All Topics / Help Needed! / Pre-settlement Inspection – NSW

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  • Profile photo of Cafank

    I am supposedly going to settle on a property at 11.00am tomorrow but I cannot get free access to do an inspection. The current owners are camping in the property tonight – still haven't removed all that is meant to go – and have said I can go there tomorrow at 9.00am, not sure if all their stuff will be out by then either.

    What is a reasonable time prior to settlement that I shoud be allowed access to ensure that all is according to contract. I know when I purchased in QLD I had 24 hours pre-settlement.

    I don't mind if settlement is delayed…..

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Advise your solicitor that the morning of settlement is insufficient time to settle – reschedule settlement for next week & have the inspection the day before.

    Profile photo of Cafank

     I told my solicitor that I wasn't happy with short time, they told vendor's solicitor and they said I have no "legal" right to delay cos of short time and will begin charging fees.

    Time is probably OK but I do not want vendor in the house when I am doing my thing! I hear they are not happy so doubt that house will be cleaned or anything! Maybe I'm just asking too much – I always clean and let buyer have at least a day for checking….

    Profile photo of Boshy888Boshy888
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 154

    From my understanding, owner's are permitted to be on/in the property any time prior to settlement.  Obviously, most vendors would want to be packed, gone, etc 12 to 24 hours prior to the expected settlement time so they are not frantically rushing out at the last minute.  You sound like this type of vendor but… there is no mandate that everyone must be like this.

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