All Topics / Help Needed! / Lodging DA plans in Council

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  • Profile photo of Tony PTony P
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Hey Guys,
    Can anyone tell me of a good architect or planning consultant etc that can provide me with plans and help to lodge a Duplex application to Council in the Sydney NSW area?
    What is the cost to have plans drawn up and lodged compared to lodging them yourself? How difficult is it to lodge a DA yourself?
    Any advice would be appreciated. I am wondering whether it would be better to get plans drawn first and do it step by step or get some sort of Planning Consultant? to do it for me. What are the pro's and cons?

    Thanks, Tony P

    Profile photo of Roberthb2001Roberthb2001
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Can't help with specific planners for the application.

    One thing I would suggest is to engage a planner for the application simply due to the complexity of planning laws.  You can do it yourself but a comptent planner can help with navigating the planning laws.

    Profile photo of AAZAAZ
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 56

    Hi Tony

    My architectural practice is located in Sydney.  I'm happy to have a chat with you about design and development.  Just email me at

    Adrian Zenere
    archizen | Nominated Architect
    B.Sc(Arch) B.Arch (UNSW)
    Registration No. 5457
    AIA Member 12576
    BL 97800C
    Archicentre Accredited Architect

    To find out more visit: REDclub | REDchannel | REDblog | REDtv | REDDreport | REDmedia | archizen architects

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