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  • Profile photo of lizzie0185

    Would like to no other peoples opinions on whether or not Rudd is making the right decision with the 42b stimulus package???

    Profile photo of coalstarcoalstar
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 122

    Dont agree with the handouts, I mean how will this create jobs, might contain jobs for a few more months. Totally agree with the rest of the package and also he should fast track and start work on two major infrastructure projects in each capital city

    Profile photo of lizzie0185

    I agree that the handouts wont help. Do people relise that they arnt free handouts. We will only have to pay the government debts back in the future through raised taxes etc.

    Profile photo of CJHCJH
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 8

    I think it's too much, I would prefer tax cuts than handouts. Handouts are just a band aid solution.

    Profile photo of 1Winner1Winner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 477

    Of course not. How does $950 turned down to $900 "combat poverty" ?
    How does a computer per student make an education revolution?
    How will sinking the country into billions of debt help the economy?
    It is not spending but earning that must be stimulated. Making money, high achievement, success must be promoted, inaction and voluntary unemployment as seen aboundantly in Sydney West, abolished.

    Yet we are under an almost totalitarian pseudo socialism with someone at the helm who has no sense of direction and spent his holiday writing an essay against private property and capitalism.
    Considering Mao is dead and Castro is not far behind, there is clearly a market there.
    Go Kevin go! see who can throw the billions further, you must match your soul mate Old Bamma!

    Profile photo of SHales

    I loved the "temporary deficit" line.  Had to agree though, it will be temporary, as temporary as our labour government is going to be (and then a little more – It'll take some fixing).

    Of course he's got it wrong.  He has to, he's labor, he's wrong by default.

    Perhaps I'm just bitter because, being self employed, I won't get my handouts until after I lodge this years tax return.  Hand outs are stupid.  If they really have to spend money, they should do so improving infrastructure – particularly that which  makes the country globally competitive and economically strong. 

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    Refer to my previous comment in another post…

    Basically I say… No,  We cannot spend out way to prosperity,  the solution is we need to become more productive… hand outs and spending does NOT achieve this,  the consumer as well as the government need to be saving money… Also government created jobs don't even count in my opinion because they are unproductive and achieve nothing,  Remember its productive people "tax payers" who have to pay for government jobs in the first place.

    A Stimulus is like giving another hit to a heroin addict…..  Actually,  the bailout should not even be called a Stimulus, Its really a economy depressant

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff
    SHales wrote:
    ….. they should do so improving infrastructure – particularly that which  makes the country globally competitive and economically strong. 

    Can you or anyone else please explain to me how spending money we currently do not have on Infrastructure improves our economy ? Because In my opinion it doesnt,  You can have the biggest, best roads in the world… How will that improve our productivity and turn our trade deficit into a trade surplus ?  It wont !

    Its the same principle as me telling you to go out and remodel your kitchen after you loose your job,  Put in a brand you drive way to your house or build a swimming pool in the back yard… How does running out and spending money you don't have going to put you in better economic shape ?

    Profile photo of SHales

    Well, I come from the country, where a large amount of our exports come from, mining, or primary production.  Degraded roads and railways,and insufficient ports cost our industries is terms of extra operating costs, and lost trading opportunity.  I see it actually happening.  In real life, in our own business, not just on the news.  This is the only area I have any first hand knowledge of, though.  Degraded highways cause additional costs in the transport industries, and overwhelmed rail freight corridors force additional freight onto less efficient, more expensive road transport.

    We require adequate law and order, on both a criminal level, a civil level and a corporate level in order to allow investment to flourish, and people to enjoy life. 

    I think that the economy does require certain infrastructure in order to function efficiently.

    I don't equate building hospitals, and providing medical care with frivolous or unnecessary expenditure.  And I think that providing educational opportunity is the cornerstone of the economy's future productivity. 

    While I definetely believe in the principals of capitalism, I also believe that allowing the markets to opperate in a pure way can be a little bit ruthless, and has a high toll on the people at the bottom of the system.  I think there is way too much welfare, and that these cash handouts are stupid, but I do believe that SOME welfare is a good thing.  I believe that disabled and elderely and sick people SHOULD be looked after by society.  There is a BALANCE to be achieved, between allowing the markets to operate freely, without interferance, and protecting the weakest members of society.  I don't pretend to know what the correct balance is, I just believe that part of what makes us human is the way we care for and empathise with others. 

