strategy slightly though… (Sidestepping from gold to silver, You can read my silver posts somewhere…) 

    As I have said before,  Its very difficult to predict the short term future because of unforeseen events takeing place,  But predicting long term trends is easy,  Which form the bulk of my predictions…

    Firstly, your quote mentions 2009, not 2008.

    Here's the data from APM regarding changes in property prices for 2008, Houses first, then Units

    Sydney              down 4.2%                   down 3.8%
    Melbourne        up      0.9%                   down 1.5%
    Brisbane           up      0.4%                   down 6.5%
    Perth                 down  7.9%                  down 4.7%
    Adelaide           up       2.9%                  up      2.7%
    Hobart               down 0.4%                   down 7.1%
    Darwin              up       5.5%                  up     20.5%
    Canberra         down  6.7%                  down 2.6%

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    SHales wrote:
    doubledown trent wrote:
    WJ Hooker wrote:
                     Its a forum, we are here to give our optinions and try to help others. If we are correct then that's great, if we are wrong , then you can tell us about it, hbbehrendoff must be congradulated for making a brave call, he maybe wrong, but that's fine. At least he is giving reasons for his call, he may save people lots of money ?

    Or he could cost them a lot of money if he is wrong. The truth is, HB is making an educated guess, like everyone else. I know he has been right in the past, (he keeps mentioning his correct predictions ad nauseum), but he can't KNOW for sure and certain what will happen in the future.

    It's the absoluteness of his pontifications that annoys people. It's just his opinion, that's all.

    Don't be so tetchy.  All any of us have to offer on this forum, re the future, is our opinion.  Some people are more confident than others about their information, and their ability to predict things accurately.  Are you jealous?  If someone is relying upon the opinion of an anonymous internet identity without carrying out their own investigations and research from more authoritative sources, then it is only a matter of time before they listen to the wrong person and loose money.  And sure, HB can be a little absolute in his opinions.  Do you remember the confidence, the arrogance and the blissful self assurity of early adulthood before you've made any real mistakes or copped any big hits, personally, financially, emotionally?  He'll mellow with age and experience.  Leave him be.

    I think people who are so absolute in their opinions are dangerous, and should be challenged on their thoughts and opinions. Just because you say something with authority does not mean it's correct, or should be taken as gospel. It's just something that really gets under my skin. 

     "A little absolute in his opinions"? That's like saying Cyclone Tracey was "a little windy".

    And I agree, people who make investment decisions on the basis of a rant from an anonymous know-it-all on the internet are idiots.

    Profile photo of SHales
    doubledown trent wrote:
    I think people who are so absolute in their opinions are dangerous, and should be challenged on their thoughts and opinions. 

    It is good for us all to have our thoughts and opinions challenged, debate refines our thinking, and often adds to our education.  Most of us have a fairly elastic approach to learning which allows us to take on information from other sources which meet  our personal criteria so far as credibility is concerned, while rejecting information which does not come from a credible source.  This allows those of us with good judgement (time will tell if I am one of them) to assimilate a large amount of quality information from a range of sources over a short period of time.  Those with extremist thoughts are a danger to people who don't have much ability to pick between credible sources of information and a whole load of clap trap peddled by someone who may be articulate, yet relatively uneducated and certainly overly subjective in their views.  People with extreme thoughts are also a danger to themselves in that their extreme views often prevent them from identifying other credible information which challenges and refines their own thinking, so they never learn anything new unless it is from a source which fits in with their own beliefs, thus reinforcing their thinking further.

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    SHales wrote:

    It is good for us all to have our thoughts and opinions challenged, debate refines our thinking, and often adds to our education.  Most of us have a fairly elastic approach to learning which allows us to take on information from other sources which meet  our personal criteria so far as credibility is concerned, while rejecting information which does not come from a credible source.  This allows those of us with good judgement (time will tell if I am one of them) to assimilate a large amount of quality information from a range of sources over a short period of time.  Those with extremist thoughts are a danger to people who don't have much ability to pick between credible sources of information and a whole load of clap trap peddled by someone who may be articulate, yet relatively uneducated and certainly overly subjective in their views.  People with extreme thoughts are also a danger to themselves in that their extreme views often prevent them from identifying other credible information which challenges and refines their own thinking, so they never learn anything new unless it is from a source which fits in with their own beliefs, thus reinforcing their thinking further.

