All Topics / Help Needed! / Park trent properties group

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  • Profile photo of ColB

    Parksy your email isn't working, I've sent you a couple and they keep bouncing back.  Please check or provide another. 

    Profile photo of CorianderCoriander
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    To all who have been stung by Park Trent,

    I believe the only way to get authorities like the ACCC etc… to pay attention is through group action. We need to get all the information we individually have on this company and make a formal (and combined) complaint. A good lawyer needs to be consulted – hopefully at not too much extra costs as I am sure that everyone (like us) has lost far too much money already – however good legal advice is definately needed if we are to succeed.

    Anyone who is interested in contacting me can do so at:

    I have already been in contact with DParkes and we have very similar stories, there must be others out there. I am involved in the D2 student accommodation building in Melbourne, however anyone who is involved with Park Trent should be able to lodge a complaint.

    Profile photo of ColB

    I'm with you Coriander.  I've just spoken to DParkes as well.  And very much in agreement. 

    Profile photo of Dezzodarling

    I see that both my posts have been deleted by the administrator at the behest of Park Trent.

    Well –  dah ??!!!

    What else would they do when I was so specific in my condemnation of their modus operendi – send me a lotto ticket that is as sure to be a winner as their investment schemes ??
    I have never heard of anyone being sued for libel when they spoke the truth, with hard evidence to back up their statements.  And the fact that many others have come forward with the same story, both those who have been censored and well as those who have been published, is proof sufficient that my statements are well founded!
     Word of mouth has already spread far and wide and I will continue in my efforts to spread the TRUTH !

    So Mr. Administrator, stick your editorializing where the sun don't shine.

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 131

    Hi Dezzodarling,

    Considering your posts were removed about 8 months ago, we can't exactly give you a break down on why that happened. From memory and from reading my previous comments, they were highly inflammatory and tactless. It's fine to post your experience with a company (as long as it falls under fair comment), but it's not ok to open yourself (and us) up to legal action by carelessly writing content that could easily be construed as libel. We agree that this can sometimes be a grey area. As Steve said:

    "With this in mind, we simply request that people who make posts stick to the facts and keep as much emotion and opinion out as possible."

    In Australia, libel laws are very biased towards the "injured" party. It is mostly up to you to prove your claims, and not the plaintiff to disprove them.

    If you are indeed "speaking the truth" about absolutely everything you say and you do not want to adopt a more careful tone or to be less derogatory, then please post some of this "hard evidence to back it up". Posting your contact details would also go a long way in proving that you're willing to stand by whatever you have to say; rather than hiding behind the anonymity of a public forum and expecting to defend your claims.

    Profile photo of hc_andyhc_andy
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4
    Linar wrote:
    Dparkes and Coriander

    Why weren't your contracts subject to finance?


    I hope this is a learning lesson for those new to property investing (myself included). Always make sure any finance contract is "subject to finance". You wouldn't believe how many disreputable real estate agents and sales rep will knowingly forget about this when you are signing the contract unless you specifically tell them to include it. 

    I feel sorry for those who have signed the contract without the "subject to finance" clause because I'm not sure there's much you can do about it now except to make a complaint to Dept of Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs Victoria and see how they can help you.

    When we dealt with Park Trent, we made sure they included the "subject to finance" clause in the contract. When things went sour and finance could not be found by their brokerage arm, we opted out of the contract and spent a good few months battling them to get all of our money back which we eventually did in the end.

    Profile photo of Dezzodarling

    Mr. Moderator,

    By your own admission you did not see my original posts. Yet you use words like "libelous" and "defamatory" very freely.  Had you read my posts, you would have discovered that I wrote down in a very detailed manner the modus operendi of Parktrent.  But if you want to really discover the truth oabout your client, whom you are so vehemently protecting, check into some of the properties they are selling yourself – Pakenham in Vic is one, and others which have been named in several other posts. You will find that the Parktrent prices are anything upwards of 30% higher than the market rate 2 years ago, and of course an absolute disaster today for anyone foolish enough to have been roped in.

    I am sure the Tax department would be very happy to hear their salesmen using phrases like "have an interstate holiday on the tax dept. –  buy interstate, and use your rpoperty as an excuse to take a holiday, and claim all expenses as a visit as "checking out" your property, which you will visit for 5 minutes – the law does not state that a vist must be either legitimate or of any worth, so you aren't breaking the law" etc etc..

    Get real. We have your interests at heart,  or do you want to be tarnished with the same brush.

    Profile photo of TazaTaza
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 8

    has anyone had any dealings with them the past year interested to know good or bad, especially in the Pakenham area, and has anyone gone to these Gala Balls they have would be interested in any feedback thanks

    Profile photo of Goran1981


    we have bought a house in melbourne in JUNE 2007 and were promised that it will be completed 6-8 months from the day of our signature.  today it is OCT 2009 (28 months later) and the house is still not complete.

    THIS HAS COST US 10'S OF thousands of dollas in rental losses and interest repayments.
    they have completely washed their hands off the responsibilty and have placed in on the builder and the insurance company to sort out.

    once again, they are just a poor real estate agency with elaborate marketing schemes and no experience in building and construction.


