All Topics / Help Needed! / has anyone done a martin ayles workshop?

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  • Profile photo of give90

    has anyone done the one day property developing course advertised on this site? Is it worth the $800 or is it better to just buy books? it's diffcault to see how you could absorb $800 worth in one day.

    Profile photo of Michael 888

    Hi give90,

    I haven't done his course per se, however have heard him speak at one of Steve's events before and  heard him on a couple of podcasts.

    I would think that $ 800.00 is peanuts for such a course and the info he will impart. Books are also great and I personally augment my own reading with audio and DVD and live events.

    If you have difficulty to see how you could absorb the 800.00 value…..just think of the networking in the room. Martin Ayles should impart enough to save you at least 10 times that in mistakes with town planners, councils and the like.

    What if you met someone at the event that led you to a deal that was tens of thousands undervalue or you met a JV partner there.

    I'm away at a bootcamp in Brisbane at that time, otherwise I would have attended just to further cement my own learnings so far.

    This is a reasonable price for education. I'm not having a go at you, however folks,  if you consider things like this expensive, consider the cost of ignorance or a lack of knowledge particularly if you're going down the developing path.

    Profile photo of give90

    thanks for your comments. that’s exactly what i was after; an opinion from someone unconnected to MA. just for the record, i always enjoy reading your posts; they usually display knowledge and wisdom.

    Profile photo of Michael 888

    Thank you grace,

    If you end up attending, let us know what benefit you got out of it.

    As far as development books, Ron Forlee's – Australian Resi Prop Development is a good one at around $ 35.00 (I think) and also Bob Andersen – Resi Real Estate Development (bit more pricey at around $100. I bought mine thru the API mag)

    Profile photo of houselmphouselmp
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Give90

    I went to one of Martin Ayles seminars for 2 days in 2007 in Adelaide and I got my money back + heaps more on my on my first development. He gives you clear and detail explanations. He starts with how to purchase a property and to identify development opportunities, dangers to avoid etc. He then goes to expain all the steps of the development.  In one of the exercises he had numerous plans for us to read and as groups we had to come up with suggesting changes to cut costs of the building. (These were his own plans which he had modified to decrease costs).  In my first development soon after the course, I was able to look at my plans and made a few changes. I showed my builder both plans. He was quite surprised and told me I had saved about 15 K through changes I had done in the plans. As the building progressed I identified another area I had missed out which could have saved me a further 5K. I can use this for my next project.  All these changes made no difference to my final sell price. So I think spending the money for his course gave me huge returns. I will certainly suggest it to anyone – my belief is you will get your moneys worth not once or twice but heaps back, in just your first project, ie if you take it on board and use what he teaches you.

    I have no building or trade background and yet I was able to use his material. cheers and all the best


    Profile photo of Kerstin_MKerstin_M
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    That seems expensive but from the replies also sounds like something worth it.

    Let us know how you liked it!

    Profile photo of give90

    thanks for your detailed reply houseimp. i'll let you know what i think.

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