    For alot of reasons, I beleive that it is necessary for governments to spend money.  I certainly  beleive that well spent government money has the potential to strenghten the economy by providing and improving transport, law and order and education.  I also beleive that it is much more desireable for us as a species to support those who need support (to a certain level), as well as provide incentive  in the form of personal success and wealth, to those who perform well.  Labor governments tend to get a bit big on the welfare and handouts for me, and I firmly beleive that the previous government had a better balance, though of course, I didn't agree with everything that they did.

    Hbbehrendorff, your extreme right wing views have always interested me, and you certainly sound like you know alot about how the economy operates.  I have a high regard for your opinion, and I wish that pure capitalism would bring us the world we want.  But I don't think it would.  Too many people would suffer.  It would be survival of the fitest in the most animal way.  And that's not the sort of world that  I want to live in.

    Profile photo of Dan42Dan42
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 619
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    SHales wrote:
    ….. they should do so improving infrastructure – particularly that which  makes the country globally competitive and economically strong. 

    Can you or anyone else please explain to me how spending money we currently do not have on Infrastructure improves our economy ? Because In my opinion it doesnt,  You can have the biggest, best roads in the world… How will that improve our productivity and turn our trade deficit into a trade surplus ?  It wont !

    Its the same principle as me telling you to go out and remodel your kitchen after you loose your job,  Put in a brand you drive way to your house or build a swimming pool in the back yard… How does running out and spending money you don't have going to put you in better economic shape ?

    Spending on infrastructure keeps people employed, therefore paying taxes, spending money on discretionary items etc. It's not rocket science.

    It is not the same principle as remodelling your kitchen after you LOSE your job. The better analogy is a business borrowing money to do some advertising. The projected increase in income from the new business will pay for the advertising.

    Profile photo of SHales
    hbbehrendorff wrote:

    How does running out and spending money you don't have going to put you in better economic shape ?

    I believe that this is something investors do all the time.  Pretty sure I borrowed money when I bought my last IP.  And, yep, that was cause I didn't have enought to buy it on my own.  Pretty sure also, that when we built our hay shed a couple of years ago, we borrowed money for it.  The hay shed has since added over 100K to our turnover and 20K to our profit per year.  The shed cost $20K.  So I guess borrowing that money put us in better shape.

    Profile photo of dallen_14dallen_14
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 10

    I am in the age bracket where alot of my mates will be getting this $900 hand out. And I have observed that most of them are using it to buy stuff that is made in China, while others are putting it towards their overseas holidays….. I think you get my point.

    But don’t get me wrong, I am very excited about getting $900, but I know we will be paying for it with interest in taxes later, when the libs get re elected and once again have to clean up the mess Labor made.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    Ok,  So I have to address the comment above about my idea's being Right Wing,  Some people may think my doctrine is that way,  But from where I am coming from I don't see it that way at all.

    Now it is historical fact that the civilizations with the most limited forms of government and reduced bureaucracy creating the freest people are the nations that prosper the most.  Whereby the nations who follow the path of centralized planning,  big government, mass bureaucracy, tyranny and webs of regulation suffer from economic and productive cancer and eventually collapse,  I might also add that this usually precedes a time of anarchy revolt.

    From the governments point of view they are the solution to a civilizations problems,  Whether it be economic or anything else under the sun,  No wonder there solution to ANYTHING is more government,  The prescription does not change when the cause of the sickness is caused from government interference in the first place,  I like the analogy where by they cannot see the effect of putting more fuel on the fire,  There solution is ALWAYS more fuel..

    Subconsciously people forget that government is not free,  Government makes NO profits and there productivity is Nothing,  Actually its less then nothing, there productivity is Negative,  If government was on a balance sheet it would show up on the liability side,  The bigger they are the more that is finally removed from our country's total output and productivity.

    Not only does it cost us the initial expense of paying for our burdens (Gov) but we must also factor in the kinetic loss of wealth through transfer of money,  for example:  If the government collects $100 through taxes it no longer has $100 to reinstate back into the economy again,  It may only have $60 from those initial taxes to spend back again through the effect of erosion they cause,  not to mention the multiplier that is added if that money is borrowed because not only everything else takes affect but now we (tax payer) has the added loss of interest on top of that !  So what am I trying to say ? The government is the biggest leech on the planet and now we are in economic dire circumstances and there solution is to fatten the leech !

