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  • Profile photo of Paulii

    They won't try to sell you property, which pretty much every  other program has been set up to do.


    I forgot to note in my previous post that Dymphna does NOT sell property to students.  She is an educator, not a spruiker for property.

    Profile photo of Paulii

    They won't try to sell you property, which pretty much every  other program has been set up to do.


    I forgot to note in my previous post that Dymphna does NOT sell property to students.  She is an educator, not a spruiker for property.

    Profile photo of drgraemedrgraeme
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 15


    For all who have asked I've just put my Dymphna  course on Ebay.  There are 15 DVDs and a folder of course notes.  Do a search for Dymphna on Ebay and you'll find it.


    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    Sorry my friend but this is clearly not true They won't try to sell you property.

    I have documented evidence of deals she was trying to flog in Buffalo and NY as her office sent them to me to finance for clients of hers who were buying from them.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Ryan McLeanRyan McLean
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 547

    I haven’t done her course, but I have been to a one day seminar with her. It was a free seminar where she was pitching her mentoring program.

    It looks pretty legit. If I could afford to do it I wouldn’t because I would use the money for Steve’s R.E.S.U.L.T.S program instead. Just a personal opinion there.

    The lady is legit, if you can afford it then I doubt you will be disappointed

    Ryan McLean | On Property
    Email Me

    Profile photo of LifestyleDestinyLifestyleDestiny
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    I'm doing both Dymphna and Steve's course and love both of them.    No complaints here at all, they both have great info.

    NOTE: I wouldn’t do any further business with anyone who divulges my business dealings on the net let alone dent my credibility.

    Profile photo of Mick12345

    Hi All,
    I am new to this site, and have noticed alot of people asking about the effectiveness of certain seminars, programs, etc.

    I would have thought that if their ideas/knowledge/information was so effective, then why promote it? Why not just keep the information to yourself and become extremely wealthy by utilising this knowledge?

    Do you really think they are providing these courses and/or assisted property transactions to help you become wealthy?

    No way…It's all about Numero Uno. Trust no one, especially when money is involved.

    Profile photo of Mick12345

    …and why the hell do my comments always post twice?????

    Profile photo of heathersheathers
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 26

    Because you are double clicking them. You can delete one.

    In answer to your post, I believe the beauty of becoming wealthy and not needing to work allows you to help others, whether it be by volunteering for various charities or sharing your experience and wisdom, in this case helping people create their own wealth.
    I respect your opinion in regards to taking care where money is involved, but thinking all people only give advice for monetary gains is a bit pessimistic. All the professionals on this forum that offer their advice free of charge is testament to that. Of course you should do your due diligence as there will always be dodgy operators, but not everyone you meet wants to rip you off.
    Most wealthy people talk about mindset – and I believe an open and optimistic mind will lead you to wealth much quicker than being skeptical and uncharitable. I also firmly believe in karma – so help as many people as you can, then when you need it returned it will be there for you.

    Profile photo of crustycrusty
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 127

     I went to Dymphna s semminar at Sydney in early feb wasted 2 days and a $1000.00 in travelling expenses, there was about 2 hrs of useful information.  The rest well if it wasnt blatant   SPRUICKING  it must have been a bad attempt at comedy and I didnt have a sense of humour. Al though it was a  Joke I dont think it was meant to be.    She was making some bold claims about  returns you could make on over priced  property in the USA. You just had to wonder why she did nt buy these properties herself. She could help you buy these properties but you couldnt do it yourself  or get any-one else to help you because it was too risky and she was the only person who knew how, and not to talk to any-body else because every-body else would rip you off and no-body else had the expertise.   1st she made it sound like such a good deal you cant knock it back. 2nd she tried to scare you into only trusting her, then came the motivational speakers( absolute crap abuot confronting your fears) then the big sell Books  expensive videos, courses to learn what I thought  you were supposed to learn at the semminer etc and something like$ 8000.00 dollars for them to sell you an overpriced house, I am not sure if that included the quick tour were they fly you into towns show you houses herd you on to  the next town, before you can gain an understanding of the real situation where they are trying to sell real estate.  I did some research on the web and made some phone calls to agents and a guy I  had already bought a house from, they just laughed at theprices in such locations.  The amazing thing was the hordes of people signing up to all the salesmen at the back of the room without doing any of there own research.                                 The main reason I went to the semminar was to learn more about financing off shore and all I got was erronious crap.  She is supposed to specialize in asset protection but made ridiclulous statements  like you cant get  nonrecourse loans in Australia. I suppose  because she wanted set up complicated trust structures so she could justify the necessity of her services         Heather the wealthy people I know ,  dont talk about mindset. The only people I hear talk about it are spruickers, authors, and wanna bes who dont want to do the hard yards or take calculated risks.

