All Topics / Value Adding / Painting over wood panelling??Some advise please?

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  • Profile photo of mez67

    Hi! I am looking at a doing a basic cosmetic reno on one of my properties. It has dark wood panels on every wall. It is not worth ripping it all off as the house is a real cheapie but I was wondering if anyone has done this? If so what was the end result like and any tips?



    Profile photo of mez67

    BTW I should clarify it is thin panels that i suspect is a type of laminate to give a wood look and is not real timber. Also is on all interior walls. Thanks

    Profile photo of harbharb
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 324

    Depending on whats under them I'd rip them out and either fix some new plaster boards over it or just patch the holes. Painting over the panels would probably make them look worst then they do now.

    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    It sounds like you have random grooved ply, and I agree with harb that it will look crap if painted.


    Profile photo of mez67

    Thanks guys. Sounds as if the best option is to leave as is. Thanks for your input.

    Profile photo of SquirrelSquirrel
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 12

    We had an old house with panelling like this in one room.  As we were watching pennies with the reno, we used the white knight stuff and then painted over it in a cream coloured paint… came up a treat for a rental property – made a huge difference to the room.

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