    Rudd lies to us all and tells us that capitalism has had it's chance and failed,  And now it is up to socialism and big government to bail the free market out.  Lies,  All of it.  We have never had a free market to begin with,  The best we have had is a partial free market.

    If our economy was truly free market then we would have sound monetary policy,  But we don't,  We use the federal reserve banking system and our currency is Fiat,  Meaning there is no constraints on the proportion of the money supply,  government can print as much as they like and tax us through inflation and banks can lend 10x more money then what even exists.

    Our suffering economy was caused by centralized,  Monopoly like control over interest rates,  Wealth and prosperity was short lived through the creation of easy money that did not even exist in the first place,  When you get your $400,000 110% loan from the bank,  Do you think that money comes from there coffers ? Well it doesn't,  Its a computer entry,  Increased wealth can only be achieved through the formula of subtracting what you consume from that you produce,  If you have a surplus production then that is the increase to your wealth,  Currently we are playing the game the opposite way around and wonder why we are loosing.

    Economists tell us that our now gone so called prosperity was caused by the resources boom,  But this only played a small role,  It was the easy false money through bad monetary policy that caused the biggest property bubble the world has seen,  But the 20%+ gains year after year was false and traded for by inflation that should never have happened,  And now the reaper is coming to get his end of the deal.

    I also need to very quickly address the few comments made for stimulus,  Money borrowed in the private sector is totally different to money borrowed by government,  The difference is that in the private sector the borrower takes the risks of failure and therefore will be sold up to repay his debts shall something go wrong.

    Whereby the government does not take this risk and therefore should not be allowed this privilege.  Not only that but if you took note to my previous passages you will understand how governments are negative productive entities and therefore cannot INCREASE there profits because they make none,  Also they cannot increase productivity,  Its impossible,  You can't do things the opposite way around and except the results,  Even IF the very little money spent on useful infrastructure increases some private sector productivity some way, The fruits of that where already gone before it happened.

    Our forefathers knew the disasters that come from what we have done,  How many people know that back in the 1800's fighting the central banks to stop them taking over was mainstream news in the media ?

    How many people know that fiat money was outlawed in Europe hundreds of years ago by kings and anyone caught trying to run ponzi scheme's where charged with usery ?

    I think I will end this rant now,  It has been rather long and I think is best to finish it before it becomes to inarticulate to comprehend :)

    Profile photo of SHales

    OK.  I love your posts.  So much of it I absolutely agree.  So often I get the impression that your ideal of the economy is the true free economy, with no government intervention.  Hence me calling your opinions right wing.  That's what I thought right wing meant.  I would have described my own feelings as moderately right wing.  Some of what you say here I don't quite understand and would like to question:

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Now it is historical fact that the civilizations with the most limited forms of government and reduced bureaucracy creating the freest people are the nations that prosper the most.  Whereby the nations who follow the path of centralized planning,  big government, mass bureaucracy, tyranny and webs of regulation suffer from economic and productive cancer and eventually collapse,  I might also add that this usually precedes a time of anarchy revolt.

    Can you share with us which nations you are talking about?  Is it your view that the current most prosperous nations simply haven't come to this point yet?  Do you not leave room for the idea that there is a healthy level of government involvement?  Would you rather have no government?

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Subconsciously people forget that government is not free,  Government makes NO profits and there productivity is Nothing,  Actually its less then nothing, there productivity is Negative,  If government was on a balance sheet it would show up on the liability side,  The bigger they are the more that is finally removed from our country's total output and productivity.

    I've seen our local council's balance sheet.  This sort of thing is easily available.  They list their road network as an asset.  Tricky one.  Future economic benefits of the road network? – Definetley, but not for the Council, for everyone else and their businesses.  Control? To some extent.  They get to decide where it goes (sort of), and wether they should fix it.  Was the Council's considerable effort to build these roads commensurate with zero productivity?  Would you rather that they hadn't (if you lived here, and had a business here).  These roads service cattle stations which service largely the export market, and are the way the cattle get to market, and how the businesses running essentials get to the cattle station.

