All Topics / Help Needed! / Bird Doggin

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  • Profile photo of ibis69

    I am writing this email out of Curiosity and the need for help.I would love to find out how to get clients and join a organisation and/or work for or Sub-contract finding and researching property deals.I am excellent"brilliant"actually at researching and investigating properties.I am about to invest in property myself but as I have just built a new house my investing will be limited so as this is my passion researching suburbs,cash-flow,investing criteria and liasons with clients etc I could fulfil a need and be paid to do so,I am time-rich money-poor,,as some people are money-rich time-poor,Please help any ideas contacts will be greatly appreciated.


    Profile photo of CHIS

    Start your own business
    Build a website
    Work from home
    Kick @rse. Good luck

    Profile photo of ibis69

    Then when we enter the Domain of websites,we enter a whole new ball game of  ,,generating leads to target specific traffic to my website etc etc ,,,gaining adwords campaigns,it must be easier than that,Dont get me wrong I am all about hard work and plenty of it,,but that is venturing into internet marketing with websites ect

    Dont you agree

    Profile photo of CHIS

    The internet is global/national and local.
    Most small business cater to one postcode. The internet brings the world to you. Your market is potentially billions.
    Only you know how good your product is. I would suggest you get a professional website building company to build the site for you. Sit down and have a long think about what you want. Explore the web to look for similar web sites to get some ideas. You need to get words that come up in search engines.
    Once it gets started, you will pick up referrals if you do a good job. Send all your clients a small gift of appreciation like a scratchy. It costs you a dollar but there is the hope it may produce a bigger windfall.
    Trolling websites to attract a few gullibles isn't going to put food on the table. A professional website and an excellent marketing campaign is what you need to get started. It doesn't hurt to provide a good service or product however

    Profile photo of Chris WhiteChris White
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 65

    Hi Damian,

    Feel free to give me a call to discuss.

    Chris White | Pillar Property
    Email Me | Phone Me

    The Property Investment Specialists

    Profile photo of ibis69

    I am also interested to hear from others who have time on their hands and have ventured down thsi road?Surely I am not the only one who has ventured into this sort of offer/arrangement?,

    Profile photo of ibis69

    HELLO ,
                        I dont really want to be writing in my own post,But I have noted how many people have read this and are interested to know of any,I mean any of your views on this?I might be calling this the wrong "title"I mean research find property to onsell or pass on for a fee?Is this flipping?That is the end result but I am mroe after a research orientated position I provide to then on-sell,I drill down to facilitate customers needs specifically rather than finding a property and then trying to find someone interested I am mroe after customer coming to me myself finding the client asking them their specific property needs then providing that for a cost? Hope that makes sense.. I say again please all get involved and help with thsi post any information would be greatly appreciated..


    Profile photo of Matt McLeanMatt McLean
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 54

    Hi Damian,

    I notice it has been around 6 weeks since your last post. How have you gone with your plans? Have you made any in roads? I am interested in hearing how you have gone and also what sort of properties you are planning to market to your potential customers. Are you finding positive cashflow properties or are you marketing yourself simply as a buyers agent?

    Look forward to hearing about your plans!



    Profile photo of ibis69

             I can't believe it has been 6 weeks,I have been very busy with my researching and Investment property finding,I have  currently started working with a very reputable company on the east coast anad feel very happy about how this is progressing, progressing,I am always looking to match my property research with as many clients  as possible but find My biggest problem so far is that because I can dedicate so much time to this "Due diligence" research I have more properties than clients,I do admit that after only 6 weeks work this  is a great acheivement and only just the beginning of my journey.


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