All Topics / Creative Investing / Rick Otton’s Rent 2 Own Pack and Massive Passive Income Pack

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  • Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 12

    Couple days ago, some one offered me Rick Otton's Rent 2 Own Pack for sale.

    As far as I know, this pack is about lease option/sandwich lease option. Is this pack the same as Massive Passive Income Pack,  or just the previous version of it?

    Should I buy it or I need the Massive Passive Pack to do lease option/sandwich lease option? Thank you.

    Profile photo of Paul DobsonPaul Dobson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,196

    Hi Hengjin

    We have the Massive Passive Pack and I'd probably go with it as it has the most up to  date information.

    If I was starting out into Lease Options and Sandwich Lease Options, I'd be after the most comprehensive, Australian based, reference resource I could find.  May I suggest you have a look at what else is is available.  So far I haven't found anything that compares but you may ;-)  I hope this helps.

    Cheers,  Paul

    Paul Dobson | Vendor Finance Institute
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    An alternative way to finance your home.

    Profile photo of marleimarlei
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

     We have just finished Rick Otton's bootcamp, was interested in the mentoring but can't afford it at the moment. I want to buy one of the packs or both maybe if I can get a good deal make lots of money then do Go Direct. Has anybody out there an opinion on which pack is better or both good. I notice lots of previous comments but nothing recently. Also has anybody done Go Direct and would you recommend it and why. 

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518


    Probably depends on what price they are selling it for.

    Profile photo of sydneyguysydneyguy
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    Hi there,

    I actually own the Rent 2 Own Pack and would like to sell it because
    my girlfriend and I are travelling overseas from January.

    I bought the course for almost $3,000 but would be willing
    to sell it for much, much less. So make an offer.

    Just email me if you're interested: archive AT 


    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    Hi, how much for your wrap kit.
    Please contact me:

    Profile photo of propertychickpropertychick
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Jack,

    Do you still have the pack?


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