All Topics / Finance / Signature Financial Solutions – To all who would like to save money

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  • Profile photo of britt0079

    I have noticed over the last couple of days that Signature Financial solutions has been copping a battering on this website and I would like to set the record STRAIGHT!

    I have been dealing with Signature Financial Solutions on my refinance and would like to give a glowing recommendation for the professional service I received.

    I opted to take the monitoring package with them that only cost $3000. This optional charge was placed on my Home Loan and I did not even feel the charge. They provide me with monthly budgets and come around to my house to make sure that I am always getting the best value on my mortgage. My consultant named VIV, is extremely helpful and also reminded me that I did not need to take the monitoring option, but he suggested that it was great value for money. This I totally agree with.

    I have saved every month since I re financed with them, and I am reaping the rewards because of it.

    The staff was professional and very helpful.

    The reason I choose to move my home loan over was because I wanted to save money on my monthly outgoings to give my family a better life style and to stop being ripped off by my Bank!

    Just to let you know the staff at Signature Financial Solutions is now on my Christmas card list, as I am over the moon with the result they were able to give me.

    In conclusion I would recommend you call them on 1300 782 090 or check them out on

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Thanks for the useful contribution on your opening post.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of distraught consumer

    Well Unfortunately my experience wasnt as wonderful.

    However I am so glad that since there business was registered in mid march over the last 6 weeks to 2 months you have …

    "I have saved every month since I re financed with them, and I am reaping the rewards because of it.

    You are definately feeling some quick results!

    Profile photo of distraught consumer


    Took your advice contacted 1300 782 090, natasa told me the company was owned by someone called brad, could that perhaps be why you your staff are on your christmas list?

    clever and cute but people are allowed to voice their opinion, this is a public forum. If you are unhappy that so many of us have had a bad opinion of your company, you should do a better job and look after your clients interests. So far you and VIV have spent alot of time posting on this forum, how about use the same amount of time to address our concerns.

    Profile photo of don juan

    Hi Brad.

    I really honestly do not mean to be contradictory, but i put in an application through Signature Financial Solutions, my consultants name was denis he was a very nice man, but i couldnt get much information about the company from him. Then last week I tried to see if anyone here had heard of them and VIV who was your consultant came on the forum and was quite rude to me saying that i was probably a disgruntled ex employe of the company. I was a little offended because i just wanted more information.

    Can I ask how long you have had your loan with the company, and also the fee of $3000 is that really optional? I was quoted close to $5000 is that right?  I have an application with another finance company but i really want to make a good decision.


    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    You probably wont hear from Brad again as it was his first post and was purely here to promote his own business.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of god_of_money

    I don't believe that ANYONE could decrease the loan repayment by monitoring?? what kind of crapt?
    What kind of monitoring is that? Could you elaborate more about it?

    I thought that the quickest ways to pay off the loan are increase your payment or decrease the interest rate.
    I don't believe on 'fancy' software.
    I would rather inject my A$5000 into my loan. This is call 'saving much' and  not into someone pocket.


    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Exactly Donald

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of britt0079

    Hi to all

    Richard, firstly I would like to thank you for your first reply for my first post to the site as I only posted to assist others with some useful information.

    Don, If your reply was to be directed to me then I should inform you my name is Mark (my nick name is brady). Don I only put this post up to let others know of the great service I'm recieving from Signature. In relation to your questions of the loan that took up, I did not post on this forum because I wanted to be a salesperson for the company, but I will say that with the $3000 was optional and because I am not as financial minded as some I though it was a good idea to take it up.
    With your other question I wouldn't know what they told you.

    Richard and Donald
    Again I say, that the reason that I posted was to let others know of the pleasant and professional service I have received from Signature and I would appreciate If you would not make assumption of me.

    Ps I wish all who are truely looking for a loan to have an experience like mine just give them a call.



    Profile photo of don juan

    Hi Mark,

    I am glad your name is not brad becasue when i rang them, on your suggestion natassa the girl that answered said that the name of the owner is Brad and that VIV is his father, I must admit that that made me feel a little suspicious, but I am glad you have cleared that up.

    Also I am just curious, you didnt answer my question of when you took out the loan. The reason i ask is that i think it is great that your loan has been reducing every month since getting the loan with signature, i am also a little confused because when i did an asic search Signature Financial Solutions has only been registered for roughly 2 months.
    I am just curious about how long it took for the loan process to go through for you to reap the benefits "every month"???

    Hi Richard / Donald:

    My other application is with My Loan My Way through ING and the interest rate is quite good, have you had any dealing with this company in the past, any information you could pass on?

    Thanks so much,


    Profile photo of god_of_money

    Dear Mark alias Brad,
    Since you are one of their 'loyal' customer,

    Could you explain to us by what mean that monitoring of the loan can reduced the principal/interest rates/payment substantially?

    I am happy to triple the commision if they can showed it to me?

    Hi Don,

    Dunno anything about myloan my way.

    I prefer myrate since the rate is only 8.59% with the same lender ING



    Profile photo of AdminAdmin
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    Signature Financial have been in contact with us over recent weeks requesting to have flame posts removed complaining that the criticism was harsh and defamatory and posted by a result of a disgruntled customer.

    We honoured their requests, but now for this ‘positive’ post to appear by a brand new member… it smacks of something not quite right. That is, the negative posts have been removed and now we have only the positive left.

    If the other posts were unbalanced by being negative, to have them removed and for this post to remain is too far doctored in the positive.

    Those posts removed complained of a bad experience with this company, so in the least, it is prudent to remind all readers that we all ought to research the integrity of any company we have financial dealings with – and that includes when borrowing money.

    This post is made with the view of providing a balanced opinion. We have not had any dealings – good or bad – with Signature Financial and therefore pass no comment about their business practices.

    Profile photo of god_of_money

    Hi Brad,

    I m still very keen awaiting for your answer!!!
    Can you elaborate about your 'so called' mortgage monitoring to reduce the debt?
    If u think that Signature financial is so great, please share it with the forum?



    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    Maybe he hasnt got upto that section of the Sales manual yet.

    Sure an answer will be forthcoming when he has.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of don juan

    Hi Don / Richard,

    Do not worry about him posting a reply again. When you right click on his profile name and view the shortcut, his user name is actually Brad Smith.

    That is also the name of the Owner of Signature Financial Solutions according to the receptionist.

    Mystery Solved

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Hi All,

    I havn't been on the site for a while, but I was doing a google search about this company and I found this post, so I read on and go all this insight that I wouldn't have from their website, so I came to relise how valuable this site can be and had a bit of a smile as I read on…  Thanks.

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    When you right click on his profile name and view the shortcut, his user name is actually Brad Smith.
    That is also the name of the Owner of Signature Financial Solutions according to the receptionist.

    Thanks Don mystery solved.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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