    Profile photo of PatangaPatanga
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    On the up side most of the information people learn at these courses is very relevant and helpful in regards to learning and getting started. In terms of whether the courses are value for money is more a question of how much well placed time and effort one can realistically invest compared to results.

    On the down side the presenters should be made by law to not make huge wealth claims and they should also be made to disclose the percentage of students that spend thousands on the courses and either do nothing because they quickly realise it's not quite as simple to get started, or the numbers in terms of dollars required and cost of mistakes are too big, risky and or daunting.

    The introductory hype surrounding these courses usually gives nubies a rose coloured perception of what they are going to achieve and I know of people who have lost their life savings when jumping into the market after doing courses that promise much. Take the rose coloured glasses off, be realistic and take a hard look at yourself before signing up is my advice. If your personality or track record does not lend itself to these kinds of ventures then you might be better off keeping your hard earnt money. It's a matter of buyer be ware and Do Not expect a magic wand wind fall result just because one has parted with a thousands of dollars and done a property or share trading course. Be parepared to put in lots and lots of hard yards after the training and be prepared to lose as well. It's a jungle out there.

    Profile photo of DonnaDonna
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 13

    Only got 2 things to say here.  Who made Jenman and Ryder GOD.   I don't recall reading any positive comments about anyone they have written about.  Yet so many people take note of what they write.

    I do agree with previous comments,  If the person is not trying to pressure sell you anything and their education is free or low cost then go along.  Sometimes someone will say something that just may save you thousands of Dollars.    At the end of the day someone who speaks on occasion and makes their money walking their talk is a good start.  The other character point I use is the person being available to speak with on the phone.  As like Steve is,  Dymphna is readily available to speak with.    

    Profile photo of lisasunlisasun
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 7

    I went to her 1 day free seminar few months ago.

    She seemed legit and actually knows what she was talking about.

    The reason I didn't take her course is purely personal.

    I enjoy Steve's talking a lot more than hers.

    Again, I think she is legit and you can learn a lot from her.

    But personally I prefer Steve more.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    Patanga wrote:
    On the up side most of the information people learn at these courses is very relevant and helpful in regards to learning and getting started. In terms of whether the courses are value for money is more a question of how much well placed time and effort one can realistically invest compared to results.

    On the down side the presenters should be made by law to not make huge wealth claims and they should also be made to disclose the percentage of students that spend thousands on the courses and either do nothing because they quickly realise it's not quite as simple to get started, or the numbers in terms of dollars required and cost of mistakes are too big, risky and or daunting.

    The introductory hype surrounding these courses usually gives nubies a rose coloured perception of what they are going to achieve and I know of people who have lost their life savings when jumping into the market after doing courses that promise much. Take the rose coloured glasses off, be realistic and take a hard look at yourself before signing up is my advice. If your personality or track record does not lend itself to these kinds of ventures then you might be better off keeping your hard earnt money. It's a matter of buyer be ware and Do Not expect a magic wand wind fall result just because one has parted with a thousands of dollars and done a property or share trading course. Be parepared to put in lots and lots of hard yards after the training and be prepared to lose as well. It's a jungle out there.

