All Topics / General Property / Asbestos tiles

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  • Profile photo of MaddoMaddo
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1


    I was just reading some previous entries on this forum about asbestos and read about asbestos backed tiles.

    I have a house with lino tiles which were laid in the 80's. They are a hard lino. 

    Are there any suggestions as to how I can find out if they are asbestos backed or not?


    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    The only way to know is to have a sample tested by a lab. It is not worth the risk , and don't listen to people who think they can tell just by looking at it.


    Profile photo of sallyann

    It's an absolute bugger for the lab to test too, due to the resinous nature. Most commonly those tiles were 1960s and 1970s however it's still possible in the 1980s. Personally I would remove it "as if" it contained asbestos. There are guidelines for safe removal on the WA health dept website at .

    If you wanted a lab test you'd be looking at around the $100 mark and make sure you use a lab NATA certified for asbestos.

    Profile photo of mackersmackers
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 7

    As I stated before in a previous post about asbestos, being someone who removes these tiles on a daily basis and a licensed and insured asbestos removalist.

    AND I REALLY WISH PEOPLE who are posting on these websites about asbestos would first understand that if they have a comment about it yes ok fair enough make a valid point but do not mislead people into believing that it is going to cost an arm or a leg to get it tested or have it removed when they do not know anything about it clearly,

    There are a few companies around to test these tiles and no they won’t cost you 100 bucks a test. The basic testing would be about 30 to 50 bucks depending on which lab you use

    Companies I suggest you use are as follows. Noel Arnold and associates, Parsons Brinkerhoff, if you are in any other state then Queensland but if you’re in Queensland then you might like to also try Queensland audits or Queensland Laboratories

    They will do test of your tiles,  a couple of things to mention here first under the code of practice in part 12.2 it talks of how to remove the tiles and how to do it properly. You can download the code from IT IS INPORTANT TO NOTE AT THIS POINT THAT NO OTHER STATE CODE OVER RIDES THIS CODE OF PRACTISE AND ANYONE WHO SAYS IT DOES IS WRONG the nohsc which is now the Australian compensation councils code is the ONLY CODE for safe removal of asbestos. While other states may have their own requirements for reporting or the requirements for removal they do not have the power to override this code. Take it from a person who is dealing with these issues on a daily basis. As from April 2005 although some states still had their own code of practice while there was a change over period they decided to adopt the NHOSC CODE AS A BASIC INDUSTRY STANDARD.

    Again as I previously posted three things to take into account

    Is the person you’re engaging to do the removal licensed?

    Are they insured for asbestos removal which will be standalone insurance for asbestos liability and not PUBLIC LIABILTY?

    And are they doing it in accordance with the code of practice.

    If your tiles are on concrete then you may have to grind the floor to remove the asbestos backing from within the glue matrix. If you have to do it this way, it is a requirement that the room be encapsulated and also that it is under negative air pressure. With a five stage decontamination unit being used many of the not so professional companies will try and use a three stage but insist they follow the code and in 10.2.3 of the code it shows the requirements for a decontamination unit being a five stage and has the picture for everyone to see.

    Basic costs for this will be. Around 50 to 75 dollars a square meter if you are in Queensland, other states have their own price structures dependant on the local companies and who is available to do it.

    My suggestion to you would be a couple of things.

    1 makes sure the tiles are tested contact a lab

    2 if the tiles come back positive then engage an asbestos removal company who can handle the problem for you. If you are in Queensland you can contact the AIA asbestos industries association and if you are in New South Wales you can contact the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association as for the other states I’m sure they will have a similar association. For a list of recommended removalist who can handle your job.

    3 do not mess around with asbestos as there is a simple fact but an important one here. ASBESTOS KILLS and in the wrong hands there is no doubt about that. All we can do is try and eliminate the risk of the chance of it killing us by handling it in the correct and proper fashion and following the code

    Profile photo of sallyann

    The price I estimated was based on WA single sample prices. Sure you could get prices as low as $60 but not for one sample, as there is a batch fee as well.

    And although the Codes for removal are national, the Regulations differ state by state including the regs on when you need a licensed removalist. In WA you don't need a licensed removalist for tiles. If in doubt I suggest calling the Dept of Health and/or the WorkSafe/WorkCover/Safework in your state.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Something you may consider, if the tiles are in good condition, lay your new finish over the top of them.

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