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    ASX Currently trading at 3451.9

    Don't listen to the "experts" this is not the bottom, They where wrong in the past, and they are wrong now…

    Take this opportunity to get out of the market while you can,  It may be your last chance,  No one knows how many more rally's we will have in this bull market,  And the fundamentals are all wrong.

    Sell now,  Don't wait until the market violently drops again and then use that as an excuse for not selling, Take action now.

    Currently at 3615, up for a 5th consecutive day, 3rd week in a row of gains.

    Have we seen the bottom? I wouldn't know, and I won't bore you all with a baseless prediction. I'm just pointing to the scoreboard.

    Profile photo of SHales
    doubledown trent wrote:
    I'm just pointing to the scoreboard.

    Hope you like egg…..

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    Its hard to predict where the bottom or top is,
     I had in my opinion a bottom level close to 3200 on the all ordinaries index.
    My opinion is based on the long term average bottom support level of the all ordinaries over the last 10 years ignoring the crazy upwards surge that happened before the collapse.
    However some of my shares are climbing back up although I am still in a loss situation with these shares.

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    SHales wrote:
    doubledown trent wrote:
    I'm just pointing to the scoreboard.

    Hope you like egg…..

    Currently at 3615, up for a 5th consecutive day, 3rd week in a row of gains.

    Have we seen the bottom? I wouldn't know, and I won't bore you all with a baseless prediction. I'm just pointing to the scoreboard.

    Here is the whole quote, not just a selection. I'm not predicting anything, I'm just saying that since HB told everyone to 'sell sell sell', the market is up 200 points. I'm not sure which way it will go from here. My point is, neither does HB.

    Profile photo of SHales

    Don't panic.  I'm just having a laugh.
    I'll have to stop that.
    Serious investor stuff only from now on.. ;)

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    It would have been a much better business decision to sell at 3451.9 then to buy at 3615,  Sure,  You could have sold at 200 points higher too…  But No one knows where the market will go to the very exact figure.. I do know Bear Markets have Bigger rally's then Bull Markets and that there will be no medium term gains to be had in the stock market,  Only a fool would be investing in the stock market with Fundamentals as they currently are…

    I still stick by what I said 100%  I was laughed at all during 2008,  And I'm sure the same will happen in 2009 too,  I'm not worried :)

    Why do people spend so much time picking and scrutinizing me when I have been Generally correct for the past 1.5 years…  while everyone else who has been 110% wrong… all those Experts and Officials talking and every time they say something,  They are wrong… yet people still listen to them for advice !… like WTF is with that ?

    Then people have a go at me because I can voice my opinion over the internet…  While the guys who continually get it wrong time after time after time are the ones who get the big Audiences over the TV… yet no one complains about there Coverage…

    People may be thinking I'm hiding and running for cover.. because I have not been replying in depth to a few of the attacks on me in certain posts… I just don't have time at the moment… I'm far to busy,  I haven't read or watched the news much for weeks now,  lol

    And Shales… are you laughing at me ? Do you think I have been shamed and debunked ? :)

    Profile photo of SHales
    hbbehrendorff wrote:

    And Shales… are you laughing at me ? Do you think I have been shamed and debunked ? :)

    Never thought you were quite so sensitive, HB.  Go back and reread the thread.  I wasn't laughing at you.  I don't think you have been shamed or debunked.  You should know by now that I take a middle ground which accepts some of what you say, and rejects some of it.  I was laughing, really, at the argument.  You might see, my joke was mildy in support of your point of view. 

    You're all WAY too sensitive at the moment, what is it that time of the month or something?  Lighten up.

    BTW, HB, cutting and pasting articles is cheating.  You have to elaborate with your own thoughts.  We can't argue with an article – where is the fun in that?


    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    Cut and Paste,  I would never do that…

    Profile photo of SHales

    Remember, experience has taught me to check your links out.

    Profile photo of neilvsneilvs
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 36

    ASX currently at 3683.3 according to official website.

    Can anybody explain the graph , or to be more specific, the x axis. I assumed it was the date, however it currently has the following values: 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 4 which clearly cant be the date.

    please HELP ;)

    Profile photo of WJ HookerWJ Hooker
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 272

    asx x axis is the time of day, opens at 10am closes at 4pm.
    Currently up today over 100 points. Lucky me.

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