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Not only does it cost us the initial expense of paying for our burdens (Gov) but we must also factor in the kinetic loss of wealth through transfer of money,  for example:  If the government collects $100 through taxes it no longer has $100 to reinstate back into the economy again,  It may only have $60 from those initial taxes to spend back again through the effect of erosion they cause,  not to mention the multiplier that is added if that money is borrowed because not only everything else takes affect but now we (tax payer) has the added loss of interest on top of that !  So what am I trying to say ? The government is the biggest leech on the planet and now we are in economic dire circumstances and there solution is to fatten the leech !

    I don't really understand this.  Is this because it costs them say $40 to collect and distribute the $100 leaving them only $60 to spend, or less because the balance is eroded through inflation caused by their overspending?

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Rudd lies to us all and tells us that capitalism has had it's chance and failed,  And now it is up to socialism and big government to bail the free market out.  Lies,  All of it.  We have never had a free market to begin with,  The best we have had is a partial free market.

      Did Kruddy really say that?  That's a pretty scary thing.  Capitalism didn't fail.  Like you have said, the creation of easy money allowed the thing to fail.  Not capitalism.  I agree.  We never had a free market, and they interfere way too much.  They should be a bit like a doctor and try to weigh up the pros and cons of interfereing with not interfering, and allow a stauch risks/ benefits analysis to lead them a bit.  Interfering in the economy is a bit like taking a drug.  It's going to have a side effect.  You need to decide wether it's worth it.  Often its not.

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    If our economy was truly free market then we would have sound monetary policy,  But we don't,  We use the federal reserve banking system and our currency is Fiat,  Meaning there is no constraints on the proportion of the money supply,  government can print as much as they like and tax us through inflation and banks can lend 10x more money then what even exists.

    Our suffering economy was caused by centralized,  Monopoly like control over interest rates,  Wealth and prosperity was short lived through the creation of easy money that did not even exist in the first place,  When you get your $400,000 110% loan from the bank,  Do you think that money comes from there coffers ? Well it doesn't,  Its a computer entry,  Increased wealth can only be achieved through the formula of subtracting what you consume from that you produce,  If you have a surplus production then that is the increase to your wealth,  Currently we are playing the game the opposite way around and wonder why we are loosing.

    Economists tell us that our now gone so called prosperity was caused by the resources boom,  But this only played a small role,  It was the easy false money through bad monetary policy that caused the biggest property bubble the world has seen,  But the 20%+ gains year after year was false and traded for by inflation that should never have happened,  And now the reaper is coming to get his end of the deal.

    Agreed agreed agreed.

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I also need to very quickly address the few comments made for stimulus,  Money borrowed in the private sector is totally different to money borrowed by government,  The difference is that in the private sector the borrower takes the risks of failure and therefore will be sold up to repay his debts shall something go wrong.

    Whereby the government does not take this risk and therefore should not be allowed this privilege.  Not only that but if you took note to my previous passages you will understand how governments are negative productive entities and therefore cannot INCREASE there profits because they make none,  Also they cannot increase productivity,  Its impossible,  You can't do things the opposite way around and except the results,  Even IF the very little money spent on useful infrastructure increases some private sector productivity some way, The fruits of that where already gone before it happened.

    Sure, I'll accept that government borrowing is different from private borrowing, due to the lack of responsibility taken for failure.  I think the same thing happens with large corporations.  Too much distance between responsibility and power.  I don't agree that you can't increase productivity.  Government research into fertility genetics in the beef industry HAS increased productivity, as farmers have used the knowledge to select for more productive traits in their cattle.  Again, the building of roads and railways allows trading or physical produce to occur, within the country and overseas.  Productivity would be less if the farmer didn't have roads to get his cattle to the port.  Why?  because why would Australia's beef industry bother producing any beef if they couldn't sell it?  Perhaps the infrastucture doesn't increase PRODUCTIVITY so much as it enables TRADE.  Pretty important too, if you want a healthy trade balance.

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Our forefathers knew the disasters that come from what we have done,  How many people know that back in the 1800's fighting the central banks to stop them taking over was mainstream news in the media ?

    How many people know that fiat money was outlawed in Europe hundreds of years ago by kings and anyone caught trying to run ponzi scheme's where charged with usery ?

