All Topics / Help Needed! / Claiming depreciation

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  • Profile photo of kris07

    Hi everyone!

    I'm in the process of completing my first reno on an IP. I was wondering how depreciation on the renovated items can be claimed?

    Any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    Profile photo of yarpos

    part of this depends on the situation,  are you renovating prior to first rental?   in between leases? 

    ATO has some downloadable PDF files which discuss this and provide tables to guide you on what categories of items are depreciated or claimed over what period

    quote from ATO site


    There are two categories of rental property expenses you can claim:

    • expenses for which you can claim an immediate deduction in the income year you paid them, like council rates, repairs, insurance and loan interest, and
    • expenses that are deductible over a number of years like borrowing costs, creating structural improvements and costs of depreciating assets.

    You can’t claim costs associated with acquiring or disposing of a property, but they may form part of the cost base of the property for capital gains tax purposes.

    Renovation costs and costs to repair damage, defects or deterioration upon purchasing a property cannot be claimed as an immediate deduction. These costs are capital expenditure and generally must be claimed as either decline in value deductions over the asset’s effective life, or as capital works deductions over 25 or 40 years.'

    Profile photo of kris07

    Thanks for your response.

    The nature of my renovations would be classed as "initial repairs" therefore they would be considered capital expenditure.

    Is the only way to obtain a depreciation schedule is via a quantity surveyor? Are there any other options available?


    Profile photo of yarpos

    If you are trying to get the full picture (property+renovations) then you probably need a quantity surveyor the estimate the original cost and age of the base property and include current reno (assume real cost of that was tracked).

    If you are just talking about your reno costs then you could do it yourself in Excel but would need to get the ATO doc to correctly categorise aspects of the reno for you capital works deduction……or just add it to the price of property to reduce CGT down the track when you sell (dont know how much we are talking about)

    Profile photo of magic32magic32
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 49

    My understanding is that the reno can be depreciated by your accountant based on cost of the renos, but the rest of the property you will need as QS.

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