All Topics / Opinionated! / Is Rudd doing the right thing?
- hbbehrendorff wrote:I'm sorry that my quickly blotted out 1000 word thesis on very broad economic fundamentals contained some bad grammar, Obliviously I have been caught out for the fraud I am and no longer have any credibility
Wow, I've obviously touched a nerve there (or is it their?!). You're overreaction amuses me.
The bad grammar makes me wonder what your background is, and where you have picked up all this economic wisdom you are so keen to share with the rest of the forum. It does damage your credibility, whether you like it or not.
As for me posting my own 1000 word opinion, I wouldn't be so presumptuous to believe (as you clearly do) that the world longs to hear my opinions on economic theory, on a property forum.
And by the way, it's 'theories', not 'theory's'.
It is nice to see someone online who cares about spelling, grammar and punctuation. I had started to feel a little old fashioned, personally, and was wondering if the rest of the world thought so too, because I choose to put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, and usually get my choice of where and were, their and there correct. Perhaps the use of correct English is going the way of chivalry, and armour plated battle horses. I hope not. Do they still insist on correct grammar etc at university? They should, because as pointed out, it is difficult for someone to pass themselves off as an educated person when they can't spell.
hbbehrendorff wrote:doubledown trent wrote:I don't want to be the grammar police here, but….If you don't know the difference between LOOSE and LOSE,
If you don't know the difference between THEIR and THERE,
and you don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly,why would we trust any of your ironclad predictions on the economy??
I'm sorry that my quickly blotted out 1000 word thesis on very broad economic fundamentals contained some bad grammar, Obliviously I have been caught out for the fraud I am and no longer have any credibility
Because the truth is I failed every grade past the 7th and didn't even complete year 11, Also English and Art where always my worst two subjects, I could never quite grasp them with adeptness others could…. wow, If you could only see me attempt to draw a stick man, Then that really would prove me to be wrong about my economic theory's
Perhaps you could write your own 1000 word opinion ?…
See, I have pondered writing much longer and in depth post, But it would probably reach 5000+ words and I would be ridiculed for a few grammar mistakes so there is no point…
Have to agree with DDT.
Lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation will leave you unregarded. In other words; few will pay you much attention to your opinions and advice.
Or, you'll be regarded but picked on for it.
Fair? No. But that's the way it is.
I don't bother with people who make no effort to present a post at least close to the standard that others can and do.
There's spellchecker and thesaurus available.
doubledown trent wrote:hbbehrendorff wrote:I'm sorry that my quickly blotted out 1000 word thesis on very broad economic fundamentals contained some bad grammar, Obliviously I have been caught out for the fraud I am and no longer have any credibilityBecause the truth is I failed every grade past the 7th and didn't even complete year 11, Also English and Art where always my worst two subjects, I could never quite grasp them with adeptness others could…. wow, If you could only see me attempt to draw a stick man, Then that really would prove me to be wrong about my economic theory's
Perhaps you could write your own 1000 word opinion ?…
See, I have pondered writing much longer and in depth post, But it would probably reach 5000+ words and I would be ridiculed for a few grammar mistakes so there is no point…
Wow, I've obviously touched a nerve there (or is it their?!). You're overreaction amuses me.
The bad grammar makes me wonder what your background is, and where you have picked up all this economic wisdom you are so keen to share with the rest of the forum. It does damage your credibility, whether you like it or not.
As for me posting my own 1000 word opinion, I wouldn't be so presumptuous to believe (as you clearly do) that the world longs to hear my opinions on economic theory, on a property forum.
And by the way, it's 'theories', not 'theory's'.
By the way doubledown trent please learn to correctly use YOUR not the abbreviation of YOU ARE when writing. Incorrect grammar is off putting and not acceptable from anyone who criticises another for the same offence.
People in glass houses??
Give hbbehrendorffa brake as yunger peepal spel stuff a lot wurse them im. Its gr8 4 ow society that yung peepals can spell stuff so gr8 . OMG if u think he has problems spelling look at watt the yung under 24 year olds type like .LOL
Lets get back to the question!
KRudd has not helped anyone but Bruno!
This man 'KRudd' has bought votes for the next election two years out and we as a country have let him!
We had no choice as a nation the goose just went ahead and did it!
But look tonight at his next vote gathering effort 'Health'
He has told lies about what he was going to do and it amounted to nothing!
Opposition get of you date and do something before the country is a trillion in debt!
The hand out should have come in the form of giving the councils payment for your rates, reducing land tax, many other area better than a handout, give the renters (46%) of the population petrol, food and energy vouchers instead of the making the poker machine owners richer.
Granted there has been some effect but hey lets wait for the best yet washout of the package, CHEAP housing that has been reposed because the first home buyers could not afford the repayments.
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