All Topics / Help Needed! / Rents going up…. Rates going down…

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  • Profile photo of wallyt99wallyt99
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 19

    Here in Melbourne at least…..

    Absolute dumps have many people waiting to rent them out for extortionary prices…

    Rates are going down….doooownn…..dowwwn…..

    Soon rent will cover the repayments straight away…..

    Profile photo of sallyannsallyann
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 53

    And then homebuyers will surge back!

    Profile photo of Scamp

    Get your champagne bottles out guys ! Apparently we should be buying property again !
    Soon your tenant will pay your interest repayments ( erh.. that's 50.000 ) from his 40.000 dollar wage.

    oh.. wait… that's what happened in America. Oh no.. maybe leave your champagne bottles out for a year more and then see again before we all start cheering.

    Australia's housing crash is going to be worse than America's crash. If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt. Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened.

    Wakie wakie, back to reality now.

    Profile photo of Jon

    sorry, but scamp….

    just shut the f up.


    Profile photo of Scamp

    Oh sorry… Is this forum only for people who think houseprices go up ?

    Profile photo of harb

    Yes Scamp, house prices only go up and they double every 7 years. Too bad you missed out buying now, by the time you are going to arrive in Australia prices will have gone up by at least 20%. Not to worry Scamp, I can rent you one of my fibro shacks in Wilcannia for $12K a year until you can save enough to buy your own shack. If you make nice with the locals they will respect you and won't touch your valuables or your car.

    Australia's housing crash is going to be worse than America's crash. If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt. Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened.

    Wow, I have a mortgage and now you are really starting to get me worried about that bankruptcy thing .  I'm worried that if all the migrants they let in these days are loonies like you my  taxes will have to treble and will still not be enough to build all the required mental facilities. Your lot could send the country bankrupt.

    Profile photo of Jon

    ahaha, no scamp you just shit me…

    so much negativity will give you wrinkles, how old are you like 30 ? do you have property to manage or are you just such an analytical investor that you too scared to make a move..

    Profile photo of BreakEvenBreakEven
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 80
    Scamp wrote:
    Australia's housing crash is going to be worse than America's crash. If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt. Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened.

    Scampy boy, your at it again eh……??  I see your name all over the web, scrawling the same diatribe…

    But what I dont like about your posts is that they are not coming from a genuine concern for others financial futures.  You know that there are a lot of greenhorn PIs on this forum, so comments like " If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt" and "Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened." are obviously aimed at them.  The motivation for such infantile comments is to scare people – not helpful advice. 

    For a little balance :  Currently, my properties have gained betweeen 50-70% over the "last 3 years" and any potential dip in the market does not concern me at all as my rentals are strong, positive and on the rise – beside Im in for the long term.  Most smart investors will tell you the same story, its all about planning ahead and working within your means….

    Hmmm, it depends on what and where you buy…?  In any market, some people will gain others loose…

    If you have genuine concerns for the market, we'd love to hear them (sure, you wouldnt be the only one). 
    But, why do I get the feeling that you would love to see your phrophecy come true to see lots of people get financially hurt? 

    Surely the fall of the Aussie dollar will help you buy into the Oz market now, rather than wasting all that energy attempting to convince people that Oz property is a timebomb…  Let us know when you finally relocate to Oz and buy some property here……  But be carefull – I hear that  "If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt…….."

    ……….Great advice………   :P             

    Profile photo of coalstarcoalstar
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 122
    Scamp wrote:
    r />Australia's housing crash is going to be worse than America's crash. If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt. Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened.

    Wakie wakie, back to reality now.

    Please explain how or why this is going to happen??

    Profile photo of carlincarlin
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 211

    Scamp, you unfortunately fell into that ol' trap of oversaturation in your attempts to scare people off property. It's a fine line, and maybe it's a cultural thing that you just don't get, but you've passed that tipping point of credibility by going on and on and on with the same verbal dribble. It really worn thin with most of us.

    And, no, I'm not one of those "property always goes up" types. I just happen to believe that if you really do your homework, do the sums, know an area inside out and have the smarts you can buy well in ANY market.

    We appreciate your input, but it's time to take a break.

    Profile photo of attrillattrill
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 54

    Wasn't Scamp telling us earlier in the year to get prepared for interest rates over 10% ??

    Profile photo of CHISCHIS
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 80

    You don't go bankrupt if you can afford to pay the mortgage. If you can afford the debts you have, it will only get easier as interest rates go down. If values go down, you only make a loss if you sell. Hang in there. The wheel turns around. Property will eventually go back up. There is no denying a recent downturn but you only lose if you panic and sell. Buy up, hold tight…………the light is at the end of the tunnel. There are some good bargains around. With all the speculation, don't over extend yourself at the moment. A reserve of cash would be wise in current climate. Some people will make their millions out of this downturn…………..they always do. It could be you

    Profile photo of harb
    BreakEven wrote:
    Scampy boy, your at it again eh……?? I see your name all over the web, scrawling the same diatribe…

    Same here, after a while he just seems to grow on you doesn't he.
    After all the bad luck he's been having recently with his silver bars prices falling through the floor and his high yield savings in some Iceland bank in jeopardy he deserves a break and maybe his luck is about to change and get that immigration visa he's been dreaming about.

    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    is it a bird? is it a plane? No!!! it's SUPER-SCAMP !!!

    how is that super hero complex workin out for ya?

    Profile photo of Nikki PNikki P
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5



    I am one of the Newbies and I can see where your concern is coming from. On forums opinions are always appreciated.. but the down right vulgar way that you put it does indeed cause concern. Not because of the negativity you always seem to bubbling out, but because you sound so unbelievably stupid (please excuse my language) when you put forward a post in such a manner.


    You opinion is in no way disregarded, but if you are going to put it forward like a 16 year old boy who’s just been turned down by the girl of his dreams every time someone else has a differing opinion then to be honest its just not respected.


    Kind Regards,


    Profile photo of bespokebespoke
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 30
    harb wrote:
    Yes Scamp, house prices only go up and they double every 7 years. Too bad you missed out buying now, by the time you are going to arrive in Australia prices will have gone up by at least 20%. Not to worry Scamp, I can rent you one of my fibro shacks in Wilcannia for $12K a year until you can save enough to buy your own shack. If you make nice with the locals they will respect you and won't touch your valuables or your car.

    Australia's housing crash is going to be worse than America's crash. If you have a mortgage, chances are big you will go bankrupt. Your capital gains over the last 3 years are officially gone already, and the crash hasn't even happened.

    Wow, I have a mortgage and now you are really starting to get me worried about that bankruptcy thing .  I'm worried that if all the migrants they let in these days are loonies like you my  taxes will have to treble and will still not be enough to build all the required mental facilities. Your lot could send the country bankrupt.

    he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he
    Thanks Harb,  I needed a good laugh today. I laughed so much I nearly p %&#$%  myself!

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