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  • Profile photo of yarpos

    In recent days the Victorian govt came out with this;

    any thoughts on the impact on values in coastal, marina, key developments?  especially if other state govts join the bandwagon

    Profile photo of harbharb
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 324

    Probably a push by tree-huggers inside the gov. to save our foreshores from future developments and buy back the land on the cheap. They must be from the place where they stopped the wind generators from going ahead because of 1-2 suicidal parrots flying into the blades .
    If the guy wants to build near water on his own block let him, who cares that the sea may rise between 18 – 100cm in 100 years? I doubt that he'll care about it by then.
    Most marina developments in the past few years have already had the predicted rise in sea level worked into them. Port Wakefield in SA looks like is having problems getting off the ground and I think one of the developments just South of Mandurah in WA got knocked back recently as well so you could be right about the bandwagon.
    I'm thinking that it'd be good news for the existing marina,coastal estates as the scarcity factor would push up the prices. Someone who can afford a waterfront property now is not likely to be around in 100 years anyway so the predictions are irrelevant even if they were proven to be right.

    I taught the media stopped all that "save yourselves, head for the hills" nonsense after Y2K but looks like it didn't take them long to find some other reason to spread gloom and doom and sell more papers. I hope they go ahead with the class action and take the council to the cleaners as well as the media for spreading the rumors.  Also I'd like to see the "experts" accurately predict the rise in sea level over the next 100 weeks instead of 100 years and if it turns out they are right then fine, continue to pay their wages. But if they are wrong have them charged with spreading fear and terrorizing the population, confiscate their assets and locked them up for at least 30 year.

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    yarpos wrote:
    In recent days the Victorian govt came out with this;

    any thoughts on the impact on values in coastal, marina, key developments? especially if other state govts join the bandwagon

    I've been holidaying/visiting on the Mornington Peninsula for the last 40 years, and now live in Dromana.

    The tide marks have not moved one millimetre in all that time, and the sea is still as cold in winter and is warm in summer as it ever was.

    As was said in the last post; D&G, sky is falling etc – but what is really scary is that the hype is driven by the realisation by many who push the Global Warming barrow is that there is money to be made out of the program, and everyone sits around puts their hands in their pocket for a donation and blindly believes it all.

    Profile photo of units4meunits4me
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 90

    The GW money making juggernaught continues to roll along. Further fuelled by governments worldwide, keen to embrace anything green.

    Profile photo of bardonbardon
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 557
    units4me wrote:
    The GW money making juggernaught continues to roll along. Further fuelled by governments worldwide, keen to embrace anything green.

    Environmentalism is the new facism,

    These guys are going to tax you for carbon usage its a big well orcherstated con to keep you controlled in fear and taxed, its actually going to get cooler, brrr its a bit chilly tonight

    Profile photo of yarpos

    Marc……….maybe a move to Red Hill?  the new beachside opportunity for 2050…….

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    yarpos wrote:
    Marc……….maybe a move to Red Hill? the new beachside opportunity for 2050…….

    I hope you are joking about 2050? You can't be serious.

    I used to live in Red Hill – for 2.5 years actually, then we moved to Dromana.

    Nice area, but the weather is crap up there. You can't believe the difference from Dromana, which is only about 3 miles away and on the beach.

    I'll take my chances on being drowned, but our house is on the Arthur's Seat Hill, about half way up.

    Given that the last time the water lever was anywhere near the top of Athur's Seat (if it ever was) was a few hundred million years ago, I think we are safe for a while.

    I'm more worried about a shark getting me in the Bay than GW – and I think there has been only one fatality from shark attack in Port Phillip Bay in Melb's history?

    Profile photo of yarpos

    yes it was my little joke….It was the only high country I could remember down there (wife drags me to the Red Hill markets)

    Arthurs seat sounds excellent also….a nice part of the world…..please report in if you see that tide line creeping up

    Profile photo of NOVONOVO
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 12

    Correction…..Environmentalism is not the new fascism……. it's the new REALISM.

    By the way….. the earth is round not flat, or so the scientists say….. but what would they know?!!!……….

    Maybe it's not the tree-huggers spreading these "rumours".  Maybe it's some smart property investors getting ready to snap up all those coastal properties that are going to plummet in value as the fear sets in. Problem is, they'll have to wait 100 years to see if the scientists are in fact wrong!  


    Profile photo of KevinVKevinV
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    I personally think the big bad Global Warming boogie man is a complete scam, dreamed up to sell newspapers and get cheap publicity for crank scientists.

    I work in the computer industry, and I can assure you that our current state of the art computer technology is not capable of modelling complex weather and climate patterns with any more reliablilty than the daily newspaper horoscope. 

    I have seen so many of these orchestrated scares in my time that I totally ignore them now.

    If the levels of global warming that are predicted actually happen, there will be so many billions of people in low lying parts of Asia and Africa affected that we will have worldwide famine, homelessness and wars as millions of refugees move to higher ground and swamp the people already living there .   The last thing on our minds will be a few waves lapping at the door of our coastal property.  

    But to move on to more constructive matters, I have just put in an offer on a unit in Batehaven and hope to take ownership of it in the next few weeks.   Its right opposite the beach, 100 metres to shops,  walk to clubs, tennis, golf course etc.    Really looking forward to getting my hands on it.

    Does anyone know if there is a good thread on this site that discusses the pros and cons of renting out beachside units as either permanent rental versus short-term holiday let?

    I have done a quick search on the site using keywords "holiday" and "let" but got swamped with results, most irrelevant.
    I need to find out a few details about what standard of  furniture and fitings I should build the place up to, whether its a good idea to let a Real Estate agency manage the lettings or should I use one of the internet sites and DIY the lettings (could be difficult with me based in Canberra).

    Would love to hear about other people doing the same thing, success and horror stories both welcome.


    Profile photo of BaysideBayside
    Join Date: 2018
    Post Count: 64

    Coastal markets are a great investment in the recent capital city market downturns. Holiday and regional markets are the best performers. The Mornington Peninsula has the best growth ever!

    Read these articles:


    Coastal markets 2019

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