All Topics / General Property / Business confidence lowest since 9/11…how do you feel

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  • Profile photo of gmh454

    Business confidence is lowest since 9/11, (they must have all lunched their margin loans) how does everyone else feel.

    Funny how we are having a once in a lifetime business boom yet confidence is so low.

    Wonder if everyone spent their pennies before they banked them.

    Or maybe the BOOM stops at the very top end of town, and in the dust of a few country towns, and does not spread mitself too far at all.

    Profile photo of Scott No Mates

    What happened on the 9th of November & what year?

    Profile photo of blogsblogs
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 418
    Scott No Mates wrote:
    What happened on the 9th of November & what year?

    Been living in a cave for long? lol try the 11th of september…Im not to sure of the facts, there wasnt really much media cover but Im pretty sure there were a couple of plane crashes or something and maybe a building collapse or two?

    Profile photo of Scott No Mates

    Oh, you mean 11/9 not 9/11!

    Profile photo of TheBishTheBish
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 59

    Hello gmh454

    Interesting comment!!

    I haven't seen things this depressed for quite some time. As usual though the media tends to blow things a bit out of proportion – we do still have full employment.

    The next year or so is going to be very interesting, if employment takes a hit look out for some serious bargains in real estate.

    My only regret is I haven't got access to a stockpile of cash, been pumping it into shares and property over last 2 years.

    Bottom line is I think we may look back on this year and say – "I wish we'd bought more property back then"


    Profile photo of gmh454
    TheBish wrote:
    Bottom line is I think we may look back on this year and say – "I wish we'd bought more property back then"


    Sort of agree, but from history I think we will look back and say wish I had bought property in 2010 – why buy when going down, always try to buy when it picks up, between now and then cash will be king.

    As an example I am locked in on rates that are less than what my super fund (cash) is earning. Very strange feeling first time in my life the bank has been paying me more than I pay it,

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