All Topics / Heads Up! / Mentor / Property Clubs in Perth
Hi all
Does anyone know of any good investment clubs or networks in Perth that can help out with support and / or mentoring? How did you learn all about property – did you have anything like this?
I've had my property for 3 years now and am looking to buy my 2nd. However being a young investor I still have a LOT to learn, and would love to meet with other like-minded people to increase my knowledge base.
I've had a look at "The Investors Club" run by Kevin Young but to be honest I'm a bit skeptical about that..
Thank you
anyone ?
HI Mooki,
What do you want to get out of it and how much do you want to spend?
What about R.E.S.U.L.T.S? The one run by Steve (owner of this website in case you didn't know) or
I joined sourcewealth Momentum Program in January this year – $7k and my partner is starting with RESULTS this year (june 2008). Both have different strategies and both have their pros and cons – depends what you're really looking for.Email me if you have any more detailed questions!
Good LuckHi
I attend a meeting called WAIP Western Australians Investing in Property. We meet the last Wednesday of every month in Burswood (not the casino). We have various people in the industry talk eg accountants, settlement agents etc followed by a 'real deal' (someone presents a deal that they are/have done) then a chance to network. It cost $10 to cover the cost of the room and tea and coffee.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list just let me know. They are very informative meetings and you get to meet like minded people.
Hey Vstar
checked out the R.E.S.U.L.T.S Program it look very good and am very interested in this though i have limitations to this as
i work away on the mines and i live in Perth and i think i would find it difficult to attend the meetings which i feel would be a good motivator.
i also had a look at source wealth and they seem to have information nights in Perth though they dont display the cost of this evening..
is there a website for WAIP or any additional infoAsk and you shall recieve
Hi Mooks,
We don’t have a website or newsletter (yet!) but WAIP meets monthly and I’m posting the details of the next meeting today. it is open to everyone with an interest in property investing. We have people who are looking to start investing through to seasoned investors. Some have done the RESULTS programme, some have been with ASPIRE some are from the Somersoft forum. Doesn’t matter. We all come together to network and learn.
$10 to come, to cover room hire
email me if you are interested Next meeting Wed 25th June 6.30 pm We have two guest speakers and one is coming from Melbourne just for this event . It’s going to be a great night.
Hi Mooks
If you're interested in real estate development we have an online program that takes you step-by-step through the entire process. Our members get to use all our resources including our tools, templates and checklists. If you would like to find out more visit our website or email us at
Adrian and Amber Zenere
http://www.RealEstateDevelopmentClub.comHi Mooki,
We have a group that meets once a month in Perth called the Property Investor Network. Anyone from any state can join though and get access to information on the website. Benefit is that it is free. You can check it out at
Kind Regards,
Hi Ros
I am an accountant studying CPA at the moment and working fulltime. I would like to get into property thing so if you can include me in the baove mentioned meeting it would be great. Also can you email me the details of the venue at
Thanks Heaps
jebro wrote:Hi Mooks, We don't have a website or newsletter (yet!) but WAIP meets monthly and I'm posting the details of the next meeting today. it is open to everyone with an interest in property investing. We have people who are looking to start investing through to seasoned investors. Some have done the RESULTS programme, some have been with ASPIRE some are from the Somersoft forum. Doesn't matter. We all come together to network and learn. $10 to come, to cover room hire email me if you are interested Next meeting Wed 25th June 6.30 pm We have two guest speakers and one is coming from Melbourne just for this event . It's going to be a great night. Mooks
If you're in Perth then we suggest you check out Jenny's monthly WAIP meetings. Jenny has a lot of great guest speakers.
Adrian and Amber Zenere
To find out more visit: REDclub | REDchannel | REDblog | REDtv | REDDreport | REDmedia | archizen architects
Have you heard of Destiny? Its Margaret Lomas's franchise, they have an office in East Perth and Joondalup. Went along to see them and it looks pretty good to be honest. Not sure what anyone else thinks?
CraigLee wrote:Hi,Have you heard of Destiny? Its Margaret Lomas's franchise, they have an office in East Perth and Joondalup. Went along to see them and it looks pretty good to be honest. Not sure what anyone else thinks?
Hi CraigLee
We personally haven't used Destiny Financial Solutions but as far as Margaret Lomas is concerned you'll find that she has a very good reputation within the industry.
We suggest that you contact some of her past clients for more information. Margaret has a list of them on her website and she has even included their contact emails for you.Regards
Adrian and Amber Zenere
To find out more visit: REDclub | REDchannel | REDblog | REDtv | REDDreport | REDmedia | archizen architects
====================================================================================Hi Adrian & Amber,
Yes I agree – Margaret Lomas is the reason I contacted them in the first place. Thank you very much for your thoughts. Have just joined your website so may see you guys soon.
CraigLee wrote:Hi Adrian & Amber,Yes I agree – Margaret Lomas is the reason I contacted them in the first place. Thank you very much for your thoughts. Have just joined your website so may see you guys soon.
Hi Craig
No problem! Feel free to contact us at if we can help.
Adrian and Amber Zenere
To find out more visit: REDclub | REDchannel | REDblog | REDtv | REDDreport | REDmedia | archizen architects
====================================================================================Hi Mooki,
I don't live in WA, but you might find some of the ideas on my new property investing site useful.
I'm still working on adding pages about heaps of topics from design on a budget to improving rental returns and getting finance creatively, and I'll be adding book recommendations soon too.
There is also another group in WA called momentum wealth, run by damien collins, similar to destiny. Might be worth having a look at, they run a few seminars and are located of lord street in the city
hi there,
am a newbie in ppty, would like to join any property clubs in Perth?
Hi Woga,
Just reading back through some of the earlier posts and there are a number of contacts listed that may be of use to you. While the posts may be a little old you'll probably find the email/website still active.
Thanks for finding this thread Woga, just moved to Perth and was going to ask the same question.
Momentum are still around (I've conversed with Damien a few times) and is up and running with an address in Palmyra. Try as well for local groups that meet up and discuss all things property related
The Vendor Finance Association have a meeting in Perth next Saturday. The details are:
Saturday 8th December
Pagoda Restaraunt
112 Melville Parade (cnr Comer street), Como – 9367-0300
The meeting starts at 9am. If you'd like to have breakfast beforehand, get there a bit earlier.
Cheers, Paul
Paul Dobson | Vendor Finance Institute
Email Me | Phone MeAn alternative way to finance your home.
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