    Profile photo of Goran1981


    we have been stung by Park Trent Properties (NSW) Cross Country Realty (VIC)

    will never deal with them again

    happy to go to ACCC ot ACA if need be, since i do not have money for lawyers.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Dont worry guys a representative of Park Trent will probably complain and have your posts edited shortly.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of fishngymfishngym
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 49

    If you want to buy hassle free, overpriced property then they offer the product that you're after.

    I recently had an appointment to find out about their NRAS products as I couldn't get any info without an appointment.

    I appreciated the efforts that their staff made to enable the appointment but they squirmed when I had a few questions for them.
    You should have seen the staff member's reaction when I told them that if i did intent to attend their 4 hr assessment session (which you have to pay for) that I would not be buying on the day and would perform my own due dilligence once they provide me with all the details (I couldn't get any info about any of their properties during this first appointment)

    The staff member seemed shocked that I would compare their prices to its true market value. I was presented with three "thank you Park Trent" letters to assure me of the sale prices. I explained to the staff member that if I offered them a dwelling for sale, they would assess its value and compare it to the asking price.

    I feel for the staff member who attended as they seemed genuine and made a lot of effort to visit me but unfortunately a lot of questions went unanswered and I have not received any follow up phone calls about any of their NRAS properties.

    It was probably a waste of everyone's time in the end. Best of luck.

    Profile photo of martin60martin60
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    We have bought a property with one of the agents from park trent that is due to settle soon.( the agent is a relative and has now been promoted to state manager) We have only been told settlement date has been moved closer by 3-4 months in the last 2 weeks.
    Was it ethical for an agent of the company to buy half this property while he was selling the development.
    Anyone with advice could you please help as we are unable to settle, are financial circumstances have changed, and the agent wants to be our share out for less than we put in, therefore incurring a substantial loss !!!! 

    Profile photo of god_of_moneygod_of_money
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 970

    I still don't understand after reading posts after posts re: Park Trent
    Why not just stop dealing with them from the begining…. It is important to do
    extensive search of the company before dealing with them.

    With the liberation of internet with google search engine, therefore you can get the info
    in matter of seconds

    Profile photo of kwarriorkwarrior
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 14

    Very Interesting….ahem! I have an appointment with them soon…all I want to know is this NRAS stuff…
    For those that had their first meeting with them, were they helpful in understanding this NRAS ?


    Profile photo of LinarLinar
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 567

    For crying out loud, I can't believe that people are still asking for feedback on this group.  Have you people not read this thread?

    Profile photo of

    This is easily solved guys,

    Ring the department of fair trading and give the names of the people in the sales process … every person !!!!!!!

    Are they licensed to sell investment properties … are all the sales people LREAs … what is is their financial services number for giving financial advise … ring the ACCC … if they say they have PS 146 quote section 42 of the trade practices act … go straight to Gail …

    If people are stupid and lose their money "caveat emptor" then stupid people will always lose money and they deserve not to have it.

    Profile photo of glaucusglaucus
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 14

    The answer is no.
    Had dealings with PT?
    Check your contracts, is there any signatures from the actual people you dealt with?
    The licensee is a phantom.

    Profile photo of

    Thankyou for yr one honest or first post glaucus …


    Any person dealing with an unlicensed company buying an investment product has no protection in a court of law and will not get their money back.

    The ASIC – ACCC – TDFT will fine these people then tell you that you were stupid to deal with such people in fthe first place – thats after 2 years fighting them in court and they have started another company in a different name.

    LINAR – you and I can never stop this from happening it is amasing how stupid some people are on this site – uneducated looking to get rich qiuck.

    Today I got an emaqil from a finance company selling and advertising to sell investment properties – THIS IS ILLEGAL – please don't believe me ring TDFT

    Any person standing on stage advising people how to "invest" "make money" "buy multipul properties" etc etc will soon be required to have an advisors licience because they are GIVING FINANCIL ADVISE.

    IF you are being "sold" by a slick sales person ask for their license and watch them run – ask for an independant solicitor – get seperate advise – ring the DFT or LOSE YOUR MONEY

    Ask yourself this one question

    Am I stupid or intelligent

    if you can't answer either or both you are in the wrong forum

    hahahahahahah or splet differently  aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Profile photo of robrichardsrobrichards
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Hi I am trying to get a clear picture of ParkTrent. Unfortunately most of the negative responses here are too emotional for me to take much away from and those that arent emotional give advise only and no evidence of what went wrong.

    I would rather not get a response from those elitist that think that people are foolish for asking questions on this topic in this forum..this only makes you seem overly biased and not helpful.

    The question I have is derived from a common thread that I see from within all the negative responses posts so far. Namely the disparities between ParkTrent and Easyplan finance company.

    Is it possible that problems occur only when finance is derived from Easyplan…is Easyplan the problem?

    I would like a response from someone who was financed through their own Banks and who bought a land package please. This is my intended direction with these guys and I cant see a problem with it.

    Any success stories, any failures within these parameters?



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