    I think I will end this rant now,  It has been rather long and I think is best to finish it before it becomes to inarticulate to comprehend :)

    Those are interesting facts.  I didn't know them.  Europe hundreds of years ago was not my idea of a perfect place to be, either though.  And I guess that is my point.  It's not just about the economy.  It's about life.  And a healthy economy is one of the best things to support good quality life for everyone in the long term.  But government will always have it's role in protecting the weakest, bringing the most ruthless to justice, and providing the infrastructure that allows physical trade to occur across the world.  Somewhere, there is a balance.  And of course, at the moment, Kruddy is not my idea of the right balance.  But I liked Howard, or alot of him, anyway.  No ones perfect though.

    I'm sure you're in no danger of disintegrating into rant.  You're very capable of handling my conversation.

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    Instead of getting a hand out we could actually get the simplified tax cuts promised when the GST was introduced  to replace other forms of taxes. Like Fuel excise,State stamp duty, State Land Tax and Payroll Tax.
    Interesting that the GST legislation states GST cannot be charged on top of a Tax.
    Oh that's right Excise on Petrol doesn't seem to be seen as a Tax by our treasurer.

    Profile photo of SHales

    Chatting with my Dad on the phone thismorning, he reckons kruddy is simply buying votes, which is correct.  His theory was that the work towards stabilising the economy has been done by the Reserve Bank, but that it takes at least a year to have any real effect.  Kruddy is painting himself on a white horse, by handing out a bit of cash, in the hope that when the economy does stabilise, everyone will thank him.  And let's face it, most voters are that stupid.  That's how labour ended up in power anyway.  Perhaps a new law should be passed that anyone on welfare is not allowed to vote. 

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    The economy will not recover or even begin to stabilize during rudd's term,  Nor the term of the next prime minister.

    I think everyone should watch this collection of Economic Video's  I challenge anyone to rebuttal his theory's

    Profile photo of doubledown trent

    I don't want to be the grammar police here, but….

    If you don't know the difference between LOOSE and LOSE,
    If you don't know the difference between THEIR and THERE,
    and you don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly,

    why would we trust any of your ironclad predictions on the economy??

    Profile photo of doubledown trent
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I also need to very quickly address the few comments made for stimulus,  Money borrowed in the private sector is totally different to money borrowed by government,  The difference is that in the private sector the borrower takes the risks of failure and therefore will be sold up to repay his debts shall something go wrong.

    Whereby the government does not take this risk and therefore should not be allowed this privilege.  Not only that but if you took note to my previous passages you will understand how governments are negative productive entities and therefore cannot INCREASE there profits because they make none,  Also they cannot increase productivity,  Its impossible,  You can't do things the opposite way around and except the results,  Even IF the very little money spent on useful infrastructure increases some private sector productivity some way, The fruits of that where already gone before it happened.

    Are you suggesting governments shouldn't borrow? How do they fund schools, hospitals, roads, etc when the economic cycle is at it's lowest ebb? In this current downward turn of the economy, revenue is predicted to be down by something like $115b. If govts shut down spending, unemployment would skyrocket, further driving down govt revenues, creating a viciuos cycle of unemployment and contraction of GDP.

    Infrastructure spending, if done properly, (and granted, its a big if) stimulates the economy, creates jobs and revenues for government. The WORST thing for a government to do at the moment would be to stop all infrastructure spending.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff
    doubledown trent wrote:
    I don't want to be the grammar police here, but….

    If you don't know the difference between LOOSE and LOSE,
    If you don't know the difference between THEIR and THERE,
    and you don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly,

    why would we trust any of your ironclad predictions on the economy??

    I'm sorry that my quickly blotted out 1000 word thesis on very broad economic fundamentals contained some bad grammar,  Obliviously I have been caught out for the fraud I am and no longer have any credibility

    Because the truth is I failed every grade past the 7th and didn't even complete year 11,  Also English and Art where always my worst two subjects,  I could never quite grasp them with adeptness others could…. wow,  If you could only see me attempt to draw a stick man,  Then that really would prove me to be wrong about my economic theory's

    Perhaps you could write your own 1000 word opinion ?…

    See, I have pondered writing much longer and in depth post,  But it would probably reach 5000+ words and I would be ridiculed for a few grammar mistakes so there is no point…

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