All Topics / General Property / Sydney Investors – finally a Casual meeting with other positively charged people like yourselves- Come and Mingle with us

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  • Profile photo of sydney08

    I am in a property investor's group in Sydney, where we meet with investors who have done some course or other, whether it is Dymphna's, Ric Otton's, Chris Gray, Mark Rolton, Chan and Naylor, Phil Jones, etc, etc – we all meet on a monthly basis in Sydney to network, encourage one another to move forward in building our portfolios, etc, etc

    Previously we used to meet and just introduce ourselves to each other and each one mentions how many properties each has, and that was it, so it became the same story, month after month and I then asked the members why don't we bring actual deals to the table, so if people know they can service the loan and want the deal, they can go for it and build their portfolios, this works well as it acts as an incentive for those conservative investors to take the next step etc, etc

    Our next meeting on Saturday 25th Oct 2008 – 2pm (see below for details)

    The next meeting is as follows:
    October 25th, at 2pm – Dural
    November 29th, at 2pm – someone can suggest their home
    December 13th, Xmas Party -someone can suggest their home

    The meeting will take place at Franziska's house in Dural, Round Corner.
    Hope you can come along

    Please RSVP me by email by Wednesday 22nd October 2008 as I need to have final numbers to send to Franziska. Please make sure you RSVP, please do not just attend as Franziska needs to know what numbers to expect in her home…Once I receive your call I will forward you details of her home..

    My landline number is 02 97979319 or reply to this forum and I can send details..

    Food and drink: I kindly request if everyone can bring a snack & drink, to share out.

    Anna Correia

    Profile photo of seriousnoviceseriousnovice
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 10

    Dear Anna,

    I was just kindly pointed to your post , as a friend knew that I am very desirous of finding a property investor's group for moral support & advice. 

    I would love to attend your next meeting if that is OK.  I am an investor who would like to start doing some renos – yes even in this market & inexperienced at renos.  I live in Strathfield South.


    Profile photo of sydney08

    Hi Janet

    Compliments of the Season!

    Thanks for your message on the investment forum group, yes, am happy to add your name to the list so that when we start the meetings again this year, I can invite you.

    Just email me your email address and a contact number. Thanks

    my email is


    Profile photo of Amit ThakerAmit Thaker
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 46

    Hi Anna,

    Keen to attend next meeting. If possible please advise of the time and date for '09.
    I'm really excited to find this group and can't wait to see you all. And thx for creating this group – fantastic idea.

    Thank you,

    Profile photo of sydney08
    Amit Thaker wrote:
    Hi Anna,

    Keen to attend next meeting. If possible please advise of the time and date for '09.
    I'm really excited to find this group and can't wait to see you all. And thx for creating this group – fantastic idea.

    Thank you,

    Hi Amit,

    please email me your email address and a contact number so that I can add you to the list, as I haven't come up with the next dates this year 2009, its been pretty busy for me, moving house, a baby on the way, etc, etc, but I will definitely keep you uptodate with the next meeting dates.

    my email is



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