    Well said:

    Education of real estate  stock trading day trading all the other type of quote passive investments is just huge business world wide.. And make no mistake the educators make their money at these seminars.. And of course its how they make their living they are entitle to make a living…

    No difference really than signing up for Some MLM  type program… where only the top 1% of any MLM pyramid makes 95% of the money… If you get to that top its a great place… MLM makes their money on the ones that come and go spend few hundred to 1k bucks realize they cannot sell enough lotions potions or pills and fade to something else.

    RE is the same way,,, here in the states its the no money down hawkers that really get them to flock in…And yes people do get started and do succeed.. but thats only a couple out of 100… So just know your odds. And what your tenacity level is your level for Risk. etc etc.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    What we see here in the US vis a vi real estate investing,

    Is just the total lack of regard for the investors safety,,, be it an Aussie Spruiker who has probably got spruiked himself by some US Spruiker  its a whole big Spruiking world out there from what I can see…

    I think by and large sites like this have done a pretty good service allow contrarion posts to allow potential OS investors time to pause and maybe check things out a little bit, as oppoossed to thinking hey whats 40k for a house in the states Not much..

    I am sure and the end of the day no matter your means no one likes to throw 40k plus away. Plus all the heart ache and aggrivation that goes along with it.


    Profile photo of motivated99motivated99
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 9

    I would never have anything to do with Dyphna Boholt as her whole group are so unprofessional. Just this week a friend was asking them a simple question of when their course was last updated. She rang and emailed but noone called her back at all and each time she twas told to call a different number. Finally they started calling her back but only to tell her to keep calling them even though they had answering machines on only. They never once left the answer to the simple question on her machine they just kept taunting her to call other numbers or to keep calling again and again over a dozen times in less than 24 hours with no ability to get an answer thru email or phone on any of their many phone numbers to a simple question.

    People have answering machines these days to save time not to give people more run arounds a dozen times more playing answering machine tag because they wouldnt just leave a full message.

    They just kept asking her to return calls over and over to a crazy number of time as if they were purposely harrassing her or taunting her. despite that she had asked each time to just leave the answer to the simple question of what yr their course was updated.

    It was obvious they were purposely refusing to answer the simple question unless they could get her on the phone and hard sell her for the $5000 course. She was in tears after trying over a dozen times to get a simple question answered and noone answering it or leaving the answer on her answering machine or email just constantly so many times giving her other numbers to call and telling her constantly to call back again and again and again and again constantly over a 24 hour period as if she didnt have anything else to do .

    She and i belong to various property forums and groups and have done various courses and we have never had such a horrible experience of being harrassed and drained when asking for the answer to a very simple question. Very unprofessional and very harrassing.

    Profile photo of wquerveswquerves
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Is great to see everyone sharing their experiences and thoughts as all we learn in the process. 

    I define my self as a humble student, is always more to learn and to do.

    I'm new in the community and in this field, that's why I believe that's important to be humble and listen to others that have been walking this path before successfully. Dympha Boholt, Steve Mc Knight, Mark Rolton, Donald Trump and many others can only teach you one part of the formula of success, the one related to their experience. As for my point of view they are teachers, no magicians so don't expect and infallible recipe. There's not a "one size fits all" formula, you have to make your own way choosing which strategy to use, which knowledge apply and so on. Doesn't matter why they teach, what you chose to believe is true. Ultimately the decision is yours and you and only you will be accountable for the shortfalls or successes.

    Just wanting to share my personal opinion :)


    Profile photo of jackjack
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 1

    HI there, I know this is a very old post, but I just came across it when I was researching Dympha Boholt. I’ve been searching the web to see if anyone has asked for their money back after 30 or 90 days and what happened.

    Profile photo of KM4444KM4444
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 2

    Back in 2010. 2011 DB heavily promoted mining towns, now a lot of old students are going bankrupt. While the going is good they will support you and spruik regions, when it goes bad they won’t be able to help you.

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